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Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P7

So another thing I discovered which I found was very shocking, if you’re RH negative, when you have a child, they want to recommend the rhogam shot. Now, I’m RH negative, so I know all about this, and back in the eighties when I had my first child, she was the only one born in […]

Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P5

But you have to imagine living in early America. We are so used to the conveniences that we have that most people don’t even remember what it was like, but let me describe it to you. People grew their own crops. They had no refrigeration, no toilets. They had outhouses. They did not have clean […]

Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P4

And the trials lasted about seven days, and I’ll talk more about that specifically, but that’s what we’re doing now. We’re bypassing the normal method, and we’re exposing them to an adult disease when they’re brand new. So the question you have to ask yourself is could the probable cure be worse than the illness? […]

The Case Against Fluoride P2

Now, the proponents claim that they’re merely adjusting the levels of a naturally occurring element.  Well, is anybody talking about adjusting the levels of naturally occurring arsenic?  Just because something occurs naturally does not make it safe.  Arsenic is not safe.  Fluoride is not safe. As far as nature is concerned, we have a very […]

Dental Implants – Teeth with Titanium

Hi everybody!  It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the last meeting of Bionic Man & Woman and also a great pleasure to introduce Dr. Arun Sharma who has been here with you in the UC School of Dentistry for a number of years.  He wears an amazing number of hats.  He serves as professor […]

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