The Dental Prosthetist and their Future Role in Oral Health P5
Here’s the percentages which that graph is based from these are the ones that are known, not projections, these are the actual data from the national oral health survey. What i want you to look at is the trend here. So in 1979 across the encore Australian population 15.4% roughly 1 in 7 people were […]
Healing Reactions and Dental Issues P3
SPEAKER 1: Hemorrhoids can last days or weeks or even months. The one thing I think you should know about the hemorrhoids is that it can very well be the body’s response to releasing toxins and the pressure, like Dr. Smith said earlier. A lot of times you can bleed profusely, and still not […]
The Case Against Fluoride
Do you agree that it should be your choice whether or not you take a medication? If you do, then 97% of Europe agrees with you. They have eliminated fluoride from their public water systems because they’ve realized one critical point: Compulsive systematic medication violates basic human rights. In Auckland, we still have no choice. […]