Dr Vinograd's Best ToothPaste
(619) 630-7174 for appointments
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The Dental Prosthetist and their Future Role in Oral Health P3

Putting that all together where does that get us? Well I’m going to give you some good news  this afternoon but so at    the news has all been couched in guarded terms. So tot this point we’ve found out that the situation of the patients medically is becoming more complex. We we i narrow […]

Healing Reactions and Dental Issues P4

But what you do have to differentiate between maybe there’s an infection. Maybe it isn’t a healing response. Maybe there’s a urinary tract infection that’s come about, or maybe someone has a lung infection. Certainly, if in doubt, go to the doctor or try to assess, is it something else. Usually those fevers are more […]

Healing Reactions and Dental Issues P3

  SPEAKER 1: Hemorrhoids can last days or weeks or even months. The one thing I think you should know about the hemorrhoids is that it can very well be the body’s response to releasing toxins and the pressure, like Dr. Smith said earlier. A lot of times you can bleed profusely, and still not […]

San Diego Dental Practice

Doctor Daniel Vinograd, DDS While there are hundreds of dentists in San Diego, Doctor Daniel Vinograd,  DDS, is a holistic dentist with more than 30 years experience in dental excellence – treating you with warmth and kindness. In addition, he promotes systemic health and overall wellbeing through a series of principles he lives by and […]

Holistic Dentist San Diego

. (619) 630-7174 Email: daniel@drvinograd.com Holistic Dentist San Diego: About Dr. Vinograd As a holistic dentist in San Diego, Dr. Daniel Vinograd has more than 30 years experience in satisfying and improving the lives of his patients – by encouraging healthier lifestyles. Inspired by nature, he has created the following list of principles that he […]

How To Whiten Your Teeth (Home & Professional Options)

How Do You Get Whiter Teeth? Like most of us, you probably want some good information on how to whiten teeth, before taking action. There are basically 6 ways to whiten your teeth (click to jump straight to that option): How to whiten teeth option 1: Whitening Toothpaste How to whiten teeth option 2: Whitening […]

Gum Disease & Your Overall Health

Gum (Periodontal) Disease – The Bacteria To many of us, it comes as a surprise that our overall health is often contingent on having healthy gums. The health of our gums is an indicator of overall health, and gum disease can be both the cause of, and a symptom of disease elsewhere in the body. […]

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