Tips For Better Understanding About Dental Crowns
If you’ve been told you need a dental crown, you can have a better experience if you ask a few questions and check on a few things to make sure you’re getting the highest quality of care and a restoration that will last for as long as possible. Here are some things to consider: Is […]
Dental Aesthetics – Losing a Tooth by Dr. BreeAnn
“Hello! I’m Dr. BreeAnn Christiansen, holistic dentist at San Diego Dentist in San Diego. And today I’m going to talk about a very common issue, a very scary issue, and something that a lot of people have to go through. So here’s the situation. You just found out that one of your front teeth has […]
Artistry And Materials Are Among Factors That Determine Dental Crown Quality
Dental crowns can differ significantly in quality because of differences in artistry and materials. These are among the many variables that go into your decision about what kind of crown to choose for your tooth — because they aren’t all the same. The quality directly impacts the cost of the crown, but all restorations should […]
Dental Chair Yogi – Dr. BreeAnn @ San Diego Dentist
Transcription: ‘Hello, I’m Dr. BreeAnn Christiansen, holistic dentist at San Diego Dentist in San Diego. Today, I come to you with a very interesting message, maybe not one you would expect, but I wanted to talk to you about how to relate going to the dentist to going to yoga. The first thing I always […]
The Female Perspective Series: Gum Disease
Dr. BreeAnn Christiansen Transcribed: “Hi there! I’m Dr BreeAnn Christiansen, a holistic dentist in San Diego at San Diego Dentist. Today I’m going to talk to you about gum disease and how it relates to women. So what is gum disease? Gum disease is characterized by inflammation of the gum tissue, which eventually leads to […]
3 Great Options To Make Your Own Toothpaste..
See these 3 recipe options for healthy homemade toothpaste at:
Minimally Invasive Dental Ozone Is Changing How We Treat Patients
New dental treatment methods are making dentistry easier, less painful and more effective than ever before. If you haven’t visited a dentist in a while, you may not realize how much things have changed. And no change shows more promise and is providing more real results than the introduction of dental ozone therapy. This kind […]
Dentistal Homeopathy
For some strange reason, not every dentist is fully aware of the remarkable difference that homeopathic remedies could make to their patients. It is, after all, vital for dentists to fully inform their patients about the different options that they have open to them when it comes to dental treatment, and yet homeopathic remedies and […]
Intraoral Scanner Offers Accurate 3D Impressions in Minutes
The Carestream CS 3500 intraoral scanner is an exciting new handheld device that provides a fast and easy way to obtain dental impressions that are much more accurate than traditional methods. The scanner connects directly to our computers with a USB connection. Not only are we able to send your images directly to the lab […]
Denture – Study Results
Patients with substantial bone loss in the lower jaw who wear traditional lower dentures often deal with several issues, including difficulty holding them in place, trouble with speaking and eating, pain especially from pressure spots and friction, and sores caused by rubbing. Some patients are able to have implants in the lower jaw that can […]