Dr Vinograd's Best ToothPaste
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The Truth About Fluoride P4

    Ian: Just walk me through the fluoridation process. Thru trucks arrive and what is the fluoride delivery system like? What do they do? How do they get it and how do they monitor the levels of fluoride that are going into the water supply. I can understand checking the PH  balance  of a […]

Dr. Vinograd’s 3rd Lecture on Holistic Dentistry to The Gerson Institute

  This Saturday, 10/26/2013, Dr. Vinograd will be giving his third lecture to the Gerson Institiute concerning the best, non-toxic options in dentistry for their patients. The Gerson Institute is an international non-profit organization, dedicated to alternative, non-toxic treatment of cancer patients. The lecture will be broadcast worldwide, with an interactive Q and A from […]

The Truth About Fluoride P3

  Ian:  If ‘m to extrapolate  what  you just said there  then if a woman is drinking fluoridated  water and she is braes t feeding then somewhere along the  line that fluoridated water  will not  then show up in here  breast milk .   Paul: it doesn’t increase it very much. The average level in […]

The Truth About Fluoride P2

Ian: That idea as fluoride as a medicine lets hang on to that thought  for a moment because that’s going to  open up a whole  other aspect of this conversation. Just to amplify it for people who are still catching on then about what year was it when people started saying “hey when are we […]

How To Whiten Your Teeth (Home & Professional Options)

How Do You Get Whiter Teeth? Like most of us, you probably want some good information on how to whiten teeth, before taking action. There are basically 6 ways to whiten your teeth (click to jump straight to that option): How to whiten teeth option 1: Whitening Toothpaste How to whiten teeth option 2: Whitening […]

The Case Against Fluoride P6

My response is that every day that health agencies and professional bodies promote and defend fluoridation, they are losing their credibility.  Any audience that I get to speak to is going to walk away from here wondering what on Earth is happening to the Ministry of Health in New Zealand or what is happening on […]

The Case Against Fluoride P4

So, now, then, we have to see the other side of the court.  Well, first of all, if it’s not doing any good, if swallowing fluoride doesn’t reduce tooth decay, that should be the end of the story.  If it doesn’t work, why do it?  Well, that’s not a scientific explanation. So, no, we move […]

The Case Against Fluoride P2

Now, the proponents claim that they’re merely adjusting the levels of a naturally occurring element.  Well, is anybody talking about adjusting the levels of naturally occurring arsenic?  Just because something occurs naturally does not make it safe.  Arsenic is not safe.  Fluoride is not safe. As far as nature is concerned, we have a very […]

The Case Against Fluoride

Do you agree that it should be your choice whether or not you take a medication?  If you do, then 97% of Europe agrees with you.  They have eliminated fluoride from their public water systems because they’ve realized one critical point:  Compulsive systematic medication violates basic human rights.  In Auckland, we still have no choice.  […]

Dental Implants – Teeth with Titanium P7

Question back there, sir. Okay.  So, two separate questions.  First one is what is titanium?  Titanium is in the periodic table.  It’s an element.  It’s not an alloy.  It’s found as titanium.  Tons of it.  It’s found all over the place.  It’s not a very expensive metal.  Just getting titanium in a pure form is […]

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