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Healing Reactions and Dental Issues P3


SPEAKER 1: Hemorrhoids can last days or weeks or even months. The one thing I think you should know about the hemorrhoids is that it can very well be the body’s response to releasing toxins and the pressure, like Dr. Smith said earlier. A lot of times you can bleed profusely, and still not have to stop the enemas. The enemas are really the remedy for the hemorrhoids. But if there’s continual bleeding, you do have to be careful of losing too much blood. There are other things you can do to ease the discomfort; aloe vera juice.


If there’s itching involved with the hemorrhoids, I’ve found just a little bit of that potassium compound solution that’s mixed with water, just a dab on some cotton in the area will stop the itching. There are other things listed here for you: flax seed oil with a few drops of Lugo’s sitz bath, and Dr. Smith will give you more information about the sitz bath.


Just keep in mind, as always, it’s best if you have someone supervising what you’re doing. Ideally, if you can go to the clinic, then that gives you the opportunity to have the doctor’s assistance to help you get through these times so you’re not the one judging “Should I stop the enemas, shouldn’t I? Am I bleeding too much, am I not?”


I had that opportunity to deal with a hemorrhoid, and the bleeding lasted for about a day and a half and scared me, and yet I did not stop the enemas, and then it passed, and I was okay. But I was at the clinic at the same time. So if you do not go to the clinic, you don’t have a practitioner helping you with the Gerson therapy, then by all means, call the Institute. There’s other services that we have, such as the coaching that I mentioned earlier, and perhaps we can give you some guidance. If we can’t, then we’re going to tell you to go to a doctor, someone who can help you right on the spot.


DR. SMITH: Just to mention, it’s actually page 227 in your binder, but sitz baths are a remedy, a naturopathic remedy for many things. Of course, you’ve got to have a water source without chlorine or fluoride, so you might have to fill jugs of water up, but it involves two tubs sitting in a big tub, or the bathtub and another tub.


Essentially, you’re sitting your butt perhaps up to here in fairly warm water for perhaps three minutes, and then you get out and you plunge your butt into the cold water for one minute. Always less cold. And you go back and forth and repeat that three times. You’re pumping the circulation. Warm, cold, warm, cold. So we’re pumping the circulation, which can really help with hemorrhoids, for that tone of the vessels.


It’s also helpful for other conditions that women have, pelvic congestion, and not only blood flow, but lymphatic flow and energy flow is impacted. So it’s recommended in the naturopathic field for other conditions. But it takes some time, and again, you’ve got to have clean water. I just wanted you to have that information because it’s a really good remedy.


Cold sores, fever, blisters, canker sores, as I mentioned earlier, are classic. Almost everyone on the therapy gets to some degree, and those that have had chemotherapy, it can be really severe. Their mouth is so sore, and their tongue.


Some of the things that you can do, there is an herbal preparation at most health food stores called Herpilyn. That’s probably going to be more for just on the inside or around the outside. If they’re in the sides of the mouth, that might be a little harder. Swishing aloe vera juice around in the mouth regularly can be really helpful. Rinsing the mouth with a liquid acidophilus can be helpful.


And something I’m going to put in on the next slide that I knew, but was reading and it reminded me, slippery elm is a wonderful herb, and I would suggest – you can get it organically in most health food stores or herb shops in a powder. Slippery elm powder. You put maybe a half a teaspoon in a little pure water. It doesn’t mix totally. Then just swish that around, hold it in your mouth as long as you can. Slippery elm is just very healing and soothing to the tissues. And then swallow it, because it’s good for the whole GI tract.


Maybe sometimes drinking with a straw. They work with it; it will go away. It might come back, but eventually it will go away. It’s just the toxins are coming out through the mucosa here, causing inflammation.


SPEKAER 1: I’ve seen patients at the clinic that had had chemotherapy prior, and a lot of times that’s one of the symptoms with cold sores, and it’s very painful. But they’ll take the aloe vera plant, and just the gel from the inside of the plant, a little small piece, and just put it right on top of that open wound in the mouth, and they can’t be without it. One patient had me cutting little pieces all day long, and then she would just keep that aloe gel on top of it, and she said it took the pain away.


DR. SMITH: Skin rashes, again as I mentioned, it’s toxins coming out. One of the avenues is the skin. Some people are more susceptible to skin rashes than others, as their channel of detoxification. Oatmeal baths, that’s a classic in the natural literature. It may not be that practical, again, if the bathwater isn’t pure, but putting oatmeal and sitting in a bath. Or a poultice. Carol has found that doesn’t work so well, but that is in the literature and has been tried, making a poultice water and oatmeal and putting it on the skin. You could always try it.


SPEAKER 1: It worked for me when I had trouble with my arms. It worked for me like the first day, and then it seemed as if the second and third day it was too drying, and then it ended up causing itching. What I found is that sometimes the aloe worked better, sometimes the oatmeal. It was a pack, a poultice, with the oatmeal.


The other thing to keep in mind is depending on why you have the skin rash, if it’s severe and it’s coming from inside the body, and you’re putting clay or something on it to pull it out, it could make the symptoms worse before you completely get it out of your system. Then for me when it did get severe, the enema reduced the swelling and itching. But that’s from the inside. That’s pulling the toxins out that way.


But minor itching, minor problems, the clay, the oatmeal packs, even the potassium compound solution, again, liquid –


DR. SMITH: Same one that you put in your juice.


SPEAKER 1: Same one. It stops minor itching. Temporarily; it’s not a permanent fix, because you’re detoxing.


DR. SMITH: But never suppress it.


QUESTION: How about those people who have [inaudible 00:38:52] or eczema? I have breakouts [inaudible 00:38:56] treatment. It was really clear.


DR. SMITH: All I can say is symptomatically, reduce the symptoms the safe ways, but you’re just going to have to go through it.


QUESTION: Don’t suppress?


DR. SMITH: Don’t suppress, and the main way you can suppress is putting on a steroid, which is the first thing a dermatologist will give you. That just drives it in further. It’s symptomatic and it’s not good.


SPEAKER 1: She’s talking about eczema, in case you didn’t hear that question clearly.


DR. SMITH: Or any rash. They just usually pull it out and put the topical steroid on, because it decreases inflammation. But we’re not dealing – I think we have time. I get really fired up about this, particularly little children, little children that come in and they have their eczema and their rashes and probably they’re on wheat and dairy and all these other things anyway, and their poor little guts are inflamed and all. Of course, they just pile on the cortisone.


Well, what happens, and we know this in our homeopathy background particularly, is things are trying to come out; they’re expressing the best way they can; the body’s intelligent, this is what it’s trying – and we suppress it and drive it back in, and what we usually see with young children is later they develop asthma. It goes to a deeper level and comes out another way.


Someone that ends up seeing a homeopathic doctor and saying, “Hey, I’m not going this route anymore,” when that asthma, when it’s treated naturally, starts to subside, that skin rash will come back. Temporarily, because the body is going back, like an onion, and healing. So that has to come back out. That layer that was suppressed needs to come back out, and then heal.


Don’t suppress it. If it’s extremely uncomfortable, do the simple things we’re talking about to get you out of discomfort. But it’s just going to take time for it to actually heal and go away.


We were talking about detox reactions and toxic reactions; now the true healing inflammation, which I spoke on the first day, is when the system has, again, detoxified enough and nourished enough that it’s coming back to life, and it has strength and energy, and the immune system can kick in. What the immune system does with all its different immune modulators and all, will recognize a tumor or another area of the body that never healed right to begin with, and it will go there and it creates its inflammation, but it’s a healing inflammation that breaks down, kills tumor cells, breaks down scar tissue that didn’t heal right in the first place, and it involves inflammation.


This is how one usually can distinguish. Oftentimes they’ll get a little fever; they’ll feel redness and pain and swelling, either at scar tissue where there was surgery, or where there still is a tumor or some other problem in the body. They broke their arm or sprained their ankle years ago, it might start hurting. “Why is that hurting? That healed.” It’s a good sign. That means the body’s retracing and going back and finishing the healing that it didn’t do right, particularly with surgeries and scar tissues.


Here’s some more information. Oftentimes, the person feels really good before they go into this healing inflammation. Why? You’ve got the vital force. You’ve got the energy now. I even notice myself, I’m noticing this pattern that sometimes, once in a while I’ll get a flu, that I feel really good beforehand, and then I wonder “Wow, why did I get this flu?” I think the body sees it coming and it’s mounting its response and things are being revved up. High energy, could be. Maybe not, but one could have a little more energy.


A healing reaction, it’s hard to tell you exactly, and they’re changing a bit than I think they did years and years ago, when people weren’t as toxic as we are today and it didn’t take as long to get to a healing reaction, and the system didn’t have to be detoxified. The systems aren’t as weak as they used to be, and they might’ve happened sooner and stronger than sometimes we see today. It all depends on the person.


But they can last from three days to ten days, give or take. Again, accompanied usually be a fever, low energy, malaise, as well as if there is a specific area of the body, whether it’s a tumor or an old injury or whatever, that itself will become very inflamed.


The fever is the body’s response – when we have a fever, that creates immune modulators that fight infections. We have a fever, the white blood cells come on board. That’s why we have a fever, because it brings the healing response of the body. We don’t want to suppress a fever, unless it’s too high for too long, or there’s somebody that’s very weak or susceptible for seizures or whatever. If it’s running 101, 102 – here we say 104 – try to let it stay for at least five hours, if you can. Because this is a healing response. There’s a lot going on inside the body. If it is a healing fever, it generally comes on in the evening, generally, and it breaks in the morning, and it’s only a couple of days, maybe longer.


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