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The Truth About Fluoride

About three hours ago I was tweeting about a song, Stuck in a moment from U2.  I was at a  U2 show at the university at Minnesota the  Golden Gophers  Stadium that’s  TCF  Bank  Stadium and  it  was air huge  down our , it was raining , it was h  crazy . we thought we were all getting electrocuted kind  of crazy but they dedicated  that song to Amy Winehouse , Stuck in a Moment . and i was kkind of expecting that Bono  would say  something about  the shooting in Aslow  but then  again i left early because there were sheets of rain not to mention distant rumble of thunder and i thought I better get while the getting is good  so that i can get back and do Coast to Coast  but it was an awesome show and it was nice of  him to say  something  both about her and Michael Hudgens .  I think it was back in 1983 when the war came out, 1983 was the same year that Paul Connett became a professor at St Lawrence University in Catton New York. After doing work   in Dark Mirth and Cambridge this is a guy who is pretty much educated. This is not a guy on the fringe but this is a guy who knows chemistry and he says fluoride is essentially hazardous waste and how it’s ended up in our drinking water and the bad signs and the powerful politics that keep it there.  He is  part of the fluoride action network and we will talk  about the case against fluoride and why we should all be against  fluoride  in our water,  why it i doesn’t do what scientist said it was supposed to  do . We know what now and it’s a waste of money and it can actually really hurt people to have it there. I will tell you a little bit more about that coming up next on Coast to Coast this is Ian Punnett.  I should probably mention too because people always ask if you want to follow the twitter fen I’m @deaconpunnett. If you want to follow those  tweets there’s tuff there in the week that we talk about , stuff that’s coming up on the show  on Coast to Coast  like that  first hour conversation we were having about Amy Winehouse  i tweeted about that   earlier today and the sad 27 club and the case against fluoride Dr Paul Connett is here  . Good evening Dr Paul Connett how are you?


Paul: I’m fine Ian, thanks very much.


Ian: impressive career, great pedigree. Obviously you are well verse to the subject and i think a lot of people when they hear folks talk about fluoride in the water h they still think of it as firing science. people  who are against  it  , they don’t get it , they  don’t understand or they are  just paranoid people and after  reading  your book i realize it’s really the other way around . The case against fluoride is much stronger than the case to have   it be in our water system.


Paul:  i agree with you. i joined  with two other scientist to write this book , James Beck an MD Ph. from Calvary in Alberto  and Professor Speeding Milam , a biologist PHD  from Oxford from  Scotland and the three  of us wrote this book  and its understated rather than  over stated . its relatively easy to read but everything is well documented and  i must say that 15 years    ago when my wife first ask me to  read some material on fluoridation , just like most people  i thought the people  opposed  to fluoridation a little  crazy and i didn’t want the issue  because that stigmatization  that  you  are loony tunes  if you talked about it. As soon as is started to read the literature i was appalled and slightly embarrassed because i f i held that view or that impression i would be nurturing that prejudice for   many years prior to this reading.


Ian: fair is fair it doesn’t really get a hearing, it doesn’t really get a discussion. The only thing I’ve ever heard is that fluoride is good to help us have strong teeth, put fluoride in the water, more people have strong teeth. That’s all you ever really heard about it.


Paul: that’s right. It’s backed up with the commercial, everybody sees the commercial and yes theirs millions of impressions being made. In fact every time   we go to the pharmacy or the supermarkets   there it is all those toothpaste have fluoride in it, that and the professional bodies that have come out and said it’s wonderful and safe and effective. If you go back  and look at the history and when the united states  government  in the form  of  the public health service   endorsed fluoridating in 1950 , none of the tail  that  begun in 1945 had been completed and it was practically no science of the safety  of either short term or long term  effect of  fluoride gave been  done .


Ian: why did they want to jump in it in 1950 if they didn’t have the trials yet that backed up doing it? What was the impetus to start putting fluoride in the wart before they had a reason to put fluoride in the water?



Paul: there’s another  whole book written on that so we didn’t have to spend too much time on the early history of  fluoridation but Chris  Branson a former BBC  corresponded spend 10 years writing a book about the fluoride  deception , explaining that  history and how they were many industries that  either  used fluoride in their manufacturing or   produced fluoride as a pollutant .  They h were faced with lawsuits from farmers whose farm land have been damaged by fluoride and a concern about what fluoride was doing to its workers every day. They saw this  practise as a way  of changing the image  of loured which in the  1940 was seen  as the words air pollutant out there that had caused more  damage to agriculture than  any other air pollutant  and threatened many law suits . They saw this is as a way of changing the image   and the collision between the US public health service and The Fluorine Lawyers Association. Those lawyers obviously were defending industry in water. That’s all been documented. There’s a huge economic interest an also throw in the nuclear industry that use a huge amount foo fluoride to make the atomic k bomb and refine the fuel for the process.


Ian:  Maybe i need to ask, what is fluoride?



Paul: fluoride is essentially any compound from the element fluorine. Florien is a very active element and we’re not talking about that. No one is putting  fluorine  into the drinking water but they are putting a compound  that either  contains the fluoride  iron  or generates the  compound iron when it  goes into water . One example would be sodium fluoride. When sodium fluoride goes into water then it   separates into the sodium iron and the fluoride iron. It’s not the sodium iron that does anything but the fluoride iron that supposedly helps to reduce   tooth decay. Its fluoride iron that we are talking about which again gong back 15 years ago when i started looking g at this from a chemical point of view fluoride is not very reactive chemically. Fluorine is pretty reactive Burt fluoride is pretty be nine from a chemical perspective but the shocker is its extremely active biologically. It interferes with enzymes, with protein and other things going on. It’s a very nasty substance you don’t want it anywhere near your body tissues.



Ian: then why do we want to put it in our toothpaste? What is it about fluoride applied topically to teeth that makes the h teeth stronger and more resilient against tooth decay?


Paul: the theory from chemical perspective and it seems quite reasonable is that the theory that the fluoride iron replaces the hydroxide iron the mineral that makes up the teeth, the calcium hydroxyl appetite. that’s  the  mineral` that makes up the teeth and the enamel and also the bones and the fluoride gets in there, once it is exchanged with this  hydroxide iron it makes the  enamel stronger and  more resistant to acid attack  and its thee acid attack from the acid   which are generated with  sugar is broken down  in the mouth by bacteria  , it’s that  acid that attacks enamel  and so if you can stop it there, if you can make the enamel  more resistant to acid attack then you’re going to fight tooth decade. When you have fluoride in toothpaste at very high concentration <inaudible> you also inhibit the bacteria. you make the bacteria less  able to survive in the mount . For toothpaste there’s two ways that you fight tooth decay, one you get fluoride into the enamel and two you fight the bacteria.



Ian: i like that. Here’s home I’m liking that , back  in the days when i used to  buy beater cars   i would  buy cars that had rust on it  that had a couple of bad  winters . you  have some road salt on the car and it  starts corroding at the  metal so you get out a good sander and you use  either bond or fibre glass and you patch up the corder  panel on the car so  that it looks good as new and that’s would  he sort of how you described it maybe the roll that fluoride  would have on my external , the enamel on my teeth and that from the external  in it helps to patch up  where  sugar  has been corroding at the tooth on the exterior.



Paul: i think this a good analogy but the key to thing to focus on it’s a topical effect. It works on the outside of the enamel.



Ian: That’s what I’m saying, the other side to this would be saying look see how we can patch  up the corder panel on the car by using  bond  or a fibre glass  kit that we get from our local car body  shop, why don’t we  do this? Why don’t we put the bond in the gasoline and then   we pump it right into the gas tank and that will patch up the holes from the inside? That would seem to be the problem with the fluoride on the inside.  Is that right?


Paul: I think that’s a very god analogy. the one that we use a lot is that   swallowing fluoride makes  as much sense  as swallowing sun tan lotions which is designed to be on the outside of the skin and if you are  someone who swallow sun tan lotion they would look at you a little strangely.



Ian: Back in 1950 they though  we have all these extra fluoride we have to  find a place to put it , why don’t we rehabilitate  fluorides image and at  the same tome create a new market for something which otherwise would be expensive  to get rid of and lets just converse  people that it would be the same as swallowing  sun tan lotion and then it  would be good for them . If sun tan lotion s good on the outside then   focusers its good on the inside and yet there was no science yet available   that said that it didn’t work. Is that fair?


Paul: that’s absolutely right. They did not do the kind f of studies that would be required from instances from the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA. of you were bringing a new drag into the market  the FDA would have to approve it and that  approving prices would require randomized clinical  trials to establish  it with safe and effective  and that’s  never been  done  ,the FDA has never submitted this substance or had companies  submitted  this substance to randomize  chemical  trials .   The official classification of fluoride by the FDA is that sits an unapproved drug. It’s amazing isn’t it?  over 60 years we’ve out this stuff in our  drinking water m pliably the most prescribed medication  in US history and yet the FDA which is in charge of approving medicine  has beaver done this for fluoride.

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