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(619) 630-7174 for appointments
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An Introduction to Dental Veneers

If you don’t know much about dental veneers, you can’t make an informed decision about whether they’re right for you or not. Your dentist can tell you everything you need to know about these quick and painless little pieces that can make a huge difference in your overall appearance, but it’s understandable if you want to have some background knowledge before you talk to your dentist.

Here’s a quick primer for you.

Understanding Dental Veneers

porcelain veneers

Veneers are hand-crafted, custom-made thin sheets of ceramic or porcelain that are carefully shaped to precisely fit on the front surfaces of your most visible teeth. When properly put in by an experienced dental professional, they look perfectly natural because some light is reflected away while some passes through — just like with natural teeth. Covering discolorations as well as minor chips, cracks and other problems is possible, and dentists do these kinds of things with veneers every day.

Essentially, dental veneers are a nearly instant fix for tooth imperfections and even some orthodontic issues.

Just Two Office Visits

Perhaps the best thing about dental veneers is that they can be arranged and installed painlessly in just two quick and simple visits to the dental office. It all starts, of course, with a talk with the dentist to make sure that veneers can do the job for you. Then, you work with the dental office professionals to determine just how things should be. An impression is taken, then the veneers are custom-designed for you. Since etching your natural teeth is necessary to make the adhesive stick, you may be fitted with temporary veneers while you wait for your permanent ones.

When the permanent veneers are ready, you return to the dental office to have them professionally installed. That’s all there is to it. The veneers will last for years with minimal care and professional monitoring.

If you live in San Diego and would like a consultation about dental veneers, visit: http://

Need Braces? You Really Need To Take Some Kind Of Action!

Please understand that if you’re looking into orthodontic treatment, there are alternatives to traditional braces, including veneers in limited cases where the alignment issue isn’t significant. Plus, there are modern Invisalign plastic aligners. But understand this too: if you need orthodontic treatment and don’t get it, there can be serious consequences.

Braces and their alternatives do more than just make your teeth look better. They improve function, prevent jaw problems in some cases and allow you to chew more effectively. They also improve teeth spacing, and this can prevent gum disease and other periodontal issues.

While veneers only cover up problems, both braces and Invisalign cost about the same and deliver the same results: straight, healthy teeth you’ll enjoy showing off.

before and after bracesBut we can’t stress enough that action is preferable to inaction.

There are potentially a lifetime of health consequences when you don’t get braces or something else to correct your teeth spacing and alignment issues. Orthodontic issues can get worse and worse as time goes on, and that can lead to worsening oral health problems — and potentially problems that can’t be corrected at all.

Metal braces usually cost between $3,500 to $6,000. Invisalign costs roughly the same amount for the same person and level of treatment. When confronted with those numbers, most people choose Invisalign, but old-fashioned braces still do the job.

Keep in mind that health insurance may cover a portion of the treatment cost for people who are under age 18. It may also be possible for anyone to purchase supplemental coverage that will help reduce the cost of orthodontic treatment at some practices.

When you carefully consider the alternatives, you’ll see that there’s an affordable way to get the braces you need or one of the alternatives to braces. When faced with the costs involved in a lifetime of dental health issues, the relatively low cost seems even more reasonable.

San Diego residents looking for Cosmetic dental solutions & braces, visit:


Best Holistic Dentist San Diego Has Offers 30 Years Experience And Life Plan

Dentist, Dr. Daniel Vinograd


The best San Diego dentist brings more than 30 years of experience to his patients and offers something unique: a six-point life plan designed to help you get healthy and stay that way. Dr. Daniel Vinograd believes in systemic health and overall wellbeing and offers his patients and the world this series of six life principles:


  1. Eat correctly. For Dr. Vinograd and for you, too, that means eating lower quantities of processed foods and greater quantities of yogurts and other cultured foods. Also, the dentist promotes eating a lot of protein and getting necessary vitamins and mineral from juicing fruits and veggies.
  2. Make your healthcare pros answer questions. There’s no reason to accept the advice of a dentist or doctor just because he or she claims to be an expert. Ask questions and require answers before agreeing to anything.
  3. Choose biocompatible, holistic dentistry for overall health. You shouldn’t have anything put into your body that isn’t compatible with the essence of what humans are. That means no mercury filling and avoidance of metal dental work unless absolutely necessary. Fluoride and toxic chemicals are a no-no too.
  4. Clean your teeth and mouth with ozonated water. Since mouth bacteria can’t live in the presence of oxygen, it make sense to introduce as much oxygen as possible into the mouth to kill more bacteria.
  5. Understand that everything is linked. Good dental health is associated with good overall health. To understand the link, talk to Dr. Vinograd and study up for yourself.
  6. Be a spiritual person. It doesn’t matter what kind of spirituality you practice, but being spiritual enhances overall health. It’s as simple as that.


When you practice these six life principles as prescribed by the best Dentist San Diego has within its city limits, you’ll have a healthier mouth and a better life too.


If you live in the San Diego area, visit San Diego Dentist for a full list of services, or Call (619) 630-7174 for a free consultation with Dr. .


Stem Cell Research: Strides In Dentistry

stem cell research

Pocket Doors – Dental Office Space Savings Miracles

Pocket doors are doors that slide into a wall instead of opening on a hinge

Most conventional doors open on a hinge. For over a century they have been used to save space, in both cramped as well as central areas.

Victorian style homes were often the place for a pocket door used in the home to close off a large area like a sitting room or a den.

Space solutions are what they offer so if you’re looking for a bathroom, closet, or if you have a larger home with an interior French door, these are innovative door solutions to the problems you’ve been trying to solve.

Do You Know Where It Went?

The pocket door is a type of door with obvious benefits. Most of the doors we come to expect to see swing and having been swinging on a door hinge for a long time.

These traditional favorites can take up to 10 square feet of your living space just to give you the space you need to open and close them.

Now a pocket door on the flip side is simply designed to slide into a frame installed within the wall, the space that a conventional style of door occupies (basically a sliding door for a home/office interior).

They are very well suited to tight, difficult to access areas, like half baths and small living areas. Freeing up precious space and making room for furniture and foot traffic.

Super Quiet

The most common reason people used to complain about when it comes to this style of door is the that the older versions ran on runners and rollers with steel components.

This is a screech producing combinations, similar to nails on a chalk board. Not so anymore as the rollers are made from hard nylon material which helps to buffer the grind that metal on metal produces. Deluxe rollers come with ball bearings that also reduce noise to an inconsequential level.

The breakthroughs in runner technology has alleviated the other common problem of pocket doors that would jump their tracks within the wall. Most of the doors in contemporary homes are high quality with no such problems.

The One Drawback of Pocket Doors

They can’t be used anywhere unfortunately.

The have a special frame that houses them so several pre-requisites must be met for them to work properly.

Consider these factors before you have them installed in your home.

  1. It should be apparent that they only work in spaces that have enough interior wall area to accommodate them.
  2. Also pay attention to electrical wiring, plumbing, and ductwork as the door will need to have a clear space without any obstructions for it to function properly.
  3. Last of all the door is going to have a pretty strong frame, pocket doors are not as strong as regular framed doors.

So that being the case you need to avoid installing a pocket door anywhere there’s a need for real strength, as in a load bearing wall like cabinets often found in heavier homes.. however they can be perfect for a dental practice, with the need for so much storage for light weight tools and utensils

A Final Word

Innovative indeed, pocket doors are convenient and space saving with other benefits besides.

A great option for anyone who is handicapped as they provide easy wheel chair access, making it a breeze to navigate the house.

Some of them include multiple very unique designs to choose from for your needs.

Whether for outside, the bathroom, a large room, or a dental office, Pocket doors are very well suited for saving space and offering a convenient option.

Reference – http://knrslidingdoors.com

Invisalign vs Braces For Crooked Teeth

How To Use The 1000mgh Ozonizer For Dental Hygiene


These same ozonizers are available to purchase from: http://www.bodypure.com/product-p/ozonizer.htm

Patient Review for Dr. Vinograd



We appreciate the kind words Nori!

Dental Homeopathy

homeopathyConventional medicine emphasizes treating illness with prescription medicines.  While pharmaceutical medications are useful in many situations, they can have harmful, even fatal, side effect.  In many situations, other treatment options may prove just as effective, without the harmful side effects.

Until modern medicine, homeopathy was widely practiced in the US, and still is in much of Europe.  Homeopathy sees the body as being affected by various elements, both internal and external, all of which contribute to the balance or imbalance of mind, body, and spirit.  Homeopathy holds that all parts of a person are closely tied, and what affects one part affects the rest, and seeks to aid the body in healing itself with safe, nontoxic methods that have no side effects.

The term comes from the Greek homoios, similar, and pathos, sickness.  The idea is that a substance that causes mild symptoms in a healthy person can cure an illness that causes the same symptoms.  Hippocrates wrote about the concept in 400 B.C., and was developed into a therapeutic practice in the 1800s by the German physician Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann and ultimately published in the Materia Medica in 1927.

Traditionally, practitioners tried one remedy at a time until symptoms subsided.  For modern homeopathy, the substances used as remedies have been tested under controlled conditions to determine what symptoms they produce in healthy individuals.  The practitioner observe the patient’s symptoms and prescribes the appropriate remedy.  Using the wrong remedy produces no ill effects, but will not produce any change in symptoms.

Sometimes a successful round of homeopathy can produce a whole new set of symptoms.  Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating that something is out of whack and an attempt to restore balance.  There are many factors that influence balance that restoring balance in one area can reveal another imbalance relating to the root cause of the original symptoms.  You may go through several rounds of symptoms that go progressively deeper until all of the root causes of disease are addressed.  The end goal is to strengthen the immune system so that the body can maintain balance in spite of any external influence.

Homeopathic therapies can be found at any health food store.  Some are sold under the name of the illness they are intended to treat, such as Flu, Asthma, Allergies, Appetite Control, Kidney Stone, etc.  These products are a blend of multiple remedies.  Other products contain a single remedy, which is a good way to start out using homeopathy.  Once you determine how you respond to a specific therapy, then you can read the labels on other products to see which one has the combination that will best suit you.

You may find it helpful to obtain a copy of the Materia Medica.  You may be able to find it at your health food store.  If not, you should be able to find the same information online.  Before using homeopathic remedies, take some time to familiarize yourself with the remedies and the symptoms they are intended to treat.  Be aware that certain strong flavors, such as mint or coffee, or certain strong perfumes or other smells can interfere with the effectiveness of some remedies.

Though homeopathic remedies are safe to use, it is always wise to consult with a physician, especially if you are considering giving a homeopathic remedy to a child or using it while pregnant or nursing.  Many modern doctors are not generally trained in homeopathy, to find one who is, ask at your health food store or look in the yellow pages.

Homeopathic preparation are made through a process called potentization.  Each substances is alternately diluted and vigorously shaken until none of the original substance remains.  Potencies are designated with a number and an X, which represents 10.  The higher the number, the more diluted the remedy, and the stronger it is said to be.  So a 6x is more diluted, and stronger than, a 3x.  You may also see the letter C for 100 in place of the X.

Homeopathic products are available in multiple forms, depending on how it should be used.  Liquid remedies are made as an alcohol extract that is placed under the tongue with a dropper.  Because they are made with alcohol, they should not be given to children.  Pellets and tablets are made with lactose to be dissolved in the mouth and are a better choice for children.  Creams, salves, and ointments are used externally for sore muscles, for disorders of the jaw, or for dental treatments.

Homeopathic remedies should be taken at least 15 minutes before or after eating.  Length of treatment varies from person to person.

To learn how Homeopathy can aide your dental health, call (619) 630-7174.

We Recommend A New Paradigm For Preventing Disease

heartdiseaseThe advice that we’re getting from the medical community over the last decade or so aimed at helping us prevent some of the worst killer diseases like heart attacks, cancer and diabetes has fallen short. When you examine these issues closer and consider some the most recent research, you start to see that myths — like the impact of cholesterol in causing heart disease — are starting to fall away in the face of statistical evidence.

This much is true: heart attacks, cancer and diabetes are indeed responsible for most of the deaths in our society. It’s simply a fact.

The causes of these conditions, however, aren’t being accurately represented by some in the medical community. Whether for their own gain or as the result of mistaken thinking, some medical professionals aren’t giving their patients the real story.

Research indicates that the following important reasons are the real culprits of the current disease epidemic:

– the extremely high consumption of sugar and other refined carbohydrates
– the extremely high consumption of bad Omega 6 fatty acids, which some suggest is at ten times the optimal ratio or more in today’s diet
– the extremely high consumption of processed foods, and
– the increasingly sedentary and isolated lifestyle.

But change for the better is possible. We can make specific adjustments that can help protect our health and the health of our families for years to come.

Perhaps it’s no surprise that the top two adjustments we can make are to avoid smoking and to get some exercise. For many people, making these two adjustments can make a significant positive difference that will reap rewards and benefits for many years.

But there are others important things you can do too, including:

1. Reduce or eliminate sugars and refined carbohydrates from your diet. Consuming these things results in high levels of inflammation and organ degeneration, and these things in turn lead to life-threatening diseases that can be avoided with a change in the diet.

2. Eliminate unbalanced consumption of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids. One specific way to make a big difference immediately is to avoid fried foods. When cooking at home, season with liberal amounts of uncooked flaxseed oil. This oil is most effective for health when purchased in small quantities and refrigerated to keep it from going rancid. When cooking, use clarified butter — called ghee in some cultures — and keep the heat low to prevent burning.

3. Incorporate more raw, uncooked and unprocessed fermented foods into your diet. This includes kefir, kambucha, pickles, kimchi, sour kraut and similar foods. These promote good bacteria in the gut. (It’s also important to avoid taking antibiotics unless absolutely necessary to prevent destroying this good bacteria.)

4. Swap in fresh fruits, vegetables and protein sources for packaged, processed and refined sources whenever you can. Refined foods have much of their nutrition removed and often have undesirable substances added in, including a lot of sugar.

5. Take some time to contemplate or meditate to order your thoughts. Develop a practice of gratitude and kindness toward yourself and others. Then, also take time to be around those you love and care about. There are untold benefits to an ordered mind and a relaxed and happy body.

When you put aside the misinformation often provided by unthinking doctors who don’t understand the whole picture and you instead consider your body and the world holistically, you can begin to see that a narrow view of medicine and health is an unnecessarily restricted one. And when you implement simple suggestions like these, you can begin to feel better than you ever thought possible.

Those interested in a free consultation with Dr. Vinograd, call (619) 630-7174

Dental Spas Are A Great New Trend In Dentistry

dental spaDentists are moving away from the old way of doing business and moving toward the dental spa concept, a new trend in dentistry. Patients no longer have to expect pain and discomfort from the dentist’s office experience and can feel good — even pampered.

Patients often feel anxiety about a dentist visit because of past experiences involving pain, and that creates resistance to necessary treatment. But times have changed.

Those early childhood experiences at the dentist caused many people to lose trust in the dental treatment process. Going to the dentist for many people meant getting hurt by someone they were told they could trust, and that creates a lifelong negative association.

The dental spa model is completely different. No longer hurting patients is the top priority, but a number of other things make today’s dental spas different from and better than old-fashioned dental offices.

One of them is aromatherapy. Many pure essences have a relaxing effect. Just activating a patient’s sense of smell in this way can help eliminate the sense of danger and make for a more pleasant experience. Plus, aromatherapy can generate an overall sense of wellbeing that lasts long beyond the time in the dental office.

Also, we make every effort to counsel patients and help them separate past bad experiences from present experiences which are not bad, and that’s also key to their increasing trust in our dental office experience. While we can’t cause people to stop thinking about things that are already imprinted on their brains, we can help them address the elephant in the parlor so they can move on with their lives.

We can help people realize that those historical events don’t have anything to do with this present moment. Once they realize that there is a separation between then and now rather than drawing a connection, their experience can improve.

The dental spa experience also involves cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening, procedures that don’t have much discomfort involved with them. But these patients may also need some additional, more extensive work, and they need to know that the technology and procedures are available to help them eliminate their connection with any painful experiences of the past and get the help they need.

The dental spa experience also involves merging traditional medicine and dentistry with holistic medicine and dentistry as well as Eastern philosophies and more. When performed together, these ways of approaching issues can do the most good.

For so long, there has been conflict between allopathic practitioners and holistic dentists and doctors, but that doesn’t have to be the case. If someone gets run over by a car, they don’t want to go to a herbalist. They need emergency care from professional orthopedic surgeons and others who know how to take care of the problems. But for those with chronic pain or other chronic problems that allopathic medicine cannot help with, it often makes sense to look at alternative treatments because they tend to have more success with those kinds of things.

The dental spa experience can also include acupuncture, and some dental spas actually have acupuncturists come into the practice to help with specific issues. These include the reduction of the pain sensation and the reduction of anxiety. When used alongside massage, reflexology and similar modalities, these things can help make the dental spa experience as enjoyable and productive as possible.

There’s no reason to settle for an exclusively old-fashioned approach to dentistry anymore when the dental spa experience is available in many places, including at our clinic. Please contact us now at (619) 630-7174 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Vinograd, a holistic dentist who offers a dental spa experience. You’ll be very glad you did.

Dr. Vinograd – Nominated For Best Dentist

Thank you to Jill for nominating Dr. Vinograd as UT San Diego’s best dentist. If you would like to cast your vote for Dr. V, visit http://uniontrib.secondstreetapp.com/l/sdbest-2015-nominate/Ballot/HealthyLiving , click on dentist, then type in Daniel Vinograd, DDS.



Ease Your Dental Anxiety with Aromatherapy at San Diego Dentist

aromatherapy oilThere are few settings that are more widely anxiety provoking than going to the dentist.  As many as 20% of adults put off routine dental care until they have a problem that causes a great deal of pain.  As a result, small problems become large and painful problems, which require invasive (and often uncomfortable) procedures to correct.  Many of these patients require sedation in order to relax enough for the procedures.

At San Diego Dentist, our goal is help our patients overcome their anxiety, so we can help them improve their oral health.  To accomplish this, we are always on the lookout for new ways lower anxiety levels for our patients.

In response to recent research on the effects of aromatherapy on anxiety, San Diego Dentist is now offering aromatherapy to patients during their appointments.  Aromatherapy has been used in both alternative and complementary medicine since ancient times.  Citrus has traditionally been used to relieve anxiety.

One study in particular examined the effects of orange essential oil on thirty children between the ages of six and nine undergoing two separate treatments that included prophylaxis and sealant.  These specific treatments were chosen because they are generally pain-free and would prevent physical discomfort from skewing the results.

Each child had one such treatment using the aromatherapy, and another without, with half the children receiving the aromatherapy during the first visit, the other half during the second visit.

The children’s anxiety levels were determined by measuring their pulse rates and the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in their saliva.  Regardless of whether the orange oil was used during the first or second visit, the children demonstrated lower levels of anxiety when they received the aromatherapy than when they didn’t.

These findings are significant because, not only does pain increase anxiety, but patients who are anxious are more sensitive to pain.  This results in a vicious cycle that leads to patients avoiding needed dental care, which can result in poor dental health and increased cavities and gum disease.

At San Diego Holistic Dentist, we recognize that your comfort is the key to your oral health.  That’s why Dr. Vinograd has worked so hard to perfect his Gentle Dental techniques, and why we’re always looking for new ways to provide all of our patients, especially those who have dental anxiety, with the most comfortable possible treatments.

If you’ve been putting off needed dental care because of anxiety, call San Diego Dentist today at (619) 630-7174.  You’ll be glad you did.

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