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The Case Against Fluoride P3

This is a quote from a review by David Locker from the University of Toronto.  He did it with the Ontario government.  He wrote, “ The magnitude of [fluoridation’s] effect (he means benefit) is not large in absolute terms, is often not statistically significant, and may not be of clinical significance.” Now, I want to […]

The Case Against Fluoride P2

Now, the proponents claim that they’re merely adjusting the levels of a naturally occurring element.  Well, is anybody talking about adjusting the levels of naturally occurring arsenic?  Just because something occurs naturally does not make it safe.  Arsenic is not safe.  Fluoride is not safe. As far as nature is concerned, we have a very […]

The Case Against Fluoride

Do you agree that it should be your choice whether or not you take a medication?  If you do, then 97% of Europe agrees with you.  They have eliminated fluoride from their public water systems because they’ve realized one critical point:  Compulsive systematic medication violates basic human rights.  In Auckland, we still have no choice.  […]

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