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Dental Implants – Teeth with Titanium P7

Question back there, sir. Okay.  So, two separate questions.  First one is what is titanium?  Titanium is in the periodic table.  It’s an element.  It’s not an alloy.  It’s found as titanium.  Tons of it.  It’s found all over the place.  It’s not a very expensive metal.  Just getting titanium in a pure form is […]

Dental Implants – Teeth with Titanium P6

Another younger patient with what’s a sarcoma or a tumor of the bone end up with implants and a graft.  Removable, again, because in this case, you can see where these teeth are and how far down this bone is.  So, we needed to replace normally the teeth with the gum to make it look […]

Dental Implants – Teeth with Titanium P4

Basically, what you see here is a patient who got only got two dental mini implants or two screws, and there’s a little gold bar that’s been made.  The inside of the denture has some clips, and these clips clamp onto that and allow this denture to be held in place very well.  So, it […]

Dental Implants – Teeth with Titanium P2

This turns us around to osseointegration, and what is osseointegration?  It’s pretty interesting.  A lot of things that get discovered in science actually get discovered accidentally, or the person who’s looking or researching a particular aspect is looking at something and the outcome is totally different. Osseointegration was actually discovered in the late 1950s and […]

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