Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P3
Now, when that child is born, just like you and I, its exposure through any infectious illness is through the nose and mucous membrane when we come in contact with it. As soon as this happens, the body begins immediately to identify whatever that foreign thing is before we even know we’re exposed. And by the way, Dr. [inaudible] says that a brand new child goes through this thousands and thousands of times every day because it’s exposed to this whole new environment. So we’re being exposed to spores and fungus and mold and mildew and bacteria and viruses and dust and all kinds of things, but when something foreign that doesn’t belong there, it gets identified, the tonsils are involved – all the detoxing organs, by the way, are the immune system. We have the lymphatic system, which is made up of thousands of lymph nodes. We have lymph vessels and intricately connected [inaudible] glands, the tonsils, the stomach, the spleen, and the nervous system, and the digestive system are all part of that immune system.
So the body immediately prepares to deal with this new visitor by initiative white blood cells called lymphocytes, and then t cells, which attack the organ directly. Antibodies in the blood are specialized in responding to the foreign invader. In fact, when the TH1 cell gets involved, your body develops lifelong immunity, and it’s very important you understand that. The object to these infectious illnesses is for us to have lifelong immunity. Would you agree? You get exposed, you have immunity. Well, the normal method is TH1 cells get involved, and you have lifelong immunity. When the invader reaches the gut, by the way, this is when you have the fevers, you might feel nauseated, your child might throw up a little bit, might have diarrhea, it’s when your joints begin to ache. By the way, this is normal immune function. But your body is dealing with it appropriately, and many times, people think that the fever is bad.
When I was first raising my first child, everybody, as soon as their child got a fever, would run for the medicine cabinet. Oh my gosh, this fever’s going to cause my child to die or have seizures. And I had just learned the year before that fevers are part of the normal immune system function, and that they play a critical role in dealing with whatever foreign invader is there. So fever and sweats are all part of your immune function. Does that mean it’s good? Yes. So what do we do when we take something to take the fever down or to remove the symptom? Are we really helping our bodies out? You need to think about that.
Okay, this process is very important for immune development, and it also is how we detoxify our body. There is no system in the human body – listen to this, this is very important – there is no system in the human body which gets strengthened by avoiding challenges, but only through overcoming them. You know, if you want to improve your cardiovascular, you go out and you work out and you get your heartbeat going. You work it, you challenge it. You want to develop muscle, you challenge it through weights. Okay? Every system in the body is the same way. As it deals with challenges and overcomes it, the body gets stronger, and that’s how I raised my children.
You know, when my kids would have a fever, I would say, “Boy, now you get special treatment. We’re going to lay on the couch and we’re going to make homemade chicken soup, we’re going to baby you. We’re going to take really good care of you. You get to watch TV all day, and your body’s working,” and I would pat them on the back, and say, “It’s okay. You’re going to be just fine.” And when they’d get swollen glands, I’d say, “Yep, boy, those are your glands working. And that’s how God intended it. Isn’t it awesome? Now, it’s not fun, but this means you’ve got to lay down and rest and drink lots of fluids and listen to your body.” When they would throw up, I’d say, “Oh, your body’s kicking it out. Something’s in there that doesn’t belong there.” And, “Oh, mama, I’ve got to go to the bathroom, I’ve got the runs.” “Go get it out.”
Seriously. My children, we never talked about sickness. We talked about this is your body doing what it’s intended to do, and when you think like that, you realize that you have to have the utmost respect for the human body, because it knows way more than we do, and man and his educated brain gets in there and tries to figure it all out, you see, and in fact, the medical model does the opposite of what the body’s doing, and I’m going to talk about that in just a minute.
So anyway, if you challenge the immune system and it overcomes, it is a stronger, healthier immune system. I call it aerobics for the immune system, and literally, I like to see a child run a fever. [Inaudible] wow, their body’s working well. And if children are not well, there are so many things you can do to proactively help that body function better, and that’s a whole ‘nother talk.
So just so you know, the final stage of all of these infectious illnesses is usually the rash. Chickenpox, measles, [inaudible] – and isn’t that when we diagnose it and go, “Oh, chickenpox.” See, you didn’t know, but your child was dealing with that for like seven days before it broke out in a rash. We had no clue, but that’s the final stage. That’s the shedding process that goes through when we shed through the skin, and so that really helped me to understand that my child is okay, this is the final stage.
And by the way, when my kids got chickenpox, I was delighted, because they now had the opportunity to strengthen their immune system and get through it, and most children do just fine with chickenpox, and we’re going to talk about that vaccine up the road here. Now, is it fun? No. It’s no fun having children on the couch, running a fever, and it can even get scary sometimes, and by all means, if you feel it’s a medical emergency, take them in to the [inaudible] or go to the hospital, whatever.
One of my favorite books, and I don’t have it, is a book written by Robert Mendelson, and I’m going to talk about Robert Mendelson a lot because he wrote a book How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor. This was the first book I read over twenty-six years ago, and he explains how the human body works, how the immune system works, and how these infectious illnesses actually help develop the immune system. And I just love this man. His books are still available, and I encourage you to get his book called How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your Doctor, because it goes through all the infectious illnesses that children go through, and he identifies when it becomes a medical emergency and when it’s not, and he tells you how to deal with it at home.
So moving on. Now, let’s look at the allopathic model. The allopathic model is the medical model we live in, and they call this sickness, but let me ask you, if you go to the restaurant and you get a hold of some bad seafood and you go home and you vomit and you throw up, is that a good thing? It’s a good thing, right? Because if you didn’t, you would probably die, and yet think about it. It’s your body detoxing, it’s your body eliminating. It’s very similar to that process when children go through infectious illnesses, but the allopathic model calls this sickness, and of course, the method of treatment is to drug the body, reduce the symptoms, and go against what the body is doing, and that’s why I’m really into holistic health, understanding the whole body and how it all works together, and I encourage you – there’s so much information out there. There’s no reason why everyone now can’t make informed decisions about all healthcare options.
So let’s look at when you inject a vaccine, how that differs. By the way, when children are not vaccinated and they’re just living in the world, they get exposed very gradually to infectious illnesses. It’s not like all in one day, they have eight infectious illnesses that they have to deal with, right? So when we vaccinate through injection, we are not only changing the timing of the exposure, but the method, and those are two of the biggest problems I have with vaccines: the timing and the method. So when we vaccinate, we bypass the normal method, and we inject right into the muscle. Now, again, they’re not just getting the virus or the bacteria; they’re getting all of the neurotoxins I described, and the immune system has no clue what’s about to happen. So you bypass the normal system. It goes into the muscle. If it gets into the blood system, organs are in danger for getting affected by the vaccine as well, and I believe that’s what’s happening with all the neurotoxins in vaccines. They’re not just staying in the muscle. They’re not being dealt with the same way infectious illness would. They’re getting to the vital organs of the body, and I’m going to show you how.
So not only are we changing the method of exposure, but the timing, and I want to tell you that when you bypass the normal method and you inject, TH2 cells are stimulated, and when TH2 cells get stimulated, you do not have lifelong immunity, okay? So your job as a parent is to decide is my child better off getting the infectious illness or getting the vaccine? And again, I’m not telling you what to do; I’m just showing you a whole lot of information that you haven’t been able to dig up. You know, it’s one of those things that’s right out there in the medical literature, but it’s completely out of sight. It’s like hidden, and yet it’s right there.
Okay, so let’s talk about what we’re doing day one in the hospital. Right now, babies that are born, it is recommended that they get the hepatitis B vaccine. Now, hepatitis is usually an adult disease, and the way people get hepatitis is by having many, many, multiple sexual partners or dirty needles. It’s a blood transfer disease, and the normal exposure, again, is when you’re a sexually active adult, and we know American kids grow up fast. Do you think that your baby is going to be involved in sex and drug use in the first seven years of life? They say that this vaccine, at best, will protect your child for seven years. But this is what we’re doing. We’re injecting hepatitis B vaccine right into these babies.
I will tell you, number one, there are no long term safety studies whatsoever. In fact, they only tested this vaccine out on five to seven year olds. It was never tested on infants, so your babies are the guinea pigs, as they are on all vaccines, which I’ll show you. When you bypass the normal route, as I said, the virus or the neurotoxin can get into the blood and expose organs that should not be exposed, and my concern, I really believe the hepatitis B vaccine is the most nonscientific vaccine out there. It was developed for the prostitutes and the drug users, just so you know, and when they couldn’t get it to them, they weren’t interested in purchasing it or buying it, they literally went into Congress and said, “What do we do with it?” And they said, “Let’s give it to the babies.”
Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P2
So the question I asked you is are your healthcare beliefs based on indoctrination or education? You know, I grew up in a traditional family. We went to the doctor when we needed to. Broken bones, stitches, if we’re really, really, really sick, but nowadays we do something totally different. How did we get so conditioned? How is it that every parent feels it is their obligation to take their baby in every two months for a well-baby visit? How did this happen? You see, when I was growing up, if we went once a year, like I said, for an emergency, stitches or whatever, that was a standard, or if we were really, really sick. That’s when penicillin was real popular. We’d go in for our shot of penicillin, but it was very rare that we went to the doctor, and most of the time, mother knew ways to take care of it at home, and one of the things that I like to do is I like to encourage people to get back to the basics and learn how to take care of the human body in such a way that we’re not throwing drugs into it constantly.
So there’s a big difference between indoctrination and education, and just to see, just to prove how conditioned we are, I’m going to ask you to reply to me, and reply, I want all of you to participate, okay? When I say this, answer me. Don’t squeeze the – okay, nice and loud so it can get picked up. How about pop, pop, fizz, fizz? How do you spell relief? How about M&Ms melt in your – not in – exactly. I like this one too. This kind of ages me, but Winston tastes good like a – now, do you know how old that is? When I was growing up, there were commercials on television, you see this tall, handsome cowboy riding on his horse smoking a cigarette, and they outlawed it. They said it was causing too much smoking, and yet we still know, twenty-something years later, we still know that commercial, so are we conditioned or what? Okay? I just had to have you prove it to yourself that you’re conditioned, and I believe our healthcare decisions are conditioned as well.
So my challenge to you is to stop and think about your healthcare beliefs. You see, when I went under chiropractic care and had healthcare problems, I had all these healthcare conditions go away, I had unlearned a lot of my unhealthy beliefs. I had to start thinking about health and really asking those critical questions, and I started asking, “Gee, is this medication good for my body? Do I need it? Is there a better way?” And so I’m really encouraging parents to take full responsibility for your health and your children’s health, and the only way you can do that is by examining what you do day in and day out.
So where did it all begin? When I tell people, you know you have a right to not vaccinate? They look at me with these eyes of “Why would I ever choose to not vaccinate?” And you should talk to senior citizens. They say, “Oh my gosh, vaccines have saved our world from all kinds of problems,” so people are often shocked that a person would choose not to vaccinate, but they also think that vaccines have been around forever, and I’m here to tell you that they haven’t been around that long. That for centuries and centuries and centuries, human beings lived without vaccines. Imagine that.
So according to [inaudible] who runs the national vaccine information center, between 1964 and 2002, the United States added eight vaccines where we originally had three. Now, I was born in the late, late 1950s, and back then, we got about three vaccines. We got an oral sugar cube – who got that sugar cube? Raise your hand. I’m going to tell you a lot of goodies about that. But we got the oral sugar cube, and then we got two injected vaccines. Keep in mind that we were five to six years of age. Five to six. You must keep that in mind, because what we’re doing now is you’re vaccinating them right after they come out of the womb, okay? But we were five to six years of age. A lot of development takes place in the first five to six years of life, okay? And then as I stated, they added eight new vaccines. We now have twenty-three doses in the mandatory vaccine schedule, and according to Ted [inaudible] who’s a chiropractor vaccine researcher, he actually broke down all the shots, and his summary is this: that you get twenty-three doses for fifteen different infectious diseases totaling seventy-two different bacterial viral components. Keep that in mind. That’s a lot of vaccines.
So the current schedule, just so you know, is the MMR, the measles, mumps, and rubella, which is a cocktail; the hepatitis A and hepatitis B; we have the new chickenpox called the varicella; the live and the dead polio; the [inaudible], which is influenza type B [inaudible] vaccine; the DPT, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus; the [inaudible], which is for earaches and meningitis; and the new influenza vaccine, which they’re recommending children and babies getting twice a year, and then once a year for the rest of their life. And, of course, you know we have adult vaccines. We have our senior citizens getting flu shots and [inaudible] shots, so there’s a lot of vaccines out there.
Now, most importantly, you must know your rights. I think that if we don’t know our rights, we’re no different than slaves. I get calls from parents all the time saying, “My school nurse told me that my child has to be vaccinated by this Friday or my child can’t come to school. She told me it’s the law.” And I again refer to my website and let them know the written law is right at the website, that we still have a right to say no, and that again, if you don’t know your rights, you can’t enforce them, and I encourage them, you know, take this time to go in and educate your school nurse, let them know that yes, you do have a right to say no to vaccines. It’s a great opportunity to enlighten them.
And so there are three reasons why people – actually, three waivers that you can use, depending upon your state, and to find out what your state waiver rights are, you can go on to the NVIC website, and they have a complete listing of all the states and what exemptions are available to them.
But first of all, I want to talk to you about the religious exemption. Every state but one has a religious exemption available to them, and that means if for whatever reason it is against your religious convictions, you do not have to belong to a particular church, because your religion is your choice, and they still will honor this in almost all states but one, so that’s one exemption available to you. And for those of you who are Christian and believe in the Bible, I do have available, if you email me from my website, Biblical reasons to not vaccinate. The Bible has a lot to say about putting toxins into the human body.
Also, there’s a medical exemption. A medical exemption is for children who have asthma, diabetes, any kind of seizure disorder, or any other chronic immune disease. In the literature in the doctors’ offices in the inserts actually states that if your child has any type of immune problem, they should receive no further vaccines, okay? Also, if your child had a severe reaction after a vaccine, a seizure of some sort or collapse in the living room and stop breathing, that is a severe reaction, and many times, the doctors will not even mention that that’s a reaction, and if you ask, they’ll say, “No, that’s not a reaction. That’s not associated with the vaccine.” But that could be a severe reaction.
And then again, our most important right to waive is our philosophical exemption, and fifteen states have this, and it means based on whatever your belief is pertaining to vaccines. This is the one I use. This is the one, when I have to get my kids into school or whatever, I let them know that I choose not to vaccinate because I don’t feel they’re safe. I don’t like the lack of safety studies. I don’t believe putting toxins in the body – you know, it’s a great opportunity to educate those who might be uninformed, and so this is the one that we fought for, and we had in Michigan on behalf of the Michigan parents. So it’s very important to understand that laws and to exercise them.
And by the way, we have had some counties in Michigan that have passed ordinances, and they’re making it difficult for parents to get the written waiver form at school. And according to the law, it says that all you need is a written statement from the parent. It doesn’t have to be a particular form, but the schools are making it a little more difficult, and I just want you to know that some counties passed an ordinance, but right in the first paragraph of that ordinance, it says, “This ordinance cannot supersede any state law.” So if they push it, they’re violating your rights, and by all means, give me a call. I’ll be happy to call them on your behalf and let them know they’re violating your rights and you have a right to use the waiver form of whatever choice to get your children in school. So that covers the laws pertaining to vaccines.
What is the difference between a normal exposure to an infectious illness and unnatural exposure through vaccine injection? You must understand how the immune system functions in order to get it, because otherwise, you live in fear, okay? And I had the opportunity to sit in and listen to Dr. [inaudible] who is a chiropractor immunologist, and it was wonderful because he gave a really basic, fundamental [inaudible] of how the immune system works when exposed to an infectious illness.
As a child develops in the womb, if nothing interferes with that development, the child has two eyes, a nose, two ears, little toes, everything where it belongs, okay? When they’re born nine months later, they are underdeveloped. Every part of their body is underdeveloped except for one: the brain stem. The brain stem sits right back here, and it has been in charge since conception. The brain stem is the only organ fully developed and fully functioning at first, and it is controlling everything. It’s what makes that baby take its first breath, okay? It’s incredible in what it does, and that’s why I’m a big promoter of chiropractic. I think we have to make sure there’s no pressure on that brain stem for newborns. But anyway, the brain stem is controlling everything in the human body. So we have a child whose brain, it’s digestive system, the myelin coating on its nerves, the bone, the muscle, everything is underdeveloped. Wouldn’t you think this is when we need to protect them from neurotoxins because they’re developing? Especially neurotoxins that can interfere with the development of all these critical organs in the body? Okay.
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Why Vaccines Are Dangerous
see the video here: http://vimeo.com/753734
Phillip: What can anybody say about Mary Tocco? She is one of the most knowledgeable people about vaccine biology that I’ve ever met. She’s very up to date with a number of issues nationally at the statewide public health aspects; internationally, she understands not only the biology, but also, she knows about your rights. She’s a major person in this area, both in the state of Michigan, in the United States. I think everybody should have her come and speak.
Mary Tocco: I’m all about information. I learned about this twenty-six years ago, and I’ll introduce all that in a minute, but I want you to not take my word for anything. I don’t want you to have faith in me. I don’t want you to trust me, because I believe that’s what got us in the trouble we’re in today, faith and trust in the system instead of taking personal responsibility.
One of the first things people ask me is why do you do this? How did you get involved? I am fortunate in that I began researching over twenty-six years ago, before I had my children. At that time, my husband was a chiropractic student, and we were going to have our family started, and we wanted to look into this thoroughly to make an informed decision, and twenty-six years ago, there was enough information out there that made me see that we could have some really serious problems with vaccines, and we made the educated decision to not vaccinate.
And then, back in 1995, ’95, in Michigan, they were going to pass a bill that would remove our philosophical exemption, and what that means is they were going to be removing some of our rights to make a decision on vaccines. And I got busy with a group called Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines. And it’s not an anti-vaccine group, it’s a group that is there to protect your rights and make sure that you have a right to choose whether or not to vaccinate. And so I got involved with that group, I’m the director of vaccine research and education for that group. We went into Lansing, which is our capital. We were able to take four hundred families from Michigan in there before the government health policy committee, and we were able to stop the bill from passing. That is why Michigan is one of only fifteen states now that has a philosophical exemption, which I will explain what that means down the road.
So that’s how I got involved. Then I realized parents don’t really have any idea what’s in those shots. In fact, most doctors don’t really know what’s in those shots, and I was frustrated because oftentimes, I’d be talking to my friends and other family members and saying “Have you ever thought to question what’s in those vaccines?” Why don’t we ask the question, “What’s in these shots? Are they necessary?”
And I realized that most people didn’t have a clue, so I started doing lectures over eight years ago, and I traveled all around Michigan, and over the years, my audiences had become bigger and bigger, and I reached thousands and thousands of parents here in Michigan, as well as in other states. My goal is to reach more parents before they have their children – and if not, after. But this also affects senior citizens and adults, and as I’m going to show you, they’ve passed the adult vaccine act, and they have a lot of vaccines that they intend on giving every American, and you need to know what it is that they’re asking you to inject into your body so that you can make that informed decision.
I’ve been an independent researched for twenty-five years. When I say independent, I mean no one’s paying me. No one’s paying me. I’m not on anyone’s payroll, and that’s very important, because I find that almost all of the documentation out there that is pro-vaccine is supported by pharmaceutical company money. You must understand that we have a huge multi-billion dollar industry that is supported by billions and billions of dollars coming from the pharmaceutical industry. So independent is important.
I was in the chiropractic healthcare field. I ran a chiropractic office for over twenty-three years, and I raised my children outside the medical model. And what that means is that I made the decision that we weren’t going to use drugs on healthy children. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m anti-medical. There is a place in society for medicine. If you’re diabetic, by all means, you need insulin. But I found that there’s a more vitalistic approach to health care, and as I learned more about that, I decided that drugs are toxins, and that I don’t want them in my children’s’ body unless it’s absolutely medically necessary.
Well, when you make that decision, you have to learn how to promote health. You have to be proactive in promoting health, and I utilized chiropractic, good nutrition, a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition is so very important, and just the whole healthcare environment in our family was just wellness care, so I encourage you that as you make your decisions about vaccines, to think about, you know, we’re going to talk about where you get your healthcare beliefs.
I also am part of the autism autoimmunity project of Michigan, and they have a website, [inaudible] dot info, and we believe that the autism epidemic in this country is directly related to vaccinations. In fact, we believe that vaccines are the number one cause. Not the only cause; there are certainly other causes – environmental, our food, the way we eat – but we believe that vaccines are by far the most biggest insult that you could do to the human body that could lead to autism and other neurological disorders.
I have five children, like I said, and none of them have been vaccinated, and they’re all incredibly healthy. I do this because I want every parent to have the opportunity to make an informed decision. I’ve met too many parents who have come up to me with tears running down their face saying, “My child was developing perfectly normally. We went in for a routine well-being visit. My child got seven shots, and I watched my child slip into severe autism or learning problems or whatever.” So that’s what my passion is. I don’t want to see more children injured unnecessarily.
In order to educate the public, I actually formed the precious health foundation, and I do have other talks that I’m going to be working on. One of them is called How to Raise Children, Nature’s Way. You see, if you’re not going to vaccinate and you’re not going to do antibiotics, you need to know how to promote their health, so look for an upcoming DVD on that subject.
So some of the topics I’ll be covering are what are the known toxins in vaccines. You see, I believe that you need to know this. Unless you know this, you can’t make an informed decision, and when you go on and sign that consent form at that doctor’s office before you get a vaccine, you’re saying that you’re consenting to something. Well, I think you need to know what it is you’re consenting to, and I also don’t think your doctor knows what you might be consenting to, or what he’s consenting to on your behalf. So what are the known toxins? When did we begin using vaccinations? Did vaccines really eradicate illness and disease as we’ve been told? What are your rights? As a parent, do you have a right to say no? And it varies from state to state. We’ll be discussing that. What is the difference between natural exposure to infectious illnesses versus unnatural exposure through injectable vaccines? You see, our immune system responds to both, and I want you to know the different responses that it does for each of those. Could the vaccines be causing other illnesses? And then, at the end, we’re going to talk about what are the recognizable signs of vaccine injury, because many of them get overlooked by the medical community, and many times, parents don’t even have a clue that their child has suffered a severe reaction. They need to know what a severe reaction is.
I think it’s very important you understand where we get our healthcare beliefs from. You see, we do everything, all of our healthcare choices are based on our belief system, right? If you were raised in a family where your dad was a medical doctor or your mother was a nurse, there’s a good chance that you believe that every time you have a sniffle or a symptom or whatever that you have to take a pill to get rid of it, right? Our healthcare beliefs, many times, are based on what we’ve been exposed to. So I believe our family is our primary exposure to our healthcare beliefs.
I had the opportunity to grow up in a very large family, and my mother utilized a chiropractor. She had severe migraine headaches, and she was tired of doing all the drugs, medication that would make her sick, and she went to see a chiropractor. Now, this was back in the early seventies, and this was back when they were still called quacks, right? And she had such good results with the chiropractor that she began to take us children in whenever we needed care, and I ended up having a whiplash injury, and went to the chiropractor, and all kinds of health problems cleared up. You see, that had a profound effect on my belief system. Had my mother never utilized a chiropractor, God only knows. It’s oftentimes what we’re exposed to.
Also, our schools make a huge impact on what we believe. Children are taught from kindergarten on that vaccines are the best thing, and they’re taught about nutrition in school. Many times I don’t necessarily agree with what they’re being taught. Our environment that we live in. If you live out west, there’s a lot more natural health food restaurants, people are a lot more into fitness, they’re very conscious of their diet, of nutrition. It’s more popular to be fit and to be healthy out there, and yet on the east coast, it’s just kind of the opposite. We’re like a decade behind them, okay? Things are just, it takes forever for them to get over here, but if you grew up out west, there’s a good chance you know a little more about natural health than they do on the east coast.
We know that the media, the newspaper, magazines, spend millions of dollars getting you to buy their drugs and medication. Just open up any of your popular magazines for parents. You know, you see huge, glossy full page ads talking about the latest and greatest medication or drug, so they’re spending billions of dollars advertising to us about health, and you know, that has a huge impact, and I’m going to let you show me how much impact it has on you, because you’re going to play along something with me in just a second.
Also, our current system. Right now, we have our drugs advertised on television. I met a woman from Australia a couple years ago, and I said, “What do you see is the big difference in America?” She said, “I cannot believe you guys have pharmaceutical drugs being marketed on the television.” Commercial after commercial after commercial. She said, “In Australia, this would never happen because this is between you and your medical doctor.” She said, “But here, they’re marketing to kids.” Kids are watching TV for hours. Think about it. The other night, we sat down to watch TV, and no joke, every commercial on the television for two straight hours, every commercial was a medically oriented – take this drug for this – and of course they go and they tell you all the side effects, and you sit and you listen to the side effects, and you’re thinking, “Wow, who’d ever take that drug?” But mark my words, it’s working. They spend billions of dollars on advertising so that we all run to our doctor and ask our doctor for medication and drugs. And if you don’t get them from him, you run to the nearest drug store, right?
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Periodontal Disease Can Affect Pregnancy
A new study has found that a pregnant mother’s placenta has an array of bacteria that may impact the health of the baby. This may help provide an explanation for why periodontal disease and urinary tract infections are strongly linked to premature birth and why treating the diseases during the pregnancy do not necessary lower the risk.
That means that women considering becoming pregnant should treat bacterial conditions before the pregnancy begins whenever possible.
The research findings are still preliminary, but they raise the need for more study into many aspects of the relationship between pregnancy, periodontal disease and other conditions caused by bacterial infection. It also suggests that that additional studies are needed on the effectiveness of taking antibiotics during pregnancy.
The study was headed by Dr. Kjersti Aagaard and also found that the bacteria in the gut of the newborn may be influenced by the newfound bacteria in the placenta, the organ that a pregnant mother grows to regulate the health of the baby.
Studies are underway by a variety of researchers to better understand the so-called microbiome, the collection of trillions of microbes that inhabit the human body. These include fungi and viruses as well as bacteria and impact metabolism, digestion and many other processes and may be involved in diabetes, obesity and other conditions.
According to the new study, a bad mixture of bacteria in the placenta may lead to premature births. A definitive connection between periodontal disease and premature birth influenced by placenta bacteria could not be made because only one woman in the study had gum disease.
If additional research confirms the important role of the placenta in the establishment of gut bacteria, this could prove good news for babies who have been born by cesarean section. It has long been believed that babies born by c-section miss out on the good bacteria that they could have picked up in the birth canal.
The study’s first author Dr. Aagaard said that parents should be reassured that a c-section doesn’t permanently doom an infant to a deficient microbiome for the rest of his or her life.
While studies in the past have examined bacteria on the skin and in the mouth, vagina and intestines, interest has turned only recently to the placenta. This special organ that forms inside a pregnant woman serves as a life support system for the fetus, providing nutrients and oxygen while removing waste and secreting hormones.
Dr. Aagaard’s team became interested in the placenta and any bacteria it contained because they noticed that the bacteria in the vagina of a mother were not necessarily the ones in the gut of the baby. So where did the bacteria come from? Interest turned to the placenta.
The researchers collected placentas from 320 women, most Hispanic or black. Most delivered vaginally, but some had c-sections. Some babies were premature.
They found that while the placenta is not teeming with bacteria, it is present. The intestines are 90 percent bacteria, but the placenta is only about 10 percent bacteria. About 300 kinds of bacteria were observed.
When comparing the types of bacteria and their concentrations to those found in other parts of the body like the skin, nose, vagina and gut, the closest correlation was to the mouth, which is also similar to a baby’s intestines during the first week of its life.
Other scientists have stepped up to say that this new research agrees with findings they are discovering, indicating that old understandings about how babies get their gut bacteria are flawed.
Other research also indicates that oral bacteria find their way to the placenta naturally, and this means that clearing up unhealthy bacteria before a pregnancy begins is even more important than believed in the past.
To read the original article, visit: http://biocompatibledentist.org/holistic_dentistry/study-shows-periodontal-disease-can-affect-newborns-health/
The Oral – Systemic Connection P7
Danny: Right.
Chip: So in terms of point six is that we will train your health coach. We’re already going to be the point person. We’re going to work with them, and we’re going to offer them online tools, there’s a workbook they can use, there’s lots of tools provided by the company, a few tools that we do, there’s conferences where they can learn, but one thing I do encourage the business owners of the practice to do is to give the person who’s going to be doing the coaching at least some work time to do the training. I found that people do a lot better job of doing their training if they’re not having to do it in their own time. If you give them a little bit of time on your penny, the health coaching, it’ll give you plenty of returns in the end if they’re doing a good job coaching.
As I mentioned before, the dental professionals who need to talk about it but don’t want to do the coaching, we’ll kind of give them the [inaudible] version of what they need to know to talk intelligently, and there’s the option if you want to do, a lot of practices jump start or grow their Take Shape for Life business by having events in their offices, and we’ll show you how to do that.
So the last step is to really show you, kind of give you a picture of what it’s going to look like in your office. If you do this, what’s it look like through the eyes of your client? Basically, you’ll have some materials that you’ll put in your office. It’s not obnoxious. It doesn’t have to be everywhere. You’re not going to have food sticking out there to show people. You’re just going to get a very professionally done DVDs, brochures that just show people the program to learn, see if it’s the right thing for them.
As health coaches, we input the first order. After that, it’s all done, all financial exchanges are between the client and the company, but we put the first one in simply because a significant number of people mess up the first order, so we put the first one in or walk them through them getting it themselves. The food is delivered to their home or wherever they choose. It’s not delivered to our office. We don’t carry products. I said I wouldn’t do that. It goes to their home.
They’re given everything in their box to get them started. They’re given that book that she’s holding, the quick start guide. It’s the rules of the road. Very easy to read, twenty some page brochure that shows them the rules of the road of the thirty year old medifast five in one program, and it gives them the food for a month. As I mentioned, the first three weeks are focusing on the five in one plan. About three weeks in, we get them out walking and getting some physical activity going. We, as health coaches, guide them through all the different learning tools they have. There’s tools for kinetic learners, for visual learners, for auditory learners, and we show them how to hammer the nails, we show them how to saw the wood, they actually have to do the work in learning, and we get to share in the success.
So basically, what’s the next step? If you’re a dentist and you say let’s do it, I want to do it, I like it, we’ll get you started. If you’re a hygienist and you’re saying let’s do it, I want to start it, well, obviously, you need to get the support of the business owner, unless you’re a hygienist who’s kind of working on your own, and we can talk to the dentist, we can give the overview, let you try to talk to them, we can do it for you, and we’ll give them a copy of this webinar that I’m doing, just let them watch it also if you’re getting fired up about this and want to do the third era practice. If you’re a little bit skeptical or you’re just not sure or whatever, try the program yourself. Be a client. There’s no obligation to do health coaching from day one. If you want to, you can certainly do it simultaneously like I did, but try the program yourself. That was my first aha moment. I got those last fifteen pounds melted off of me, and then you can have somebody else in your office try it, whatever you want to do.
And if anybody else is on the line and is not in those categories, we’ll talk to you and sort out how you want to do this. Bottom line is it’s all what you want to do. If you want to do it, great. If you don’t want to do it, great. We’re just here to help those who want to really just raise their hand like Arnold [inaudible]. Doesn’t have to be like I was. It could be just raising their hand to be a third era practice. We can show you how to do it. Catch the wave to a healthy America.
Danny: Very good. Alright, let’s move right into questions, because we are coming, rapidly approaching our end time, so to speak. I don’t mean like the Mayans in time, I mean in our presentation.
Chip: [Inaudible] you don’t have to wait until after the 21st.
Danny: Yeah. That’s right. Yeah, hurry up and get your orders in early. Mike asks if a program called ideal protein is similar to this. I’ve never heard of it, Chip. Maybe you have, but at the same time, when you’re answering that, maybe you could talk a little bit about how this compares to a very much [inaudible] about diet these days called Paleo diet.
Chip: The key difference is Paleo is a diet, I can’t say I know the other one, I have not heard of it, but almost all of these things out there, they’re a diet. They claim to have – nutrisystem is a good example [inaudible]. Nutrisystem has a learning system. It pales in comparison to what Dr. Anderson’s put together, but most importantly, they’re given that learning system to kind of a do it yourself model, just like that New England Journal of Medicine showed, and those people regained those, they weren’t successful if it was on their own. The health coach is where the rubber meets the road, and the meat of Take Shape for Life is that we have a person who can help them through getting into fat burning and help them through the road blocks of plateaus they hit. That’s the big difference. This is a coach; this is not a diet. It’s a professional coaching program paid through the sale of the food. Every business, whether you’re selling computer software or widgets, the company, the sales clerk, is paid through the profits of the sales. But this is a coaching service; it’s not a sales program.
Danny: This business is like any other business. It depends on satisfied, happy clients who tell their friends.
Chip: That’s how you – and actually, that’s a good point. People ask, “Well, how do I grow clients?” Well, the best way is to coach people well, and they’ll be walking billboards, they’ll tell their friends, and they’ll be referred to you or be a health coach themselves.
Danny: Right. Now, LeAnn asked this question. I’m going to answer this one because I think you did answer it in length, which was do you recommend the practitioner team first enroll in the program, and Chip did explain that that’s important. And, you know, one reasons that it’s really important is that it’s always a lot easier to lead by example. When you’re coaching an encouraging your patients to adopt healthy habits, it certainly lends to your credibility when you’re walking the walk, so I don’t know if you want to add to that.
Chip: No, I couldn’t agree more.
Danny: Okay. So here’s a question –
Chip: Actually, Danny, Danny, but I will say that you don’t have to wait. Let’s just say you’re a dentist or hygienist who needs to lose sixty or eighty pounds out there. I know there’s unfortunate folks who are in that predicament. You don’t have to wait until you’ve lost all the weight to be the role model. You simply need to be practicing the habits of health yourself, and on the road to it, and that’s the biggest testimony is when people watch their doctor getting healthy, the dentist getting healthy, they’re going to say wow.
Danny: That’s an excellent point. You don’t need to wait until you’re where you want to be. People are going to enjoy, you know, and you’re going to enjoy sharing in the process with others, so that’s a really good point actually. Thank you.
Sarah wanted to know if we could comment on concerns about soy, because there is –
Chip: Okay. Yes. Absolutely. Soy. It is a very bad mouthed product. What the concern that people have are is that soy has a little bit of an estrogen effect, and the bottom line description is that there is a breast surgeon who does nothing but breast cancer treatment in my community here who is sending us plenty of people from her practice in to do Take Shape for Life because she says that the health that people create in terms of losing the weight and maintaining the weight far exceeds the theoretical danger of soy, and there’s a beautiful – well, I forget what journal – but peer reviewed study that shows that women who have had breast cancer who use a soy based diet, which many of the meal replacements are, in order to lose weight, have fewer [inaudible] of breast cancer than women who don’t use the soy based diet.
So those were here two arguments on that, and with any of the concerns people have with the ingredients, like, say the analyzers, I call them, will try to pick apart every little ingredient in these. Yes, they’re manmade. Yes, they have artificial flavors. No, they don’t have artificial sweeteners, but it is manmade, and it’s a means to an end. It’s a catalyst to help people get what they want: health. I still have medifast most days. I love the bars. I love the shakes. I’ll have one of those in between meals every now and then. Other people never have one once they get off the five in one, they don’t have them anymore. It’s up to the person.
Danny: It’s a very versatile program. So we are just about out of time, and I just want to say a couple of minutes at the end here to thank you, Chip, for such a thorough and important presentation, showing our attendees how the can, as we like to say around here, do well by doing good by adopting a third era medicine model for their practice, and of course I encourage anyone interested in learning more to send me an email or visit the health professional site that you can access by the link that is on your screen.
Chip: And any of those out here in my community who I directly invited, feel free to contact me directly. I’ll work with you directly in your practices since we’re in the same community, and actually, most of those who I invited, we have mutual patients. I got your names from my medical patients because you’re their dentist.
Danny: Absolutely. We are a team. If I get any emails, we know who got invited from whom, and Chip and I will work closely making sure he follows up with the folks that want to hear from him. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 15th, 7 PM central time when our special guest that evening will be [inaudible], number one best-selling author, speaker, trainer, former national TV producer, and Guinness World Record setter, whose presentation, getting the media to do your marketing for you, will present the keys to packaging yourself as the expert on topics ranging from aesthetics to dental sleep medicine to oral systemic health, and I guess I hasten to add to health coaching, to virtually any subject for which you possess a passion. In the meantime, this is Danny [inaudible] thanking you for your commitment to practice perfection, and have a good night.
The Oral – Systemic Connection P6
Danny: Mhm. What’s interesting that I find, and I know this is typical, Chip, is that really, being a coach is almost – what’s adequate is the client knowing you’re there. It’s an accountability, it’s knowing somebody cares and is a resource. I want to make sure people don’t think this is at all like being a personal trainer where you have to stand over the person every time they do a sit up to make sure they’re doing it right. It’s being there and absolutely if people have concerns or questions and we do encourage outreach, but it’s funny, I mean, I think most of my clients it’s like, “Yeah, Danny. Thanks a lot for checking in again. I’m doing fine. If I need you, I’ll let you know.” And that’s pretty much –
Chip: And as I’m doing this, as I do the coaching, I recognize why that [inaudible] journal medical study is true, because inevitably, there are a handful of people who have difficulty getting into fat burning. Well, you’re taught as a health coach how to triage that and how to kind of get that person into fat burning. Everybody hits a plateau, especially if they’re losing a bunch of weight, everybody hits a plateau along the line, and that’s where most people who are doing it on their own just give up and quit, or they get stuck at a BMI of thirty, which is a classic plateau location I’ve seen for a couple decades now, and they just say, “Oh, this is good enough. This is the best I can do.”
Well, we are given, as health coaches, thirteen bullet points to help people through that plateau, and that’s when you have, even if you’re texting or emailing them, you’ll pick up the phone and talk to them and help them through that plateau. You’re monitoring their weight each week. You just ask them, sometimes, I mean, a week’s encounter is an email thing. How are you feeling? Any problems? What’s your weight? Boom, I’m done. They call, email back saying, “I’m 210 pounds, down two pounds, feeling great.” That’s the week’s encounter.
Danny: Not being a dentist, you know, what’s downright fun for me is somebody thanks me and I can see the results and they do, and they give me that gratification. Dentists, I’m sure, experience a very similar experience when they get somebody out of paint or they make them look more beautiful. But this is the kind of thing that boy, it really puts a spring in my step when people thank me for helping get them involved in this.
Chip: And Danny, that’s exactly why I made this part of my business plan. I mean, there’s a financial benefit, but it’s fun. I mean, you’ll see, health professionals don’t have to coach. I coach patients just because I like doing it.
So basically getting started, I mentioned the health coach kit is 199 dollars to get started. They’re simply asking for helping to cover all the materials they’re going to be giving you in your health coach kit, all the marketing materials and a year’s worth of their co-branded website. Everybody gets a co-branded website – this is Dr. Nelson’s site here – that is tailored to you, it’s personalized to you, but they update with lots of information constantly, all the time, so you don’t have to maintain it. They do that for you.
Danny: Hey, Chip? Hey, I know I don’t normally do this, I wait to keep the questions for the end, but Holly just asked, for 199 dollars, really, what’s the catch?
Chip: The catch, Holly, is that they know, and all the materials, they basically are giving to us at costs – business cards, twenty-five bucks for five hundred business cards, because they don’t want finance to be a road block to get you started. They want you to be successful because they’re going to make their money by you being a successful health coach, so they want to stay out of the way as much as possible, so they’re simply asking you to cover their cost for the materials, for the health coaching kit, and et cetera. Yeah, there really is no catch. They’re not making money off of you; they’re making money from your acquiring clients and the revenue that they’re getting from the sale of the food which they feed right back into you.
Danny: I was likewise skeptical, by the way, because I’ve been approached with franchise opportunities. They wanted thirty thousand dollars, ninety thousand dollars.
Chip: You know, I remember that. That’s because in those companies right there, they make their money from the sale of the franchise. In this one, they’re making their money from the work that you’re doing. I mean, they’re feeding you back some of their profit to do the coaching. Obviously that’s only fair.
Danny: Everyone’s goals are congruent. That’s great.
Chip: But then what ends up happening is you successfully coach somebody, they, just like I said, the dentist office has a bunch of walking billboards. Well, Take Shape for Life, you don’t see them advertise anywhere. Why? Because they don’t need to. They’re basically the profit that medifast is spending on advertising. Take Shape for Life is feeding the health coaching system and paying the health coaches to coach the clients because they’ve got the walking billboards and they’re the ones kind of promoting business and loving life as a health coach.
Basically, Danny and I would show you – people get a little bit nervous, how am I going to share the opportunity? We’re going to show you how to do that, and basically as a business coach, the business model is you would not pay us a penny, and no, that’s not a catch either, because yes, we are going to get paid, but again, the company pays us to help you be successful. The more successful you are, the more successful they are, so they pay us for it, and that’s kind of the other level of business that we’re talking about, being a business coach and a business leader.
So you would not pay us a penny, and what we would do is we would work with you. We would help you get started. I’ll show you that in a second. We would advise you regarding the best structure for your practice, how to help you determine who the point person is going to be in the practice, work with that point person, show them the tools the company provides, show you some tools that Danny and I have put together, and we’d also work with the health professionals. Even if the dentist isn’t going to be doing any health coaching – many will choose to do it like I have – they need to know a basic understanding, so we’ll work with the dentists also to kind of give them the basics of what they need to know so they can talk intelligently to the clients.
Just quickly, two slides on option two that Danny has chosen to do. What we talked about before was being a health coach, and they get paid to be coaching clients. Business coaches sponsor health coaches and support health coaches, and we would support you fully. We work in teams. If somebody’s on Danny’s team, they get the services of Danny, me, Dr. Nelson, and a couple others. We work in teams and help you out. And basically, by being a business coach, it allows me to extend my reach, give my skills by duplicating my success, by showing you the ropes you will be able to coach clients that I may never meet. There’s a limited amount of people I can help if I’m coaching them directly, but if I can empower Dr. Jones and Dr. Smith to be successful, Haley, my twenty year old daughter who is a personal trainer, she’s a health coach, and by helping Haley to be successful, she can do it. And there’s a lot of health coaches who just do it because they’re stay at home moms, they want to make some money but not have to go to an office, et cetera, et cetera. So that’s the [inaudible].
The bottom line is the question how many lives do you want to change? Gail, my nurse, she coaches three to five people a month. She does not want to make a business, her husband makes plenty of money, she doesn’t need the money, doesn’t want it, but she wants to coach a few people, so she [inaudible] habits of health and maintain the forty pounds that she lost on the program. And the bottom line is that the beauty is that there is no guilt in making money because every dollar we earn means somebody out there is getting healthy. So it all depends on how many lives you want to change.
So basically, that’s the program. So if you choose to create a third era dental practice, what can you expect the process to entail? Well, now, don’t get me wrong. A third era dental practice – Take Shape for Life does not equal third era dental practice, but I would say in my opinion, from a physician’s point of view, if you’re going to implement an oral systemic practice, which, functionally, is a third era, helping people to create health, you need a foundation of something, some program, be it this one, the Cleveland Clinic program that you [inaudible] have, that’s nice. I talked to Dan [inaudible], and he said that basically they offer some nice tools, but it’s not a meaty tool like, it’s not a human being that you can walk into the program. You need some sort of mechanism to help people create health, and in my opinion, this is the best that you could offer.
So basically, what does it look like? First step, you sign up as a health coach, you get the materials, you get the [inaudible] website. And the second step, consider trying the program yourself. We’ve got a hundred people on the call today, and the likelihood is that health professions are not immune to the obesity epidemic. The likelihood is that sixty-seven are overweight, and of the sixty-seven, thirty-three are probably obese, and all those are probably on the health path not really reaching what they want to have in the seventies, also, so consider trying the program yourself. It’s also very helpful, especially if you’re going to do health coaching, to do the program to best understand the program.
We’ll present the program to your office staff. You can’t do it; you don’t know how to yet. Eventually, you’ll know, you’ll get good at it, but we’ll present the program to your office staff and let them try the program if they want to. You may find somebody who really loves it, and that’s the person who wants to step up and do health coaching. You may find two or three people in the practice who want to do health coaching because they like it so much. And basically, we’ll coach them. You’re not expected to coach them from the beginning. They need somebody, so we would coach them. We can’t coach everybody under the sun, but we can certainly coach people of the practices we’re working with, and feel free to invite your family and friends to the program presentation. It’s a short version of what I’m doing tonight.
The next important step is to identify who’s going to be the lead person in the practice. I’m the lead in my practice just because I love it so much, but it can be anybody. I mentioned earlier it can be in the dentist office, I think, if the hygienist wants to do it, it’s a perfect person, physician to do it, for many reasons. And then we need to determine the structure. Not going to get into much of that, but basically, the two options are to have all the practice receive all the revenue and then pay the health coaches to do all the coaching. That would give you the most upfront revenue, but there tends to be burnouts in practice if you do that road.
The better long term financial model is to launch independent health coaches. All of us are independent health coaches. If you choose to do the business, you’re not going to work for Danny and me. We’re going to support you, but you’re working for yourselves in the business model, but in your practice, if you so choose, is to launch your coaches to be independent health coaches also.
Danny: I think it’s important to mention at this point, too, Chip, that where this differs from multilevel market, I think, in a very important way is the people in your structure, as you just set forth, even though they come on board after we do, if they work hard and are more successful, they will make more money than you or I will.
Chip: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. The thirty-five percent of the revenue goes to the in the trenches health coach, and about ten percent goes to the business coaching business leader system, so yeah, it’s the health coaches making the bulk of the money, and there’s lots of reasons that this is not multilevel marketing. To start with, multilevel marketing, the work ends when the product is delivered. In our case, the work begins when the product is delivered.
Dental Implants.. Are Not All Created Equal
Dental implants have transformed the modern practice of dentistry, but all implants are not created equal.
There are two main materials used in modern dental implants: Titanium and Zirconia. Titanium has been used for a long time with good results and it is widely available. The downside to using titanium is that, while it is considered to be more biocompatible than stainless steel, it is a metal.
As an alternative implant material, Zirconia is considered to be more biocompatible. Zirconia implants are fairly new compared to Titanium and not as widely available. Zirconia implants are also larger than Titanium implants, making them more invasive. They also frequently need to be reshaped with a bur to allow them to fit, a process that often leads to microfractures. As soon as Zirconia implants become smaller and easier to place, I will be first in line to offer them.
Dental implants also vary widely in size. At one time, it was believed that larger implants were more durable and would last longer. More recent research has shown that isn’t always true.
Finally, dental implants vary by how the crown connects to the implant. They can be cemented, screwed, or cold welded. With the cold welds, the implants are designed so the teeth click into place.
In my practice, when a patient and I decide that an implant is the best option, I recommend a small and well designed titanium implant coated with biocompatible ceramic. First the implant is placed. Once the implant has properly integrated into the bone and we are sure the bone has accepted the implant, the abutment, or connecting piece, and the crown are put into place. In my practice, implants integrate well at least 95% of the time.
While the implants I use are significantly smaller than traditional implants, they have a longer life expectancy than larger implants. Their smaller size also reduces the chances that sinus lifts, bone grafts or other surgical interventions will be required before the implant can be placed. Also, smaller implants are less invasive and cause less pain after the surgery.
Although implants are becoming easier and have a higher success rate than they used to, they still aren’t a good option for every patient. The most important determining factors are general health and the health and thickness of available bone. For patients who are not considered to be good candidates for implant surgery, other restoration options will be offered, such as a fixed bridge or removable partial denture.