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Gum Disease May Increase Pneumonia Risk By Up To 40 Percent

pneumonia lungsIt’s a staggering statistic to comprehend, but recent research has shown that periodontal disease can increase your risk of a certain kind of pneumonia by up to 40 percent, perhaps indicating an urgent need to get gum disease under control before it spawns or contributes to other even more serious conditions.

A review of almost 1700 studies was undertaken by Susanna Paju, who does her research for the Department of Biology at the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. She found 36 relevant studies and did a complete and thorough analysis of them. What she found may surprise you.

The first important fact she uncovered is that taking action to deal with gum disease through either manual cleaning, topical chemicals or antibiotics was able to reduce how offer a certain kind of pneumonia happened by about 40 percent.

The second, related, fact was that while there are strong links between gum disease and COPD, no definite connection could be found for certain.

With those findings in mind, Paju reached several important conclusions. Most obvious is the fact that the link is strong enough to believe that mouth pathogens are connected to the development of what is called nosocomial pneumonia.

And she made two additional conclusions. One is that the medical community doesn’t know enough about this subject and should study it further using standard research methods. Another is that the connection with COPD needs to be further studied so it can be determined if a real and valid link can be shown.

For patients with gum disease who have other risk factors of lung disease — including a history of smoking — there’s every reason to believe that treating the gum disease will result in better overall health and a decreased risk of potentially debilitating lung problems.

Link Established Between Dementia And Bad Oral Health

dementia diagramA study from England has shown that people who have gum disease or poor oral health practices in general could be at greater risk for developing dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease than people who have good teeth and don’t have to have a lot of complex dental procedures.

The study come from the University of Central Lancashire and determined that some people who have dementia have in their brains a bacteria commonly associated with gum disease. They reached this conclusion by studying the brain samples of 10 patients with dementia and 10 patients without the condition who had donated their brains after death for scientific study.

The study was small but important, according to experts. And it was published in the prestigious Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

The kind of bacteria that’s usually found in the oral cavity can get into the bloodstream in a variety of ways, and from there it can get into the brain, the experts suggest. Simple things like chewing, eating and brushing release the bacteria — and so does having complex dental procedures when the bacteria is present and hasn’t been first eradicated.

The study joins another conducted in New York that found a solid link between Alzheimer’s disease and poor condition of the oral cavity. That 2010 study found that Alzheimer’s is linked to inflammation of the gum tissue and concluded that gum disease can contribute to cognitive dysfunction.

Most experts agree that more research on this topic is needed to decide whether a link between gum problems and dementia can be determined with certainty. It also isn’t yet known if poor oral condition of healthy people can lead to dementia or if the bacteria functions only to make it worse in those who already have it.

What’s certain is that there is a growing list of conditions linked to poor oral health.

Dental Spas – The Latest Medical Craze

dental spa candlesGoing to the dentist can be a frightening experience. Most people would do anything to avoid it. This fear is known as dental anxiety or dental phobia, and affects up to 20 percent of Americans. It basically leaves people terrified and panic-stricken. Some patients experience severe anxiety, flu-like symptoms, nervousness, and sleeping problems before a dental exam. This has lead to the rise of dental spas, a new trend in dentistry. These facilities provide a wide range of services not normally associated with dental care, such as acupuncture, botox treatments, microdermabrasion, reflexology, and massage. Patients are welcomed in a warm and friendly environment that helps ease anxiety and stress.

What Is a Dental Spa?

Dental spas are becoming more and more popular every day. These dental practices are supervised by an oral health care provider and offer various services designed to relax patients. They feature world-class amenities and top-of-the-line equipment for a relaxing experience. Clients can opt for different services, including:

• Massage therapy
• Paraffin wax hand treatments
• Dental chairs that offer relaxing massages
• Energy drinks and natural juices
• Movies, videos, and flat screen TVs
• Heated hand mitts and neck pillows
• Aromatherapy
• Acupuncture
• Soothing spa music
• WiFi Internet
• Botox and Restylane treatments
• Facial treatments
• Tanning
• Waxing

These dental facilities also offer conventional oral health services, such as crowns and bridges, sealants, dental cleaning, teeth whitening, implants, laser dentistry, extractions, root canal therapy, and complete dentures. Patients can ask for a foot massage, a warm lavender neck pillow, or DVD goggles.

What Makes Dental Spa So Popular?

The friendly staff at dental spas will take exceptional care of you and make you feel like home. Whether you request a periodontal treatment, dental implants, or invisible braces, you won’t feel pain at all. The whole experience is relaxing and stress free. All you have to do is to choose the services you’re interested and forget about your daily worries. During the dental exam, patients can relax in a massage chair, surf the Internet, and watch movies. Some dental facilities also provide babysitting or dog sitting services, concierge services, pre-treatment meditation, and facial treatments.

Even the most anxious patients can relax and have a good time at dental spas. As soon as you enter the waiting room, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the friendly ambience and beautiful decor. Many dental day spas have fireplaces, soothing music, and lounge chairs in the lobby. Before treatment, you can request a collagen eye mask, a foot detox, or hot stone therapy. The combination of spa amenities and personalized care will relax your mind and body.

Dental day spas are the ultimate medical craze. The market for those wanting to be relaxed at the dentist is growing. There is absolutely no reason to be afraid to see the dentist! By going to a dental spa, you can enjoy pain-free treatments, soothing hand massages, foot scrubs, and organic spray tanning in a cozy ambiance that will delight your senses.

For the dental spa experience, call (619) 630-7174

The Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture in Dentistry

acupuncture needles on dental patientAcupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat mental and physical illnesses. This ancient practice has its origin in ancient Taoist philosophy, which states that all diseases all caused by blockages in energy flow (chi). By placing thin needles at specific points in the body, acupuncturists can remove these blockages and treat the root cause of your illness. Recent studies show that acupuncture can be successfully used in dentistry as a way to relieve anxiety and pain.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

This practice dates back to 200 B.C.E. The ancient Chinese believed that chi, the universal energy flow, circulates through the body in channels called meridians. When this energy doesn’t flow freely through your body, you can develop mental, physical, and emotional disorders. There are numerous ways to restore the flow of chi, including acupuncture. This therapy works by stimulating certain points on the meridians in order to remove blockages.

Today, acupuncture is seen as a form of alternative or complementary medicine. Wellness centers, hospitals, and clinics from all around the world use this therapy to help patients get rid of pain and recover faster. Modern research shows that acupuncture may increase the production of endorphins and other pain-relieving substances. For this reason, many health care providers recommend this therapy for treating osteoarthritis, lower back pain, migraines, upper respiratory infections, infertility, depression, and anxiety.

An overwhelming number of studies indicate that acupuncture helps relieve headaches and stress-related conditions. In dentistry, this practice is being used for pain management and severe dental anxiety. More than five percent of Americans are afraid to see the dentist. About 20 percent of the general population has some form of anxiety. Acupuncture helps reduce anxiety symptoms and relaxes your mind. The best part is that it works faster than therapy and keeps you drug-free.

Acupuncture and Dentistry

Acupuncture has a wealth of benefits, from pain relief to stress management, better digestion, and increased energy. More and more dentists are using it to help patients feel relaxed before and after their treatment. According to researchers, this centuries old practice can reduce anxiety and pain when seeing the dentist. Millions of people suffer from odontophobia, which describes the fear regarding oral health work. This condition affects more than one third of patients. Acupuncture can help ease the stress of going to the dentist, which may reduce the added time and expense of pain-relieving drugs.

A study conducted on a group of volunteers has shown that acupuncture has reduced anxiety and stress levels by 15 percent in just 15 minutes. Inserting thin needles in certain areas on your body can ease the pain caused by dental procedures and calm the central nervous system. Although this therapy can not replace the drill, it can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments for jaw pain, dental post-operative pain, anxiety, temporomandibular disorder, dry mouth, nerve pain, chronic muscle pain, and jaw clicking. Acupuncture changes the way you process pain signals and releases serotonin, endorphins and other feel-good chemicals in the brain. This helps stimulate your nervous system and relieves dental anxiety.

To explore how acupuncture can help at your next dental visit, call (619) 630-7174

How Gum Health Interacts With Your Other Health Conditions

woman's gumsDid you know that proper oral hygiene is essential for good health overall? That’s right: brushing and flossing your teeth and maintaining a regular program of dental office visits can help you stave off and prevent the worsening of a variety of medical conditions. While it may not seem possible at first, there’s a link between dental health and many other health issues.

In many cases, oral health issues are actually a symptom of the condition. This is the case with diabetes. In other cases, the periodontal issues can cause or contribute to causing the disease. While the exact nature of the link between gum disease and some conditions isn’t completely established, it’s clear that many links exist — and that clearing up oral health issues is a smart decision for maintain good quality of life for as long as possible.

Your mouth, after all, is part of your body, as holistic dentists are always trying to point out. And the research is mounting to prove connections between many conditions of the whole body or parts of it and the bacteria normally found in the mouth.

So let’s take a few moment to sort out some of the ways gum disease is linked with other conditions, and we’ll start with one of the most common diseases in the world.


It’s clear and long established that gum disease is a complication of being diabetic. The excess sugar in the blood that’s one of the markers of diabetes changes the very nature of blood vessels and therefore makes important changes in the way blood flows. This reduction in flow to the mouth can weaken gums over time and increase the vulnerability of this sensitive tissue to infection, according to longstanding research. Also, high blood sugar that’s common in untreated diabetics can actually encourage more bacteria to grow in the mouth.

In fact, the link is so strong between gum disease and diabetes that a 2011 study found that two-thirds of dentists can accurately predict diabetes by examining the mouth. This is important since it’s believed that more than 7 million people have the condition and don’t know it.

Heart Disease

If you have a family history of heart disease, you need to be especially careful about maintaining the integrity of your gums. A number of studies have been clear that there’s a link between gum disease and heart disease as well as stroke. A particular 2003 study review found that there was a 19 percent increase in the risk that people with gum issues would get heart disease when compared with the average person on the street. And you don’t want to do anything that can raise your risk of something as serious as heart disease.

Researchers can’t pinpoint exactly why there is a link, but it’s clearly there. One reason may be because gum disease increases inflammation in the body, and inflammation is known to be a risk factor for heart disease. It could also be because bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream easily and build up along with the plaque already building up in arteries. One study has shown that mouth bacteria is sometimes in plaque found in the arteries.

While it can’t be said for certain that gum disease increases your risk of heart problems, you need to take heed if you have a history of heart disease or other risk factors like smoking, advanced years or diabetes.


We know that pregnancy isn’t exactly a disease or condition, but there is a link between gum disease in pregnant women and an increased risk of preterm birth. While the studies can’t say for sure that gum problems lead to premature births, researchers think that an immune response to infection in the mouth could be a reason why the birth process starts too soon.

It’s unfortunate, however, that there’s no evidence that treating the gum problem causes the risk of preterm birth to go down.

Additionally, a study from 2011 in Australia found that you may take longer to get pregnant if you have gum disease, so that’s something else to think about.

Knee Arthritis

A study conducted in 2012 showed that bacteria in the mouth can contribute to arthritis. The researchers determined this by taking a synovial fluid sample from around the joints of 36 patients with arthritic conditions, and five of those had mouth bacteria in the joint fluid. Of those, two patients had bacteria that was able to be matched genetically to the kind of bacteria in their mouth.

This establishes that bacteria from the mouth may make arthritis worse. But the study was very small, and more research is necessary — but it’s one more reason to clear up oral infections as soon as possible, especially if you already have arthritis.

Respiratory Disease

The bacteria in your mouth may also find its way into your lungs when you breath in tooth plaque, and that can lead to pneumonia and other severe respiratory issues. The risk s greatest if you have underlying conditions, it appears, especially if your immune system is compromised.

This much seems clear: emphysema and other chronic lung problems can be made worse by mouth bacteria — and you certainly don’t want that.

And this is also clear: the link between oral bacteria and various manifestations of bad health is strong. That’s why it’s important that you discuss any conditions you have or may be at risk for with your dentist as you consider treating your oral health issues.

Could Good Oral Hygiene Prevent Cancer?

Human body with cancer cells spreading and growingYou knew brushing and flossing could prevent cavities, bad breath and gum disease.  Perhaps you even knew that good oral hygiene could reduce your risk of heart disease.  But did you know that these habits could also reduce your risk of cancer?

Research conducted by a team from Hebrew University’s School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine discovered that an oral bacteria known as Fusobacterium nucleatum impairs the ability of the immune system to fight cancer.

Dr. Ofer Mandelboim and Dr. Gilad Bachrach, co-authors of the study, found that when the bacteria encountered colon cancer cells, the cancer cells were better able to defend themselves against TIGIT, a specific type of immune cell that has recently been discovered to block the spread of cancer.

Nucleatum is associated with a variety of ill effects, including premature birth, stillbirth and heart disease.  The US National Institute of Health reports a case of a woman who had gingivitis associated with pregnancy.  She developed a respiratory infection and her baby was stillborn.  It is suspected that the respiratory infection weakened her immune system enough that the bacteria was able to enter her bloodstream and migrate to her uterus, affecting her unborn child.

The question arises, how does the bacteria migrate from the mouth to the uterus, heart, colon, or other organs?  The bacteria enters the bloodstream through pockets in the gums caused by gingivitis.

The bacteria’s record made it a logical focus for studying its effects on cancer after the researchers found the bacteria in human colorectal cancer cells.  This is the first study to demonstrate a solid connection between the presence of the bacteria and worsening of the condition of some cancer patients.

The study showed that the Fap2, a protein in the outer membrane of the bacteria, bound itself to the TIGIT and prevented them from attacking cancer cells.

This discovery could lead to the development of new treatment options.  If F. nucleatum interferes with the body’s ability to attack cancer cells, then blocking the bacteria from interacting with the cancer cells or immune cells may support the ability of the body to attack the cancer and keep it from spreading.

The researchers expect to next look for ways to improve the prognosis of cancer patients by either removing the offending protein from F. nucleatum, or rendering it unable to bind with the TIGIT cells.

Individual cancer risk is complicated and influenced by a variety of factors, including age, environment, genetics, and lifestyle.  Good oral hygiene may have limited effect on your risk, but it will keep your bacteria levels in check and prevent its entry into the bloodstream.  Just one more reason to brush and floss every day.


For a free oral cancer screening, call (619) 630-7174

Tips For Better Understanding About Dental Crowns

dental crownsIf you’ve been told you need a dental crown, you can have a better experience if you ask a few questions and check on a few things to make sure you’re getting the highest quality of care and a restoration that will last for as long as possible.

Here are some things to consider:

Is the crown American made? Some dentists save money by using overseas dental labs in China or perhaps Costa Rica. In most of these foreign labs, the technicians use less expensive materials and even low-quality recycled dental metals or porcelain. If you have any concerns, ask for the lab slip that shows how much gold and porcelain is being used and where the restoration was made.

What’s the lifespan of the crown? And is there a breakage warranty? You can usually expect good crowns to last 10 to 15 years with good oral hygiene. But a crown made of inferior products could break down in half that time or less. Some dental labs will offer a one-year warranty on crowns. The warranty and the lifespan issue is most important with non-metal crowns.

Will a lab-made provisional crown be used? It can help to make the right color and shape decision if the dentist has the lab make a provisional or trial crown. This is also often used if the mouth must heal before a permanent crown can be placed. A lab-created temp crown allows you to see what your new crown will look like in shape and color, then a permanent can be made of better materials to match. If you don’t like it, adjustments can be made when the permanent crown is fabricated. While there is often an additional charge for a provisional crown, it can make a lot of sense. Expect the final crown to be stronger and look more natural than the provisional crown.

Can you see the crown before it’s put in your mouth? It belongs to you, and you have a right to see it before it’s placed. You need to be able to see that the color and shape are the way you want them to be before permanent placement in your mouth. It’s essential that you voice any concerns you have because this is something that will be in your mouth for years and needs to be made to your specifications. Work with the dentist to make any adjustments necessary before permanent placement of the crown.

Every dentist has a responsibility to provide a high standard of care that meets your needs and responds to your desires. Even a low-quality crown should fit well and completely restore natural function, but you have a right to insist on the best quality you can afford.

Not all crowns are the same, and neither are all dentists or dental labs. Insist on a good quality dental crown that completely meets your needs so that no one will even know you have a crown in your mouth. When you work with the right dentist, it’s not hard to get the results you want.

To see if a dental crowns are right for you, call (619) 630-7174.


Dental Aesthetics – Losing a Tooth by Dr. BreeAnn

“Hello! I’m Dr. BreeAnn Christiansen, holistic dentist at San Diego Dentist in San Diego.

And today I’m going to talk about a very common issue, a very scary issue, and something that a lot of people have to go through.

So here’s the situation. You just found out that one of your front teeth has to be pulled. Losing a tooth at any place in your mouth is scary, let alone one of the teeth right in front. So what now? How do you go through this experience without losing some pride and feeling humiliated?

We take for granted how much our teeth contribute to our looks. Good or bad, they’re a dominant part of your face when you smile, when you speak, when you laugh. Now that you have to lose one, what are the options?

This is what I’m here to discuss. I’m here to give you some confidence that this is a problem many people have to deal with and I guarantee most of us wouldn’t even know what’s going on to someone we know. I’m going to tell you what the process for every option is, when each option is recommended, and how you will survive the treatment without missing your front tooth the whole time.

Some vanity is healthy and I understand that. At San Diego Holistic Dentist, I know we’ll put your oral health first, but do so in a way you’re comfortable. So remember, each case is different and some treatments listed here aren’t always suitable, but I will try to generalize them.

Let’s start with the first case.
You have a front tooth that you need to come out, either you broke the tooth, the tooth had a root canal that failed, or there’s some other reason the tooth cannot be saved, it has to be pulled. How do we replace it?

The most ideal way to replace a single missing tooth is with an implant. When the adjacent teeth are healthy, an implant is always my number one recommendation. If the tooth has not yet been pulled, it’s more likely that the bone present is sufficient enough to support the implant. Now it’s just up to your dentist to judge if it is appropriate to place the implant right after the extraction.

If the implant is placed immediately, it is most likely that the implant will need some time to heal before it can be restored. If we decide to wait to place the implant, it is usually because the amount of bone available is not ideal or the infection present is more than we are comfortable with placing an implant into the same area. So in that case, we place the bone graft, close the area and give it a couple of months to heal before reopening it and placing the implant.

So what replaces the missing tooth in the meantime?
We call it a flipper. The flipper is an acrylic prosthetic that replaces your single tooth and it’s made by the lab before you come in to have the tooth pulled. This way, when the tooth is gone and the space is empty and you have to go through one to three to four months of healing time, you have something temporary to wear while you’re waiting for everything to finish.

Implants are traditionally a three-step process. First, the implant is placed and you give it at least three months to heal. In some cases, the implant can be immediately loaded with a crown. In that case, at the appointment when the implant is placed, an abutment, which is the part that the crown cements on to is placed on to the implant and a temporary crown is also placed on this abutment. And then an impression is taken eventually and sent to the lab and your new crown comes back to be cemented.

If the abutment is not placed at the same appointment as stated, the implant usually takes one to three months to have the abutment placed, an impression taken sent to the lab and then your crown comes back two weeks after that to be cemented. Again, once the abutment is placed, a temporary crown is placed for that two weeks while you’re waiting for the permanent crown.

One other point I would like to make is that for ideal aesthetics, it is extremely difficult to match a single crown to the rest of your teeth perfectly. In some cases, if a lot of staining is present or a difficult shade is on the adjacent teeth, I recommend veneers to achieve a beautifully uniform smile.

Option number two is a bridge. A bridge requires the adjacent teeth to be crowned. And the crown called the ‘Pontic’ connects those two crowns to replace the missing tooth. This is also a great option when the teeth on either side of the missing tooth have large fillings or crowns already.

So here’s how the appointment goes. The teeth next door are prepared for crowns. After this is done, the tooth that needs to be pulled is pulled and a temporary bridge is then made. The temporary bridge is cemented on and replaces the missing tooth, so you leave the office as if nothing changed.

In six weeks, and that healing has taken place for us to take the final impression, this final impression is then sent to the lab and in two weeks you have a permanent bridge that is cemented in place and yours to keep for the life of your teeth.

Bridges can be a little trickier to clean. You have to make sure that you are able to floss through and under the pontic, but as long as you take good care of the bridge, it will last just like any of your crowns.

So another option is the removable partial denture. This is typically my least favorite option because it does not have the same function nor the best aesthetics. It similar to the flipper I talked about earlier but a little bit sturdier. I rarely recommend this option when we’re replacing a single tooth, but it may be a decent option when you already have missing teeth in that same arch.

Remember, this partial is removable. That means you have to take it out at night to allow your tissues to rest. It can sometimes move while you’re chewing your food, laughing or speaking. When this option is selected, we take impressions and the partials are made at the lab so it is ready for you the day your tooth is extracted. You leave the office with the tooth.

Again, the options I gave you are very generalized. Dentistry is great because we can get creative and have a little fun with every option, so don’t feel like you’re limited to just these three situations.

So now that I have gone over these, I hope that you’re a little less afraid of what’s to come. I hope you feel that we, at San Diego Holistic Dentist care about your situation and want you to be comfortable and confident that we are going to restore your smile to what it was or even make it a little better.

If you think you have to lose a front tooth or already have, please call our office for a consultation to see what we can do for you. Believe it or not, losing your front teeth is not the end of the world. There’s so many ways we can make it unnoticeable. No one would even have any idea what’s going on.

Thank you and I look forward to see you in our office.”

Book an appointment with Dr. BreeAnnn Christiansen at San Diego Dentist by calling (619) 630-7174

Artistry And Materials Are Among Factors That Determine Dental Crown Quality

Dental crown and toothDental crowns can differ significantly in quality because of differences in artistry and materials. These are among the many variables that go into your decision about what kind of crown to choose for your tooth — because they aren’t all the same. The quality directly impacts the cost of the crown, but all restorations should adequately restore natural function.

Working alongside you, your dentist and the selected dental technician can create a finished dental crown that will make your smile better than ever before. Just be sure you consider all the variables and understand your options before choosing a crown.

Your Crown’s Artistry

Perhaps it’s obvious that crowns made from the best materials cost more than lower quality crowns. For example, a crown made of the highest porcelain quality costs the most. But just as important to how the crown looks is the expertise and artistry of the dental technician who creates it. While some crowns are simple and white without much visual appeal, others are translucent mini-masterpieces that look exactly like your natural teeth.

To ensure the best work, make sure your crown is sent to the best available technician. For a more affordable crown, ask about a more affordable technician.

You also have choices about how your crown will look. You can choose the crown color in consultation with the dentist, and you need to speak up if you don’t like what the dentist proposes. Also, if the finished product is not to your liking when you first see it, be sure to voice your objections before it’s cemented into place.

A great deal of subjectivity is involved in the appearance of dental crowns, and you play a role in making sure yours looks the way you want it to.

Consider A Provisional Crown

The dentist may suggest a provisional crown, and this can often be a good idea. A temporary crown can help you see what the permanent one will look like so you can see how it blends into your smile. You can also find out if eating and talking are completely restored when you try a provisional crown. Once the design meets your requirements, a permanent crown can be made to the same specifications and of better materials.

Provisional crowns add to the cost of the restoration, but they can be important tools if you want to determine what your finished smile will look like once the restoration is complete.

Whatever decisions you make, expect to get back your natural function at a minimum. Other than that, much about the look of the crown is determined by your taste, your insurance and your dentist’s recommendations.

For the best results, it all starts with the best dentist. A dentist with a great reputation and a history of satisfying clients can provide the best possible results. You can make things go even more smoothly by asking questions about cost and quality from the beginning.

You’re the patient, and you deserve to have things done your way.

For a free consultation to see if a dental crown is the right solution for you, call (619) 630-7174.


Dental Chair Yogi – Dr. BreeAnn @ San Diego Dentist

Transcription: ‘Hello, I’m Dr. BreeAnn Christiansen, holistic dentist at San Diego Dentist in San Diego. Today, I come to you with a very interesting message, maybe not one you would expect, but I wanted to talk to you about how to relate going to the dentist to going to yoga.

The first thing I always took from yoga was the breathing. The breathing is very important because it’s what helps get you through your yoga class, it helps you get through each pose, it helps you transition into the next pose. Your breathing pretty much controls the whole class.

So I want you to think the next time you’re in our dental chair if you’re a little afraid or anxious, fearful of what you might experience, I want you to take deep breaths and I want you to breathe exactly into that feeling at that moment.

So when you’re anxious, breathe in to your increased heart rate and feel it go down, breathe into those knots in your stomach and feel them go away. Take deep breaths as much as you need.

I also want you to think about breathing into those areas that are tense when you’re maybe, let’s say, getting your shot to be numb. I want you to breathe into those areas that maybe feel uncomfortable to you and that increased oxygen supply into that area may make it a little bit more comfortable.

I also was thinking about how I started in yoga. I remember one of my friends telling me that downward-facing dog is supposed to be the resting position of the class. I thought, “This woman is out of her mind.” This is not a restful position. It strains me. It hurts me. And now, after a few years of practicing yoga, downward-facing dog is my resting position.

It’s where I catch my breath. It’s where I reorganize my thoughts for the class, I get back into the moment in downward facing dog. I’m able to let go of all those things that might be stressing me out.
So I want you to relate that to the first time you went to the dentist. Maybe you had a horrible experience or maybe you’re just feeling nervous because you didn’t know what to expect. But as you get to know us at San Diego Dentist and get to know our team, you’ll learn that we want to work with you and we want to make you comfortable and we want to make this a safe experience for you.

You can see maybe the first time was really terrible like it was for me doing downward-facing dog, but then as I went along, I knew what to expect and I got better at it. That’s kind of how you can look at coming to the dentist.
A recent class I went to is what inspired me to make this connection even though I’m sure some of you think I’m crazy. But towards the end of the class, I was exhausted and we were in low plank. My arms were shaking, my legs were shaking and I was getting ready to put my knees down and relax and our instructor said, take this challenging moment to push yourself and think to yourself, “I’m becoming stronger right now. I’m pushing through this challenge to become a better person, a better version of myself.” I thought, “You know what? We can use that in every aspect of our life even in dentistry.”
So first, I wanted to find the discomfort in this sense is not pain because you shouldn’t feel pain with dental work (that’s why you’re numb). The discomfort is feeling uncomfortable with what’s going on or uneasy with what’s going to happen.

When you’re feeling that, I want you to think, “I’m going through this to improve my overall health, not just my dental health” because we are improving our overall health. You’re taking your health into your own hands and you’re doing what’s best for you.

And so I want you to think when you’re in those stressful moments, “I’m getting to a better version of myself. Even though I’m going through this challenge, it’s getting me to a better place.”

And finally, I feel like in life, we’re constantly living for the next thing, “Well, my life will be better when I get this promotion” or, “I’m working. It’s only Monday. I can’t wait for the weekend.” I know you think I’m crazy again, but I want you to think about not rushing, not wishing to be out of the moment.

So even when you’re in the dental chair, I know it’s tedious, it’s frustrating having your mouth open, it’s frustrating, all the water, but try to maintain being in that moment and it will help you get through the whole procedure. Femal Dentist, Dr. BreeAnnBefore you know it, it’ll be over instead of you wishing the whole time that it’s coming to an end.
So I hope I made the connection for you. I hope you can come into our office and have a little piece of my knowing where it’s going. So that’s my talk about becoming a yogi in the dental chair. I look forward to seeing you soon.’

To book an appointment with Dr. BreeAnn at San Diego Dentist, call (619) 630-7174

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