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Archive for October, 2013

The Truth About Fluoride P4

    Ian: Just walk me through the fluoridation process. Thru trucks arrive and what is the fluoride delivery system like? What do they do? How do they get it and how do they monitor the levels of fluoride that are going into the water supply. I can understand checking the PH  balance  of a […]


Dr. Vinograd’s 3rd Lecture on Holistic Dentistry to The Gerson Institute

  This Saturday, 10/26/2013, Dr. Vinograd will be giving his third lecture to the Gerson Institiute concerning the best, non-toxic options in dentistry for their patients. The Gerson Institute is an international non-profit organization, dedicated to alternative, non-toxic treatment of cancer patients. The lecture will be broadcast worldwide, with an interactive Q and A from […]


The Truth About Fluoride P3

  Ian:  If ‘m to extrapolate  what  you just said there  then if a woman is drinking fluoridated  water and she is braes t feeding then somewhere along the  line that fluoridated water  will not  then show up in here  breast milk .   Paul: it doesn’t increase it very much. The average level in […]


The Truth About Fluoride P2

Ian: That idea as fluoride as a medicine lets hang on to that thought  for a moment because that’s going to  open up a whole  other aspect of this conversation. Just to amplify it for people who are still catching on then about what year was it when people started saying “hey when are we […]


The Truth About Fluoride

About three hours ago I was tweeting about a song, Stuck in a moment from U2.  I was at a  U2 show at the university at Minnesota the  Golden Gophers  Stadium that’s  TCF  Bank  Stadium and  it  was air huge  down our , it was raining , it was h  crazy . we thought we […]


Dentistry vs. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is, probably, the most beautiful period in the life of every woman. But, besides great feelings and happy moments in life, health of the pregnant woman may be at risk. The fact is that the immune system and the amount of calcium in the body are usually sharply reduced, and this is what may cause […]


The Case Against Fluoride P6

My response is that every day that health agencies and professional bodies promote and defend fluoridation, they are losing their credibility.  Any audience that I get to speak to is going to walk away from here wondering what on Earth is happening to the Ministry of Health in New Zealand or what is happening on […]


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