Gum Disease Prevention & Awareness
Healing Reactions and Dental Issues
SPEAKER 1: Am I on? I don’t hear you.
DR. SMITH: Okay, hello. All right, we’re really getting a lot more questions and a lot of things coming up as you learn more and more. I know a lot more questions come up in the mind, and our panel, hopefully you can cover any of the talks we’ve given in the upcoming panel right after lunch. Hopefully we’ll be able to answer your questions satisfactorily.
This talk is on mainly healing reactions, but we want to talk a little bit first on dental guidelines as relates to the Gerson therapy. We’re not dentists, we’re not experts, but there are some things that we know we want to share, and then we’ve invited a guest lecturer, a dentist locally who is a holistic dentist, to come this afternoon, and he’ll be able to tell you more specifics about holistic dentistry and mercury and root canals and all that. So this one is just the overview from the Gerson perspectives.
It is important to know that the condition of our teeth and our gums and our periodontal tissues has a great impact on your health. We’re realizing that more and more. If there’s inflammation and microbes and abscesses; even there can be little occult abscesses down in the roots and under the gums that people don’t even realize, that harbor germs. This is a constant stress on the immune system. We’re finding more and more, related to heart disease and even certain cancers are now being associated with gum disease.
It’s always recommended when you see a dentist to find what we call a biological dentist. There’s an organization that some of them belong to, the International Association of Oral and Medical Toxicology. You can Google that, and you can probably search from your area, in the area you live, for a good dentist.
As I already mentioned, the bacteria that’s down in the pockets under your gums enter the bloodstream easily. How many of you have ever seen a little blood on your toothbrush, or when you’re flossing? Well, you have an open invitation right into the bloodstream for the bacteria that’s in your mouth, just like a cut here. You’d want to protect it. You wouldn’t want a cut being exposed constantly to bacteria; you’d take care of it and cover it up. But in our mouth, we’re constantly getting that influx of bacteria into the little micro-tears, and particularly if we have gingivitis and the gums bleed easily. It’s important to get that taken care of.
It’s been associated particularly with heart disease and hypertension, low birth weight babies, osteoporosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, they’re showing some associations here. I found a preliminary study found a small but significant risk of developing cancer overall, and particularly lung cancer in smokers with periodontal disease. That’s when it’s gone down and the bone is starting, with all the inflammation, we’re losing bone from the roots of the teeth.
There was a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, and Dana-Farber found periodontal disease was associated with an increased risk of cancer in the pancreas. This is preliminary, but it’s pointing in that direction.
I’m sure Dr. Benigar [sp] is going to talk about this specifically, but particularly if you’re dealing with an illness, get your teeth checked out and get anything taken care of that might be there that you don’t know about, cavities and abscesses and so on, and then get on a good program that they will prescribe of the right way to brush, floss, and irrigate, to flush out the pockets.
Then we have the silver mercury amalgam fillings, that we know that mercury is very toxic. It compromises the immune system. However, for a Gerson patient who is seriously ill with cancer, we say wait six to nine months on the therapy to get thoroughly detoxed and stronger before you get those removed. Again, you do it with a biological dentist that does it with the safe procedures – I’m sure he’ll go through this, with the rubber dam, with suction. Sometimes they give oxygen so you definitely don’t get any of the vapors as it’s coming out. Some give IV vitamin C while that’s going on, to quench the toxic mercury. But make sure that it’s done in a safe way.
Biocompatibility testing is a possibility for what you’re going to put back in. I can’t really address that, but what goes back in will be less toxic than mercury. But as one dentist said, we’re going to realize, if we haven’t already, that dentistry is toxic. I mean, they use cements and binders and things in their crowns and all. Sometimes there’s aluminum.
But the biocompatibility testing, they test the blood for all the different substances that are used in putting in a filling or a crown, and see which ones your immune system doesn’t have a real problem with. So it’s at least a little better.
Root canals, there’s a lot of literature out there, and there’s a good book, The Root Canal Cover-Up. You probably talked about it; we sell it. We don’t recommend that you get a root canal. You’ll have to make that decision. I know that you’ll have to do something, if the tooth is so far gone that it can’t be restored, whether it’s a bridge or a partial plate, whatever. But bacteria reside down in those little tubules in the teeth, and you really can’t sterilize a tooth where we think that bacteria doesn’t still hide there and slowly accumulate and secrete toxins that can be a factor in the development of cancer.
Dr. Hal Huggins is really doing a lot of research in this area. I don’t know if I got the book out. He has a brand new book. I know he’s a little controversial, even among the other dentists, but he’s a forerunner in researching dentistry. This is a rather new book, so it isn’t on your PowerPoints, but Patient Empowerment: How to Slay Dental Dragons. He talks about all the diseases he’s seen in his practice, and then he’s related it to what’s in their mouth. He really is doing research on not just the bacteria, but the toxins those bacteria secrete, and correlating it with breast cancer, for one thing. Really good book.
We think root canal teeth should be extracted as soon as possible. If someone is very debilitated and weak, of course, wait. Get a little stronger with the nourishment on the therapy. Get a little more detoxified and nourished, because it is surgery. It’ll still take a bit of a stress on the system. We think it’s probably a good idea to get them out, but at least consult with a good biological dentist. I don’t think the implants, personally, are any – I would still stay away from anything going back down in there as a substitute, myself.
So as I mentioned, The Root Canal Cover-Up is a good book. They did studies, and they took root canal teeth, someone that had a root canal, and then they took that root canal out, and they implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. Within so many days – I can’t remember how long – that rabbit developed the same condition that the person had. At least, that’s what the study says, so it’s food for thought.
We get a lot of questions about this, because it’s in Charlotte’s book: when you’re very well detoxified, you may be more sensitive to things, and perhaps to the anesthesia that the dentist uses. So it says to ask the dentist to use less, maybe a third. I don’t know how often they’ll comply with that, but you can try.
SPEAKER 1: You know what, what I would suggest, if you’re really concerned, because I had two opportunities to ask a dentist to comply. I actually took the book rather than just relaying the information. The first time, the dentist used the regular amount, and my heart started beating, felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest. It really scared me. I think if you mention that to the dentist, if he’s not willing to reduce the amount – most will be – he’ll see that some of that might be his responsibility if he doesn’t listen. I think it just might give you a better opportunity. Another dentist told me that it doesn’t matter how much you have; it matters how the substance is injected into your gum, and you miss the blood cell.
DR. SMITH: It could be the epinephrine, and they don’t always use that anymore, particularly a biological dentist, unless they know someone has a real strong possible allergy to something they’re using. The epinephrine they give to constrict the blood vessels can cause the rapid heart rate. But if they use a less dose and they start right away so that it doesn’t wear off so soon – but it’s going to be up to you and each patient’s tolerance to pain. They don’t want somebody to get halfway through the procedure and they can’t stand it anymore. Of course, on the dentist’s side, you can see why they want to have it well anesthetized.
A lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C can decrease the effects of the anesthesia, so a lot of times dentists say don’t take it before you come in. But you certainly could start taking it soon as you leave that office, start taking a lot of vitamin C, maybe a gram every hour. That will help detoxify out the anesthesia, as well as any other substances that they’ve used.
SPEAKER 1: Then Charlotte will say, as soon as you get home, do a coffee enema.
DR. SMITH: Of course, yeah. Toothpaste, don’t use fluoridated toothpaste. Don’t do anything fluoridated. Or baking soda. Now, baking soda’s been known, it’s a healthy thing for the gums, but it does contain some sodium, so we don’t recommend baking soda. But for the toothpaste, toothpaste is mainly just so that your mouth tastes fresh. The real work is done through brushing and dislodging that biofilm with your irrigation, with your flossing. So it’s a tiny bit of toothpaste to go around at the end, makes your mouth taste fresher. But you don’t need to use much.
There’s one that always seems to not get on the table, that I really like. People ask, it’s Weleda’s Children Gel. You look at that, it has about three ingredients in it. Very clean, and tastes good. Vitamere has some other herbs in it. We think that’s pretty safe. But look for extra sodium and fluoride, and of course you don’t want things like lauryl sulfate. So just check the brands really good.
Environmental Working Group has a wonderful website, and they go into all these different categories, rating body care products, general household cleaning products, and so on. Sometimes they might rate something pretty high, and yet because of Gerson it might have sodium in it, so you have to look at the added things that Gerson wouldn’t allow. But as far as the other chemicals, they’re a great website.
SPEAKER 1: And remember, yesterday I told you at the end of that section, Home Setup, there’s several sheets that tell you what contaminates in the toothpaste to watch out for.
DR. SMITH: Floss after meals, irrigate daily. For those people that are more susceptible to cavities, you probably know who you are, we suggest that after a carrot juice that you rinse your mouth well, just in case that extra natural sugar will increase the incidences of cavities. But it’s interesting, Dr. Huggins has got some interesting theories about cavities. He says not that we should eat sugar, but he doesn’t feel like that’s the main culprit either. It has to do with the flow of the juices and the saliva in and out of the tooth, and things that can prevent that.
At the end of this section in your manual, we’ve got some resources. I don’t know Robert Gammal; it’s just that I looked at his website, and it’s just a wealth of information that I think you can look through and might find helpful. And then this is a good YouTube on alternatives to mercury filling. We’re not saying that we’re personally recommending, but it’s good information.
The Truth About Fluoride P5
Ian: until last week there were still telling us that we needed to drink 8 glasses of water every day and most people who drink 8 glasses but do it right out of the tap.
Paul : the CDC looks as if the y are taking responsibility know , the CDC simply [remotes fluoridation so the ex-communities are trapped into thinking that this whole medical establishment is accepting responsibility for fluoridation as being safe but there is nobody actually inching of this program . when it comes down to the toxicity of the chemical that are used this sis in the hand of a private body called the National Sanitation Foundation and they have a disclaimer that they are not responsible for their recommendations and when they are asked for toxicology studies on the chemical used they refuse to give them
Ian: if this is a drug ,if it’s an additive then tits drug , if they are draining hat they put it in there to prevent something from happening to your body then it’s a drug but the FDA has north approved it as a drug . They are insisting that we put an unapproved drug in our bodies and they are doing it some sanitation committee department?
Paul: That’s right which has the industry on opts boaDr. The guys that produce this stuff are on the board of thesis NFS. Let’s see what it means to be unapproved drug , it means that it hasn’t gone through the randomized clinical trials to demonstrate effectiveness , it hasn’t gone through the same trials for safety and they are not monitoring side effects. if a drug goose out in the market then both doctors and patients who find side effects get that information to the FDA and when the FDA have accumulated enough complaints of side effects then they determine whether the drug should be removed. none of that ids happening with fluoridation , they alter onto tracking exposure, they are not looking at fluoride levels in our urine , in our blood, in our bones, in a systematic way , doctors arte not trained to look at side effects and we are not doing the studies and we are not attempting to reproduce the studies that arte going on that are going on right now in India and china which have actually produced a <inaudible> of problems for people that swallow fluoride in naturally high communities and not that high incidentally ; damage to the bone , damage to the brain , damage to the endocrine system , this is being documented elsewhere but we are not f doing the obvious studies in this country or any other fluoridated countries and they are basically what you are looking at there. If you don’t look you don’t find, the absence of studies does not mean the absence of harm. You get this <inaudible> result for example i was in Dryden Ontario in April of 2008 and Dryden was considering if the y were going to stop fluoridation and eventually they did , they voted them out but the chief dental officer for Canada when to that community and in his talk he said i walk down you r high streets this afternoon and i didn’t see anybody growing horns and you have been fluoridated for 40 years . He actually seriously offered this as evidence that fluoridation causes no harm, he diet see anybody growing horns. This is sheer lunacy.
Ian: I’m going to pull up something i found on an FDA site in just a second but I’ll parallel something else. Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife a woman name Brooke Molar has a drug problem and she and a story i read earlier this week she was trying to go to Mexico to be treated by a FDA unapproved drug but they don’t sell it i, it’s not allowed , its illegal in the united states called Imogene and so hose clinics that are set up to give drug addicts or people who have chemical depended issues Imogene which apparently disrupts their body an addiction processes and makes it easier to give up drugs . if you take this drug to break up the other drugs then the FDA won’t approve it and it thought it was so interesting that there are certain drugs that the FDA says no and it’s not arrived it can’t in any way be sold or marketed in the united states as a drug. i go to the FDA site from a year ago and they have here ,I’m going to read it right h here maybe h you already know abbot this . It says “the FDA orders a halt to the marketing of unapproved single ingredient oral cortisone. “this is a drug commonly used to prevent gout, to treat gout flares, to treated m a couple of other things but mostly it’s for gout and so they go out of their way to say if we don’t approve it you can’t sell it , you can’t market it until we say you can but except for fluoride . Other people coming on are saying we have a product, we would like to try it out over the next 40 years on the American people and see if it works they would say obsoletely not to expect for fluoride.
Paul: fluoride is the exception for any rule on pollutants or drugs that you can think of , it’s a protected pollutant when the US public health services endorsed fluoridation in 1950 it established such a powerful vale of protection in on this practise which stood a rational discussion , rational argumentation , scientific evidence , everything falls by the wayside in order to protect this practise and yes i think the FDA role in this is despicable , its total hypocrisy to ban some useful things and now foxing overboard in trying to regulate nutrients and so on which they are doing and at the same time allow those fluoride , this unapproved drug to go into the drinking water of over a hundred million Americans every day with no supervision , no study , no randomized clinical trials and ye to look at the back of your tube of tooth paste because that is the FDA in action on fluoride but only on the cosmetic because they regulate cosmetic as well as food and drug . then you see what they should be doing with water but they have been kept away by the US Public Health Service, the great big bus , the department of health and human services have kept the FSDA away from doing these job on this issue .
Ian: very interesting in the case against fluoride and how hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics that keep it there. Who are the politicians for and against it, do you have anybody that have come out for you? Do you have a national <inaudible> persons politically?
Paul: in fact you can find a lot about this there is so much to talk about this on this front. If you got to our web page you go to web page and at the top of the web page it tells you the recent communities stop fluoridation and links to all the 200 communities that have stopped since 1990. it gives details about how to order out book , it gives more information on all those IQ studies , it gives the professional statement against fluoridation signed by over 3700 medical scientific in environmental professional nitrifies. if you keep scrolling down you eventually comes down to a statement by Ralph Nature and if you keep going down you will faint the professional perspective from water fluoridation , 28 minutes, 15 scientist and if that doesn’t convince you to stop then i don’t know what will but perhaps the book will .
Ian: who are the politicians because i know Ralph Nator you mentioned but like i said my grandmother who was John Birch society all the way she would have hated the fact …
Paul: i f this is essential a political we have people on the right, on the left , the centre run poor announced that he became persistent how would have not fund the CDC to promote fluoridation , he think it should be a local decision not a federal imposition . we have the reverend Andre Young , former ambassador to the UN, former mayor of Atlanta that worked with martin Luther king jar and we have DR. Martin Luther king’s daughter Venice and his niece has come out against fluoridation . they are practically concerned in Georgia because they have mandatory fluoridation , they are strictly concerned in Atlanta because they see the CDC is not warning the family of colours , they are particularly susceptible to fluoride at least as far as dental fluorosis is concerned. I think reverend Andre young is very important because his father was a dentist and for a long time he supported fluoridation. Things change, science develop, we have more information today than we did 60 years ago and we have to patty attention to that. the mayor of Peter Value JR , well known counsellor of new your city whose father was very famous in new York city he has introduced a bill in new York city to stop fluoridation . If you live in New York City and you are listening to tis contact Peter Valona Jar or contact your conceal person and ask them to support Peter Valona JR.
Ian: i assume when you mentioned Martin Luther King jar before you meant martin Luther king the third? Or did you mean MLK was interested in the fluoride issue themself.
Paul: not the American hero that got assonated.
Ian: ok. internationally , it thought this was an interesting quote this is on the back of the book The Case Against Fluoride and sweeten rejected fluoridation in the 1970s these three scattiest have confirmed the wisdom of that decision . Our children have not suffered greater tooth decay as World Heath o Organization figures has test and in turn our children our citizens have no tot borne the other j hazards that fluoride may cause. we do have whole countries where there are healthy people that we can use as test subjects and you can compare and contrasts and we can say this western nation didn’t do fluoride and their teeth and their kids and everybody else . By comparison to ours. are there any cases e where you can make the argument that they didn’t put fluoride in the water and they are countries that do have tragic teeth problems because of that . Are there any examples?
Paul: no. you can’t point, you can have perfectly good teeth with ought fluoride you don’t have to swallow fluoride that is very clear. There’s a much stronger relationship between income levels and tooth decay than you are ever going to find between tooth decay and fluoride. The whole thing is just been badly studies scientifically, no randomized clinical trials for example. there was a study recently done financed by the US government published in 2009 where they actually looked at tooth decay as a function of how much fluoride the kids swallow. they got a bunch of kids, they calculated how much flu rode the kids actually ingested from all sources in the toothpaste, pesticide residue , water and so on and found that there was no relationship between how much fluoride the kids have swallowed and tooth decay and again it comes back to the reason that fluoridation should have stopped was when they’d found out that fluoride major benefit if there’s any is topical , it works on the outside of the tooth and not from swallowing it .
Ian : there are people who have obviously been promoting this and other politicians that are part of this dental industry that are out there trying to protect it through legislation , have you noticed ? Are there senators or congressmen who arte former dentist? Are they trying to? are they moving the needle in favour of fluoridation on anything that we can resist and we can write our congressman or senators about to object to ?
Paul: it is very difficult to function at the state and federal level because the American dental association erases over 100 million dollars per year , i think they maintain something like 20 bias in Washington DC ` and our biggest concern is the amount of federal money that is being capped off to promote fluoridation and the CDC dollars . on the one hand you have the ADA sending money on public violation outfits working behind the scenes , lobbying state legislators , they have a real big effort at the moment to try to introduce mandatory fluoridation . A couple of years ago they introduced mandatory fluoridation in Louisiana.
Ian: did they pass?
Paul: yes. Also in Arkansas they are trying in Pennsylvania, they try every two years n Aragon. In many off these states its being resisted but they are having more success recently because they’ve got a strategy where the public doesn’t find out until they are ready to vote in the state legislate, theta what happen in Louisiana. No one knew about it. Even labia’s for the environmental movement did not know that fluoridation was going through by itself in the legislation.
Ian: we’re going to open up the phones and we will take calls for Dr. Paul Connett the Case against Fluoride next on Coast to Coast.
The Truth About Fluoride P4
Ian: Just walk me through the fluoridation process. Thru trucks arrive and what is the fluoride delivery system like? What do they do? How do they get it and how do they monitor the levels of fluoride that are going into the water supply. I can understand checking the PH balance of a pool in the backyard but that water is not going anywhere and you can walk around the pool and check it in 3 or 4 j places and get a real idea of how much choline for example to add h to a backyard pool but how did they do that with fluoride in a fluid system where you are f going to be running water down through pipes?
Paul: Most of the communities which are fluoridated are now using a liquid, they use hex fluorolistic acid or silicone acid to the water and they drip it
Ian: they drip it into a pipe as the water is leaving the plant?
Paul: Yes but when you talk about how you control the dose top people that’s when you get into one of the absurdities of this practise. The argument that you are getting to is how do you control the concentration in the water but that’s not the issue. the issues is how do you control the dose going to people and the answer is you can’t control the dose because you can’t control how much water people drink and some people drink a huge amount of water , people who work outside in the hot climate, people who have diabetes. There’s a huge range of dose that people are getting and ask any pharmacist if these any drug that you can give to people and say take as much as you like. is there any drug that you give to everybody whether they are very young with a baby , with an infant , whether a child , whether they are elderly , sick or they have poor nutrition or good nutrition . It’s absurd, it’s a very bad medical practise as you earlier indicated. You are depriving individuals of informed consent. its pernicious to families of low income because they can’t afford avoidance measures but they’re really crippling arguments against fluoridation is that you can’t control the dose , you can’t control who gets it . It’s a lousy medical practise and there is no way around that.
Ian: I’m going to read something to you and I’m going to encourage you not to go ballistic but i want to encourage you for a second. Knowing what i know about your work i anticipate your response. I’m reading this from the CDC’s website on fluoridation. Here’s what it says /” two published studies conducted by CDC reaffirmed the benefits of community water fluoridation. Together the studies continue to show that wide spread community water fluoridation prevents cavities and saves money both for the families and the health care system. in fact the economic analysis found that for larger communities have more than 20 000 people where it cost about 50 cents per person to fluoridate the water , every dollar invested in this preventative measure yields approximately $38 in savings in dental treatment cost . ”
Paul: i know the study that they are refereeing to that was done, the lead author was Susan Griffin who is an economist, worked for h the CDC. the trouble with that study is it completely ignored the cost of treating dental fluorosis which can cost up to a $1000 per tooth and we have at least 4% of 12-15 year olds with moderate or severe dental fluorosis so you can imagine the huge cost of treating that condition and ignored of course any other health ailment which might be related to fluoride exposure and also they exaggerated the benefits in there calculation ,they assume a greater benefit than they are actually retrieving .Of course it also ignores the reality that they are using a hazardous grade material instead of a pharmaceutical grade. if they were forced to use pharmaceutical grade then you would go to a more rational delivery system which would be a an optional use of fluoridated bottle water where you make fluoridated bottle water available as pharmacist say and you can choose whether you use it or not . If you use that approach you can use pharmaceutical grade instead of this industrial grade hazardous waste material.
Ian: I’m going to read you another paragraph here. it says ” fluoridation reports indicate 12 year old children living in states where more h than half the community have fluoridated water have 36% fewer decided tooth surfaces per year than 12 year old children living in states where less that 1/4 of the community have fluoridated”
Paul: first of all look at the way they used percentages there. This is based upon this study of the august <inaudible> this is the study that look at 39 000 <inaudible>, 84 communities and the average difference in tooth decay was .6 of one tooth surface. that’s what you find out if you actually go to the table and look at the number but they didn’t report .6 of a tooth surface , they describe it as 18% savings in tooth decay and they also did some hand waving if you subtract the benefit from fluoridated toothpaste, it may be as high as 24 %or 25 % figure but notice they do this all the time ,, they convert a very small savings . When you are comparing two small numbers into what sounds like an impressive percentage. for the average person when they 18% less tooth decay they imagine 5 or 6 tooth decaying and reduce that by 18% but the difference is .6 of 2/3 is absolute savings is less than 1%.
Ian : it says here a related j analysis found here in children again I’m reading from the CDC’s website a related analysis found that children living in non-fluoridated community in states that are highly fluoridated receive partial benefits of fluoridation just from eating foods and drinking beverages processed in fluoridate communities . if you don’t have fluoride in your water you are still benefitting from the fact that the beverages that you drink might have been r processed with fluoridated water or that you may get produce coming out of farms that have sprayed fluoridated water on the crops .
Paul: Yes. This is the so called halo effect. the y are arguing that the treason that there is so little tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities is that the non-fluoridated communities is getting fluoride from other sources , beverages and so on and that is true but they are also getting the harm . When i said the 41% of children age 12-15 have dental fluorosis that was for all American children. even children today from non-fluoridate communities are getting non fluoride by this dedication of fluoride through the beverages and the food chains and so on . The halo effect does not apply when you are looking at Europe because you have such we countries that are fluoridated in Europe so the less children in Sweden arte drinking Guinness from Ireland which is one of the countries that is fluoridated. There is no halo effect there. In other words fluoride in beverages and food produced in a fluoridate community are not getting into the fluoridated community. You can’t use that as an argument as to why there is so little difference in tooth decay between fluoridated countries and non-fluoridated country in Europe. Again i think those things that you have read indicates very clearly that the CDC is acting like a propaganda operation. It’s promoting fluoridation, that’s their function, they promote fluoridation and they don’t have the toxicologist on staff to do it independent. it’s certainly not an independent assessment of the damaging’s instead you get this propaganda material and it’s not what would have expected 15 years ago before getting involved that health agencies should be s doing . You would think the bureaucrats, the civil servants working for health agencies would be giving objective information to the public and the decision maker and that the spinning should not begin with them. if there is any spinning involved it should come from pollutions later on but it shouldn’t come from the civil servants and this is eroding the public’s trust in this country in their health agencies , not only this kind of shenanigans when bureaucracies are protecting a practise rather than protecting the health but also the big money from economic interest , the pharmaceutical industry for instance influencing the national institute of health and other health agencies. We are losing the public’s trust and one way to regain it is to admit that they are wrong on fluoridation and stop this stupid practise.
Ian: i don’t think i have ever lived in a community that hadn’t fluoridated the water , i could be wrong but i assumed it was .
Paul: if you tell me the names of the community you were living in, about 70% Americans now are drinking fluoridated water, over 180 million. Tell me the towns that you have lived in and i will tell you.
Ian: I live right now in South Paulo, Minnesota
Paul: fluoridated
Ian: Atlanta Georgia
Paul: Georgia has mandatory fluoridation
Ian: Nashville, Tennessee
Paul: fluoridated
Ian: Chicago, Illinois
Paul: fluoridated, Illinois has mandatory fluoridation
Ian : I’ve made my point and then i lived in a whole in new jersey on the jersey shore .
Paul: New Jersey doesn’t have many communities fluoridated so when you are living in New Jersey you probably escaped fluoridation.
Ian : just to make the point again , this is a medicine that they are touting at the CDC that they are force feeding a medicine and on that basis alone it really makes you have to wonder . that’s odd that they are doing that and there’s no proof other that what we ‘ve been getting into a little bit here that the e ingestion of this medicine is the way to go . It has a topical benefit but we was just sharing some of that right there. Have you had any successes as the head of the fluoride action network? have you any to talk communities out of that were withier offering it that were no longer putting it in their water supply or cities that were thinking about it that decided not to do it.
Paul: it’s much easier to stoop today, to stop communities putting it in that to reverse the h status quo of stopping communities that are actually doing it but we have had some significant victories. Did you know Alaska followed by Fair Banks Alaska have stopped, some communities in Texas have stopped. in Canada major cities lie Calgary has stopped, that’s 1.1 billion , most of brattish Columbia is non-fluoridated , most of Quebec non fluoridated , Quebec city stopped . Only 3% of Quebec is fluoridated a day communities in Ontario have stopped fluoridating very recently this year. Very recently this i year Waterloo in last October Waterloo voted it out by referendum. If we can get it to referendum we have a very good chance of stopping fluoridation.
Ian: Ok. As you are doing that , as you are f going across the country and you are making your case against fluoridation are there then people that are on the other side of it paid for n by the fluoride industry that come along on your heels or on either same time and debate you on fluoride .
Paul: by and large they will not debate. The closest we had to a debate recently was in front of a community for Austin Texas, the counsel there a doctor and a dentist spoke in favour of fluoridation, another dentist and i spoke against it and that was not actually a debate so much. Each side presented their case and then answered question and that’s on video you can access that. I’m sure if you go to you will be able to see that. incidentally talking about videos if you go to our webpage , if you scroll down you will find a video take called professional perspective of water fluoridation and its 15 scientist on that , doctors, dentist , scientist like myself explaining the arguments , 28 minutes i think people will be convinced. Aim not the only scientist opposed to fluoridation,
Ian: one argument we haven’t discussed for fluoride next on Coast to Coast. Now we’re talking about fluoride into the water and the case against it. There is one argument that we haven’t dispelled which we will next on Coast to Coast this is Ian Punnett. , talking with Dr Paul Connett with St Lawrence University and the case against fluoride. You can link up to him through we kind of touched on it but we kind of gave it a glancing glow and i think its way more interesting than that since we talked about that fluoride is a drug and not a nutrient but it’s also not an approved drug . that’s the part that got me confused especially as i was reading the CDC website and the way in which they made the case for fluoride in thaw water but you argue that it’s an unapproved drug that according to the government .
Opal: other is no agency in the United States that takes responsibility for fluoridation. The EPA regulates fluoride as a contaminant not as an additive. The FDA had never approved fluoride for ingestion. The FDA has a warning for fluoride on toothpaste, on the back of a tube of toothpaste it says only use a small amount, pea sized amount. You should keep always form children under 6, if you should accidentally swallow more than the recommended amount contact a poison centre and get medical help.
Ian: that’s if you swallow too much of your own toothpaste?
Paul: An ova sized amount Ian is a quart of a milligram of fluoride. That the equivalent of one glass of floriated water, van you imagine the same warning on the tap?
Dr. Vinograd’s 3rd Lecture on Holistic Dentistry to The Gerson Institute

Previous Lectures:
June 2013
February 2013
The Truth About Fluoride P3
Ian: If ‘m to extrapolate what you just said there then if a woman is drinking fluoridated water and she is braes t feeding then somewhere along the line that fluoridated water will not then show up in here breast milk .
Paul: it doesn’t increase it very much. The average level in a non-fluoridated community is about. 004, in a fluoridated community it goes up to about .01. There is an increase but there seems to be a mechanism in the body to keep fluoridate from the nursing infant.
Ian : What else would and we don’t know for sure but what else do you think an increase of fluoride in our bodies for people in different social economic groups or just in different countries what else could fluoride be responsible for that we may not even have science for yet but you suspect that florid e may be a contributing factor in a health issue .
Paul: what we know from around the world in communities which have high natural levels, their so called endemic areas for fluorosis in India and china is that fluorosis has two components. One is dental fluorosis , in the beginning you see dental fluorosis and as a child h grows up some of those children will get skeletal fluorosis when they become adults. it not only attacks the teeth but it attacks the bone and the esteem actually grows out of the bone and the reason why you don’t see the dental fluorosis until the secondary teeth emerge , parents get the shock when the kids are 8 or 9 and the permanent tenth start coming out you see the dental fluorosis , the while specks or streaks on their teeth . That’s because the fluoride is loaded up in the bone, it accumulates in the bone. About 50% more for kids accumulates ion the bone. 50% of all the fluoride that you take in each day from tooth paste, from water or wherever it concentrates in the bone steadily increasing over your life. The concept here is twofold. In the beginning the first symptoms of fluoride damage to the bone and Thais has been observed in India and china and hundreds of studies of symptoms that ids identical to arthritis , stiffness of the joints , pains in the joins , pain in the bone that’s the first symptoms of fluoride poising of the bone and as the fluoride continues to accumulate it makes the bones more brittle and so a big concern is that by the time you have been exposed the 50 , 60 , 70 odd years of fluoridated water then you may see an increase in hip fractures in the alto my . The human studies, the epidemical logical studies are met. some studies have shown an increase in hip fractures, other studies have not found this but again you have only been fluoridated now for 60 years so nan the future we will have people who have lived 70 years , 80 years , 90 years in fluoridated communities and there i think it’s going to become more obvious that we’re not just damaging the teeth of people we are damaging the bones.
The other issues is we can see dental fluorosis but what about what you can’t see, what about the baby. Let’s go back again to the bottle fed baby. That bottle fed baby is get 250 times more fluoride than nature intended. what’s that fluoride doing to the developing brain , the endocrine system , the thyroid glands , the pineal gland and in the fluoridated countries they really haven’t done the studies but we’re beginning to find these studies being done in India and china. Theirs now been 24 studies which show w an association between moderate to high exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children and that’s very disturbing and the dosses are not that much higher than what our kids are getting today.
Ian: The argument here is that having a neurological effect?
Paul: it isn’t just we are seeing lowered IQ we know that fluoride damages the brain and ways with these issues because they use high dosages in animal. It’s a question of does you high dose animal experiment give you a good window into a low dose for human beings. That’s why the IQ studies are so important because they are looking at much lower doses than we have used in animals.
Ian: We’re talking about the vase against fluoride in water and the impact on poorer kids. The reason that we can say that is that in certain economic groups they are not going to be likely to use bottle water and other people can use bottled water all the time. Do all bottled water contain fluoride? Do some of them make sure they don’t have it?
Paul: we don’t know. In America the bottle water companies are not required to list the elementally composition but they are in Canada and Europe. If you go to Europe they tell you what the levels are but not in America. We are flying blind on that.
Ian: Why?
Paul: You need to contact the manufacturer to find out how much fluoride is in the bottle water.
Ian: Some may be fluoride free but they are not advertising that on their bottles.
Paul: Some of them have advertised that they have added floured to the water, nursery water. they are selling water in supermarkets deliberately to give the baby fluoridated water which is absolutely crazy which is crazy because it’s the first year which the kids are most vulnerable to dental fluorosis but to go back to the low income for a moment . This is one of the emotive argument used to promote fluoridate. We have to do this to help poor kids. This is the argument because they are not getting a dental treatment and they can’t afford the tooth treatment. it’s very punishes because as you pointed out its precisely the low income families that cannot afford avoidance measure , either using reversal osmosis distillation or buying bottled water on the one hand and secondly its more than likely that you are going to get poor nutrition from low income families and when you have poor nutrition then fluoride is worse. Fluoride toxicity is exasperated. If you have low calcium , low vitamins and so it’s not only that they can’t avoid it with low income families but you’re going to be more vulnerable . we already now incidentally from the centre of disease and control that clack children and Mexican American children in the united states have higher dental fluorosis rates . The eye have higher rates of dental fluorosis meaning that they are more vulnerable for a variety of reasons. One of them may be what i just say poorer nutrition. Another one is a higher instance of lactose intolerance in back family so they are for a variety of reasons and these warnings are not being given. Nobody is warring parents or any families not to use tap water to make up baby formula. Even if the concern was to end with dental fluorosis which they admit, even if that was the only concern thy should be warning parents not to use tap water to make yup formula but they are not doing that because they are scared of threatening their precious fluoridation program.
Ian: Real quickly you have mentioned the reverse osmosis processes. Are you talking about a pure water system or one of the filters that you would put on a tap does it take the fluoride out?
Paul: Some do but not the cheap ones. The typical carbon filters, the Brita filters and so on they do no remove it.
Ian: We haven’t talked about the cost. About how much s does it cost to add fluoride to the water supply and how do they measure floured in the water supply. Is there a trickle that goes in or are some people getting more fluoride depending on where they are these are the origins of the water system in a community versus other people j that maybe be further away or not. we’ll find out how much its costing and is everybody giving the same amount of fluoride , The Case against Fluoride next on Coast to Cost , This is Ian Punnett.
Again tweeting @deconpunnett. I’ll be doing two shows next week. I’ll be doing the Friday night show and the Saturday night show. i believe i will be in New York city for the premier of The Rise of the Planets of The Apes, very cool and hoping it will be as good as what i saw preliminary what it was shaped up to be . We’ll talk about that next weekend on Coast to Coast and The Case against Fluoride continues, how hazardous waste c ended up in our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics that keeps it there. They would say follow the money on this. How much is it costing to put fluoride in the water? Who are the people that are getting paid to keep fluoride in the American water system? Only one of eight countries in the world, maybe it’s not a cost basis system alone. We have to re consider that on Coast to Coast this is Ian Punnet.
We’re talking with Dr Paul Connett who is with St Lawrence University as well as the head as the Florida Action Network. The Case Against Florida is actually the name if the book and on any way you look hat fluoride you look at it in terms of is it a medicine then is unethical to give people without them having a choice on it . if its hazardous waste its unethical to give people something which is also used as a poison … omits in ethical to give it to people if it affects different people , in different socio economic grouses differently and then we get into the argument of what is the cost of adding fluoride to water. These are huge water systems so who is paying for that and who is benefiting.
Paul: it’s a huge cost and especially in big cities. It’s costing New York something like 7 our 8 million dollars per year for the chemicals let alone when you have to repair the systems and change the delivery systems. So for big cities we are talking millions of dollars per year, smaller towns thousands of dollars per year. But even that Ian if you were using pharmaceutical grade fluoride, if you were using the same kind of fluoride that is in dental products you could not afford to do this. The only reason the big cities can use fluoride chemicals to use this fluoridation is they are using the hazardous waste largely produced by the phosphate fertilization industry. The phosphate fertilizer when you are making soluble phosphate heats up phosphate rocks with sulphuric acids. This releases two very toxic gasses into the environment. for about a hundred years these gasses decimated the local vegetation , cripple cattle etc. and eventually they were required to put wet scrubbers on a spray of water and that spray of water n converted these gases into a solution called hexaflourotic acid and it’s that scrubbing liqueur , untreated which gets put into tanker trucks and is shipped around the country and put into our water supplies. They can dump this into the sea buy international law. its too concentrated to dup locally bit f they can find d somewhere to dilute this down , the 180 000 to one then they can get rid of it . It’s one of the idiom syncretise of American Hazardous Waste regulations.
If someone buys a hazardous product from you it’s no longer classified as hazardous waste it n becomes a product. that’s what’s happening , i haven’t made it up . This isn’t Monty Pryce and this is absolutely what is happening. We are taking a hazardous waste from the phosphate fertilizer industry and dumping it into our drinking water. The answer to pollution is dilution.
Ian: Say for a water system as big as New York 7 -8 million dollars that’s insignificant though financially and i would imagine for a smaller city it’s not that much money to add fluoride right ?
Paul: Not if you divide it by the population .i cant believe they would accept any taxes of you divide the total by the total number of population it doesn’t seem very much but when you are talking about something that is damaging your teeth and causing dental fluorosis and other problems that’s where the money is going to be and its unnecessary damage to our health.
The Truth About Fluoride P2
Ian: That idea as fluoride as a medicine lets hang on to that thought for a moment because that’s going to open up a whole other aspect of this conversation. Just to amplify it for people who are still catching on then about what year was it when people started saying “hey when are we ever going to have those studies that prove that this is actually good to put in the water?” Where was it that scientist began to say “what a second, why are we doing this again?” when did the movement start against fluoride?
Paul: Almost immediately. The first opponents of fluoridation were in Wisconsin. there were some dentist that was really pushing it like crazy in Wisconsin and the first opponent were bio chemist and because those bio chemist had used fluoride in their laboratory experiments to inhibit enzymes it was a very good tool in bio chemistry to find the metabolic pathways of how sugar was broken down in the body and they often use poisons to block steps in the pathway to study those pathways. bio chemist had use fluoride to poison enzymes and they were horrified that anyone would add this deliberately to the body systems and put it in the drinking water but their voices were drowned out by the dental community and those who had a huge self interest in propelling this thing .
Ian: So the dentist then let’s say they had their heart in the right place and they said look fluoride is great in toothpaste on the outside , we don’t have the science yet to prove it but it must be good on the inside so we’ll just start putting it in there and the idea was they were going to stop tooth decay among people who weren’t incline to use fluoride toothpaste .
Paul: Can i say that didn’t comet ill later, the fluoride toothpaste actually didn’t come till the 60s. In the beginning they only had fluoride to put into the water.
Ian: So then the fluoride toothpaste comes along and i grew up with fluoride toothpaste , i know of nothing else to be in my toothpaste e other than fluoride and so when someone said ” they put fluoride in the water I would think fine “I’m already putting it in my mouth anyways , what is fluoridated water? Is there any difference between the brushing my teeth with fluoride toothpaste and me drinking water with fluoride in it? I wouldn’t have known the difference.
Paul: absolutely and the fact that every few countries have succumbed to this practise, there’s only 8 countries in the world that have more than 60 % of their population drinking it. Despite that 98% of Europe is not fluoridated you cants see difference in tooth decay between the child who has grown up in fluoridated communities or non-fluoridated community or countries. That’s World Health Organization data. The world Health Organization tracks tooth decay in 12 year olds in many different countries and if you look at the tooth decay today there is practically no difference from those children whether they live in a fluoridated ire non fluoridated country.
Ian: Are we 3% more likely to not have tooth decay in the United States because we have fluoridated water?
Paul: That a good question. the arrest survey ever done in the United States was conducted in 86 or 87 by the National Institute od Dental Research and they looked at it and 39 000 children in 84 different communities and at the end of the day they found practically no difference whatsoever in the tooth decay . The average difference for a child that lived all their lives in a fluoridated community from a child who lived all their life in a non-fluoridated community the average difference was 0.6. You have four tooth surfaces on the cutting teeth and five surfaces on the chewing teeth and overall by the time the team would come out you have 128 tooth surfaces. so out of 128 tooth surfaces a difference of 0.6 of 1 tooth surfaces, let’s say 1 5 of the total tooth surfaces actually is safe and even that study didn’t demonstrate that the finding was statistically significant and other larger studies since then , especially in Australia have found even less savings .
Ian: I’ll be darned. That doesn’t surprise me. the Case Against Fluoride, How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and the Powerful Politics That Keeps It There , that’s the title of the book . Dr Paul Connett is one of three very smart people who have been working on this book. We are talking about noble rose winners have come out against fluoride in the water. Let’s just get back to cases fluoride is like a medicine. It’s not even ethical to force feed people a medicine. At what point to do you have a right to say no to a medicine just put in the water. what if it wasn’t fluoride , what if it was just anti-depressants , what if it was just some other sort of narcotic out in the water just because they want you to be medicated and then on top of that hats the expense of fluoride in the water and how can they say no . You will hear all about that next on Coast to Coast this is Ian Punnet.
I was at U2 earlier, it was a fabulous show but most importantly it would be a beautiful say for some of you soon. it’s going to be a hot day for many more tomorrow before the cool front get there but for some there will be some relief on the way, it’s just coming down from Canada and it will create some rain and some turbulent weather but i would take that trade off. Better that then facing more days of under Armageddon which i know that many more people will suffer from before it’s over. When you get rely hot you can always cool off in a bath tub full of hazardous waste. That’s what fluoride is and more than that fluoride is also a medicine. Test take a look at both of those, the ethics of both of those hazardous materials and a medicine in your body against you’re will. We’ll get to that coming up next, the case against fluoride on Coast to Coast this is Ian Punnet.
Dr Paul Connet is a very well respected member of the chemical community. As a professor at St Lawrence’s University as somebody who is a graduate of Cambridge and of Dark Mirth. this is not a fringe since he’s working on in the case against fluoride but as we were talking about earlier i remember when i was growing up my grandmother who i love very much who is very exercised about fluoride in the water but then again she though Dwight Eisenhower was a communist it was like that type of thing that would get rolled together until i actually sat down and read your book i didn’t realize how right she really was , not about Dwight Eisenhower bout about fluoride and one of the things i never really thought about was if fluoride is a medicine that we intentionally purchase and use in toothpaste how dare we pump it into the water as a medicine that’s unethical; even if it is good for somebody that person would make the choice on whether or not they want to take that medico. I couldn’t think of any other modification that we force people to take against their will.
Paul: No. there was a short experiment with iodine to fight hypothyroidism <inaudible> but they quickly sopped that because they found that people were overdosing on iodine when they put in the water so that experiment short lived but since fluoridation was introduced we never ever used the water supply to deliver a medico.
Ian: what about iodized salt, you mentioned do dine. Would that be a comparison?
Paul: first of all iodine is a nutrient, the body needs it, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the body needs fluoride. there’s not one biological process in the body that requires fluoride so it’s quite different from the other nutrients which are added to food. In all those other cases there is some choice in the manner but when you put it in the water there is no choice and especially for families of low income there is no choice.
Ian: Again to amplify that then iodized salt in the water and as a medicine its unique then this means that the governmental body has decided that you need this for your teeth and they are going to give t to you whether you like it or not. It’s not a nutrient and i can also be a hazardous waste.
Paul: That’s exactly right and unfortunately the agency that is most involved in promoting fluoridation is the Oral Health Division of the centre for disease control in Atlanta. The total body control many thousands of scientist with many credentials butt the Oral Health Division is only 30 people and they are largely dentally trained. There’s not any toxicology on the staff, there is very few specialized in different forms of medicine. So you have people whose preoccupation is teeth, teeth, teeth who are promoting this and making statements for which they have no credentials in terms of the safety. That’s a very unfortunate situation. The centre of disease control in this case is like tittle dump to tittle Dee with j the ADA the American Dental Association that promotes fluoridation. The CDC is like an adjunct of the ADA, preoccupied with teeth and very credential when it comes to safety issues.
Ian: Again fluoride very topically applied, yes. there is aplenty of evidence that says when fluoride is brushed unto teeth when it is absorbed through toothpaste into the teeth , to the gum area , that’s a positive thing you’re not disputing that .
Paul: Some people that oppose to fluoridation don’t even want fluoridated toothpaste. I personally don’t use fluoridated toothpaste for 15 years. The thing is to brush your teeth and the key thing is to have a good diet if you want to protect t your teeth and i would want to advocate the use of xylitol in the use of toothpaste. Xylitol is a natural sugar and it prevents the bacteria from sticking to the surface of the teeth and therefore the bacteria do not strive in the mouth. Put that aside if you had to choose between adding fluoride top t the water or encouraging persons to use fluoridated toothpaste that’s a no brainer, brushing only takes spitting out, don’t put it in the water.
Ian: There’s actually if i remember from the case against fluoride there is some evidence that says fluoride applied topically works. you’re not disputing that it works typically it’s just that there is zero proof and this is where we start getting into as you were talking about in different economic groups for a lot of people putting it in the water is not only does it not only help their teeth it may degenerate different aspects of their health.
Paul: Absolutely. We have 41% of American children, this is the Centre of Disease Control now admitting this 41% of children ages 12-15 have a condition called dental fluorosis. This is a damage to the enamel which can discolour the enamel and be <inaudible> in the most sever forms. when they started they thought that 10% of children would have dental fibrosis and its very mild form but today as i said 41% of children ages 12-15 in the United States including children in non-fluoridated areas have dental fluorosis. Our kids are being over exposed to fluoride. The fact which made me blink 15 years ago when i read in the afternoon the papers my wife put on the table, the thing which made me blink was the level of fluoride in mothers milk. This is the baby’s first meal, developed over millions of years to be the best meal for the baby, the level of fluoride in the mother’s milk is extremely low. If in a non-fluoridated community it can be as low as .004 parts of a million. We fluoridate at about 1 path of a million. what this means is that the parent bottle feeds there baby and makes up the formula with tap water is going to be given her baby 250 times more fluoride than a breast fed baby, 250 times more fluoride than nature intended and i think that there h are clearly on the line the fact that fluoride is not a nutrient because if it is a nutrient that clearly nature screwed up a babies fords meal.
The Truth About Fluoride
About three hours ago I was tweeting about a song, Stuck in a moment from U2. I was at a U2 show at the university at Minnesota the Golden Gophers Stadium that’s TCF Bank Stadium and it was air huge down our , it was raining , it was h crazy . we thought we were all getting electrocuted kind of crazy but they dedicated that song to Amy Winehouse , Stuck in a Moment . and i was kkind of expecting that Bono would say something about the shooting in Aslow but then again i left early because there were sheets of rain not to mention distant rumble of thunder and i thought I better get while the getting is good so that i can get back and do Coast to Coast but it was an awesome show and it was nice of him to say something both about her and Michael Hudgens . I think it was back in 1983 when the war came out, 1983 was the same year that Paul Connett became a professor at St Lawrence University in Catton New York. After doing work in Dark Mirth and Cambridge this is a guy who is pretty much educated. This is not a guy on the fringe but this is a guy who knows chemistry and he says fluoride is essentially hazardous waste and how it’s ended up in our drinking water and the bad signs and the powerful politics that keep it there. He is part of the fluoride action network and we will talk about the case against fluoride and why we should all be against fluoride in our water, why it i doesn’t do what scientist said it was supposed to do . We know what now and it’s a waste of money and it can actually really hurt people to have it there. I will tell you a little bit more about that coming up next on Coast to Coast this is Ian Punnett. I should probably mention too because people always ask if you want to follow the twitter fen I’m @deaconpunnett. If you want to follow those tweets there’s tuff there in the week that we talk about , stuff that’s coming up on the show on Coast to Coast like that first hour conversation we were having about Amy Winehouse i tweeted about that earlier today and the sad 27 club and the case against fluoride Dr Paul Connett is here . Good evening Dr Paul Connett how are you?
Paul: I’m fine Ian, thanks very much.
Ian: impressive career, great pedigree. Obviously you are well verse to the subject and i think a lot of people when they hear folks talk about fluoride in the water h they still think of it as firing science. people who are against it , they don’t get it , they don’t understand or they are just paranoid people and after reading your book i realize it’s really the other way around . The case against fluoride is much stronger than the case to have it be in our water system.
Paul: i agree with you. i joined with two other scientist to write this book , James Beck an MD Ph. from Calvary in Alberto and Professor Speeding Milam , a biologist PHD from Oxford from Scotland and the three of us wrote this book and its understated rather than over stated . its relatively easy to read but everything is well documented and i must say that 15 years ago when my wife first ask me to read some material on fluoridation , just like most people i thought the people opposed to fluoridation a little crazy and i didn’t want the issue because that stigmatization that you are loony tunes if you talked about it. As soon as is started to read the literature i was appalled and slightly embarrassed because i f i held that view or that impression i would be nurturing that prejudice for many years prior to this reading.
Ian: fair is fair it doesn’t really get a hearing, it doesn’t really get a discussion. The only thing I’ve ever heard is that fluoride is good to help us have strong teeth, put fluoride in the water, more people have strong teeth. That’s all you ever really heard about it.
Paul: that’s right. It’s backed up with the commercial, everybody sees the commercial and yes theirs millions of impressions being made. In fact every time we go to the pharmacy or the supermarkets there it is all those toothpaste have fluoride in it, that and the professional bodies that have come out and said it’s wonderful and safe and effective. If you go back and look at the history and when the united states government in the form of the public health service endorsed fluoridating in 1950 , none of the tail that begun in 1945 had been completed and it was practically no science of the safety of either short term or long term effect of fluoride gave been done .
Ian: why did they want to jump in it in 1950 if they didn’t have the trials yet that backed up doing it? What was the impetus to start putting fluoride in the wart before they had a reason to put fluoride in the water?
Paul: there’s another whole book written on that so we didn’t have to spend too much time on the early history of fluoridation but Chris Branson a former BBC corresponded spend 10 years writing a book about the fluoride deception , explaining that history and how they were many industries that either used fluoride in their manufacturing or produced fluoride as a pollutant . They h were faced with lawsuits from farmers whose farm land have been damaged by fluoride and a concern about what fluoride was doing to its workers every day. They saw this practise as a way of changing the image of loured which in the 1940 was seen as the words air pollutant out there that had caused more damage to agriculture than any other air pollutant and threatened many law suits . They saw this is as a way of changing the image and the collision between the US public health service and The Fluorine Lawyers Association. Those lawyers obviously were defending industry in water. That’s all been documented. There’s a huge economic interest an also throw in the nuclear industry that use a huge amount foo fluoride to make the atomic k bomb and refine the fuel for the process.
Ian: Maybe i need to ask, what is fluoride?
Paul: fluoride is essentially any compound from the element fluorine. Florien is a very active element and we’re not talking about that. No one is putting fluorine into the drinking water but they are putting a compound that either contains the fluoride iron or generates the compound iron when it goes into water . One example would be sodium fluoride. When sodium fluoride goes into water then it separates into the sodium iron and the fluoride iron. It’s not the sodium iron that does anything but the fluoride iron that supposedly helps to reduce tooth decay. Its fluoride iron that we are talking about which again gong back 15 years ago when i started looking g at this from a chemical point of view fluoride is not very reactive chemically. Fluorine is pretty reactive Burt fluoride is pretty be nine from a chemical perspective but the shocker is its extremely active biologically. It interferes with enzymes, with protein and other things going on. It’s a very nasty substance you don’t want it anywhere near your body tissues.
Ian: then why do we want to put it in our toothpaste? What is it about fluoride applied topically to teeth that makes the h teeth stronger and more resilient against tooth decay?
Paul: the theory from chemical perspective and it seems quite reasonable is that the theory that the fluoride iron replaces the hydroxide iron the mineral that makes up the teeth, the calcium hydroxyl appetite. that’s the mineral` that makes up the teeth and the enamel and also the bones and the fluoride gets in there, once it is exchanged with this hydroxide iron it makes the enamel stronger and more resistant to acid attack and its thee acid attack from the acid which are generated with sugar is broken down in the mouth by bacteria , it’s that acid that attacks enamel and so if you can stop it there, if you can make the enamel more resistant to acid attack then you’re going to fight tooth decade. When you have fluoride in toothpaste at very high concentration <inaudible> you also inhibit the bacteria. you make the bacteria less able to survive in the mount . For toothpaste there’s two ways that you fight tooth decay, one you get fluoride into the enamel and two you fight the bacteria.
Ian: i like that. Here’s home I’m liking that , back in the days when i used to buy beater cars i would buy cars that had rust on it that had a couple of bad winters . you have some road salt on the car and it starts corroding at the metal so you get out a good sander and you use either bond or fibre glass and you patch up the corder panel on the car so that it looks good as new and that’s would he sort of how you described it maybe the roll that fluoride would have on my external , the enamel on my teeth and that from the external in it helps to patch up where sugar has been corroding at the tooth on the exterior.
Paul: i think this a good analogy but the key to thing to focus on it’s a topical effect. It works on the outside of the enamel.
Ian: That’s what I’m saying, the other side to this would be saying look see how we can patch up the corder panel on the car by using bond or a fibre glass kit that we get from our local car body shop, why don’t we do this? Why don’t we put the bond in the gasoline and then we pump it right into the gas tank and that will patch up the holes from the inside? That would seem to be the problem with the fluoride on the inside. Is that right?
Paul: I think that’s a very god analogy. the one that we use a lot is that swallowing fluoride makes as much sense as swallowing sun tan lotions which is designed to be on the outside of the skin and if you are someone who swallow sun tan lotion they would look at you a little strangely.
Ian: Back in 1950 they though we have all these extra fluoride we have to find a place to put it , why don’t we rehabilitate fluorides image and at the same tome create a new market for something which otherwise would be expensive to get rid of and lets just converse people that it would be the same as swallowing sun tan lotion and then it would be good for them . If sun tan lotion s good on the outside then focusers its good on the inside and yet there was no science yet available that said that it didn’t work. Is that fair?
Paul: that’s absolutely right. They did not do the kind f of studies that would be required from instances from the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA. of you were bringing a new drag into the market the FDA would have to approve it and that approving prices would require randomized clinical trials to establish it with safe and effective and that’s never been done ,the FDA has never submitted this substance or had companies submitted this substance to randomize chemical trials . The official classification of fluoride by the FDA is that sits an unapproved drug. It’s amazing isn’t it? over 60 years we’ve out this stuff in our drinking water m pliably the most prescribed medication in US history and yet the FDA which is in charge of approving medicine has beaver done this for fluoride.
Dentistry vs. Pregnancy
Pregnancy is, probably, the most beautiful period in the life of every woman. But, besides great feelings and happy moments in life, health of the pregnant woman may be at risk. The fact is that the immune system and the amount of calcium in the body are usually sharply reduced, and this is what may cause the destruction of tooth enamel or caries. So, let’s find out how necessary is it to visit the dentist and proceed the dental treatment during pregnancy and whether you should do it at all.
Unfortunately, today, there is a widespread myth that dental treatment during pregnancy is not only deprecated, but is contraindicated since the anesthesia and other processes could harm the health of the baby. As a consequence, future moms suffer from a toothache during the whole pregnancy and when the baby is born, it turns out that during the period of breast-feeding visit to the doctor is still banned. But at the same time none of them think about how not treated teeth can harm the baby.
Pennsylvania dentists warn: «Any cavity of decay in the tooth of a future mother, decayed tooth, or inflammation in the mouth primarily is centers of chronic infection, which can spread throughout the body while eating. If the nidus is located in the root tip of a tooth, or between the roots of the teeth, the infection can immediately spread through the bloodstream. » In such cases, the body spends more internal resources to combat the spread of the infection instead of keeping the fetus. As a reaction, complications during gestation or late toxicosis are possible.
Another reason to go to the dentist during pregnancy is that the future mom is in need of a healthy and varied diet for proper development of the fetus. A damaged teeth or constant pain prevent proper and thorough mastication of food, so that the baby does not receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, because they are poorly absorbed in the body.
Probably, it is not necessary to talk much about oral hygiene during pregnancy, but anyway. As it was already mentioned, during pregnancy the immunity falls and many processes and sluggish oral diseases can be accelerated. It’s not as terrible as it may seem, but in this situation visit to the dentist is essential. But, in order to make this need not to appear, it is necessary to remember how important is to brush teeth at least twice a day. After all, prevention of the disease is always better than treatment.
Often, a visit to the dentist cause negative feelings in people. Most often, people associate it with pain, inconvenience and with humming drill. What can we say about pregnant women, whose psychological state is much more unstable than one of the average person? All these mean that such feelings like stress and pain are contraindicated for these women. Therefore, when the intervention of dentist is needed, the right kind of anesthesia is the key to success. There is good news for anyone who has strong belief that any anesthesia may harm the baby. This is not true. Today, there are a number of pain medications that do not have contraindications to the use during pregnancy (they do not reach the fetus through the placenta and do not cause any change in the pregnancy, gestation and fetal development).
Looking back on everything aforesaid, we can safely conclude that going to the dentist during pregnancy is possible and necessary, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Modern technologies make the process of treatment minimally stressful and absolutely painless. In order to find certified and experienced dentist in your state, try this service
Pregnancy is the best state in which a healthy woman can stay, so nobody should refuse themselves and their future babies to be healthy and beautiful.
The Case Against Fluoride P6
My response is that every day that health agencies and professional bodies promote and defend fluoridation, they are losing their credibility. Any audience that I get to speak to is going to walk away from here wondering what on Earth is happening to the Ministry of Health in New Zealand or what is happening on these District Health Boards.
It’s going to get worse and worse until they admit they were wrong, bite that bullet, put it behind them and then begin to regain the public’s trust. This is, I think, the only way forward for them, and I think we have to hasten that a lot.
So, better alternatives. If you want fluoride, if you want fluoride, use fluoridated toothpaste; 96% of toothpaste sold in New Zealand is fluoridated. Better still use xylitol toothpaste. Xylitol is a natural sugar that we make in our bodies every day, about 15 grams of it. It’s extracted from pine bark. It’s been used in Scandinavia for over 30 years, and also in Japan. It’s endorsed by a number of national dental associations.
Another thing that we can do is to give free toothbrushes and free toothpaste to low-income families. This is what they’re doing in Scotland with good results. Give xylitol mints to kids in school, not chewing gum. One of the problems with xylitol chewing gum is that dogs that eat that chewing gum can be killed. Some dog breeds are very sensitive to xylitol. So, it’s better to give the kids mint and suck them in class. That’s what they’ve been doing in low-income schools in Wichita, Kansas, with some good results.
Most of tooth decay is concentrated in low-income families. This cries out for targeted attention, better education, more clinics, certainly better education.
The most distressing tooth decay is baby bottle tooth decay. This is when babies suck on bottles of Coca cola, milk, fruit juice for hours on end, go to sleep with it in their mouths, and it rots the top teeth down to the gums. It is totally intellectually dishonest for dentists to hold up these pictures of baby bottle tooth decay, and use these to say the communities should be fluoridated because fluoridation does not fight baby bottle tooth decay. We need better education, not fluoridation.
Now, low-income families need better diet and better dental education. Less sugar, more brushing. Less sugar, more brushing. One year before the US government endorsed fluoridation in 1950, mysteriously, the Sugar Lobby, the sugar research foundation, which represented 133 sugar interests from cookies to candies to corn flakes, said, “We need to find a way to reduce tooth decay without reducing consumption.”
Then, they proceeded to put millions of dollars on nutrition departments in prestigious universities in the United States including Harvard, and professors like Fred Stare, Chairman to the Nutrition Department in Harvard went around the country and testified to Congress that sugar was nutritious, that Coca cola was a nutritious drink, and fluoridation was the best thing since sliced bread. He kept up his mantra for years and year and years.
Sugar, not only causes tooth decay, but it also causes obesity. So, if we’re talking about fighting tooth decay and fighting sugar, then the amount of money that’s available, if you combine it with fighting obesity, is very large.
Obesity, talking about money is being spent is money, money, money, money being spent, the amount of money that’s going to be spent on the complications of obesity in the health systems of modern countries is going to absolutely cripple us. So, why not take this opportunity to get some soft drinks out of schools, educate the kids on better nutrition, make nutrition a course subject in schools, and combine it with tooth brushing, combine it with xylitol, combine it with more exercise. This should be a top priority.
A very sad truth is the Maori who are being singled out as one of the reasons that why we have to fluoridate in New Zealand had perfect teeth before Western diet. There’s a whole book that’s been written about the Western price on these indigenous peoples from Eskimos to Maoris to Aborigines to Pacific Island people had perfect teeth until they got Western diets, the way that we throw out the refined flour. Now, we’re adding insult to injury. We’ve ruined their teeth, and now we’re going to give them poison.
It’s precisely the Maori community that doesn’t need fluoride because they have a high prevalence of kidney disease. They can’t get rid of that fluoride. They have higher rates of diabetes. They don’t need fluoride because people with diabetes drink more water. So, we need the education. I’ll be talking in [1:23:17] on Monday, in Hamilton, and one of the things I’m going to suggest to them, “What were those diets that you had that so impressed Western diet? What were you eating before Western diet? Why not see if you could go back to some of those diets?
So, how could we end fluoridation in Auckland? Ending fluoridation is as easy as turning off a tap. I’ve mentioned this, but we need the political will. We need many, many people educated, organized, affecting changes like driving a nail through a piece of wood. The expert may sharpen the nail, and I hope I’ve sharpened some nails tonight, but I can’t push the nail through the piece of wood. We need the hammer of public opinion to drive that nail home.
Now, what you should all be thinking about is how can you take the ammunition that I’ve shared with you tonight and use that to affect change? How can you use that to influence your local dentist, your local doctor, and your local decision makers. We’ve got a lot of resources for you to use. FAN New Zealand has an excellent website, and we need to network. We can’t do this alone.
Right now, there are people all over the country that are drawing tremendous energy from the fact that we’re making progress in Queensland (and I’ll talk about that in a moment). Every time a community stops fluoridation anywhere in the world, everyone in our network celebrates. Same with New Zealand. Our website is one of the best, Don’t forget that health database that my son Michael made.
This book is available online, the National Research Council report. You can search it by word. It’s easy to use, but it’s very dense. To do justice to that, you’d have to spend several months on that. That will be good for doctors and scientists, perhaps. Our book was an attempt to make this information more readily accessible to the public but without insulting your intelligence. Every fact is documented. That will take you a few days to a few weeks to master that material, but you will have it.
Something that will only take you 29 minutes is there’s a videotape on our webpage called “Professional Perspectives on Fluoridation”. There, you’ll hear form 15 scientists, one Nobel Prize winner, three from the National Research Council that wrote that report, two former employees of the US EPA, a couple of dentists that were one pro-fluoridation, now anti-fluoridation, and a few scientists and environmentalists like myself.
In 29 minutes, they do a pretty good job. You have our permission to make as many copies of this as you want, and I think, if you can get around to it, trying to influence your neighbors. The simplest thing you can do is to give them a videotape. Don’t get into an argument. Ask them to watch it. Then, talk about it later. Do that with your dentist, too. Don’t get into an argument and say, “You’re a dentist. You’re a doctor. You’re a professional, I’m not. I’ve watched this videotape, and I’m disturbed by the arguments in here. I’d like you to watch it, and then, give me your response. Should I be worried or not?” So, treat them with the greatest respect, but try to encourage them to look at this with an open mind.
We have to end fluoridation one open mind and one community at a time. I’m not anticipating, any day soon, help from federal governments, the big central agencies, but I think with people like yourselves, with more and more open minds, we can win this.
Since October 25, when fluoridation met its waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, where they voted out fluoridation, a referendum, we’ve had over 100 communities stop fluoridation in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. That’s about 3 million people liberated worldwide, and there’s a listing on our webpage. We keep it up to date.
On February 4, Windsor, Ontario voted to stop. That was about 300,000 people. February 5, Cairns in Queensland voted to stop. February 12, St. Croix Falls in Wisconsin voted to stop. On February 12, Bundaberg in Queensland voted not to start, and February 20th, Frazer Coast in Queensland voted to stop. Hopefully, you will add Auckland to this list.
One word of warning: In these communities that you’ve just seen, when these councilors vote out fluoridation, they immediately are bombarded with a horrible series of ill-informed attacks and criticisms. They’re attacked in editorials. They’re attacked by the Minister of Health going on television and telling people that they’re talking nonsense.
I didn’t tell you the good news was that Queensland lifted that mandatory fluoridation. The new premier lifted the mandate. That’s why we’re getting these eight victories in Queensland.
I want to arm the councilors that you’re trying to reach. We have to protect them. So, tell the critics this, “When the critics go after you, Mr. or Mrs. Councilor, for stopping fluoridation, you say: There are too many unanswered questions for me to feel comfortable forcing this on citizens against their will.”
This is what many of the European countries have said: We do not feel comfortable forcing this practice on people that don’t want it. A second thing that you can say is, “I feel very uneasy that promoters who tell us that fluoridation is ‘safe and effective’ do not accept any liability if harm is caused.” They’re pressuring us to do this or not to stop it, but if anything goes wrong, who are they going to come after? Who are the lawyers going to come after when the lawsuits begin for some of these health effects? It’s not going to the American Dental Association or these other people. It’s the people that actually do it, either the Water Department personnel or the councilors who said “yes”.
The third thing which is good protection is this: “Professor Connett raised a lot of powerful arguments with us and in his book”. Powerful arguments. The book is available on “If you disagree with Professor Connett’s arguments, are you prepared to debate him during his tour of New Zealand? That’s February 18th to March the 10th.” Now, after March 10th and none of these people are prepared to debate me, I predict that right now. I won’t get a debate, then you just change it, the next time I come to New Zealand. The point is that you’re trying to make clear, yes or no. It’s a one word answer. “Are you prepared to debate him if you know so much?”
Now, if promoters don’t have the courage of their convictions—sufficient to defend their opinions in open public debate—why should you—or anyone else—have the confidence in those convictions? So, it’s simple isn’t it? It’s not my practice. It’s not your practice. It’s their practice.
If it’s their practice, and they are prepared to put a poisonous substance in the drinking water without control of who gets, without controlling of dose, with lousy science to support the effectiveness and the fact that it’s safe. If they’re prepared to do all those things, then they have to be able to defend it. Defend it completely and convincingly and on a public platform against all comments, and if they can’t do that then that’s the time that we have to insist you stop.