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Myths and Fact About Dentures

denturesMyth – Dentures can last forever

The reality is that though the material dentures are made from his durable, it is not meant to last forever. Dentures can easily break if dropped on a hard surface, and the fit changes over time so that they need to be replaced regularly. Even with scrupulous care the appearance and fit of your dentures can change over time as a result of your diet and an age. There are a number of factors that can influence the way your dentures fit.

When teeth have been extracted the bones of the jaw can wear away over time, causing the guns to shrink. If dentures are allowed to dry out, or they are placed in hot or boiling water, they may work and will no longer fit. The dentures may require relining to minimize the gap. Small-diameter implants can support the denture helping it to fit better for longer, and can also protect the phone.

Myth – Having dentures means you can skip dentist visits

Teeth are only one part of the mouth and even people without teeth can still have problems in the mouth. Even though you have dentures, it is still important to go to the dentist twice a year. At these visits the dentist will look for signs of oral cancer or other conditions such as diabetes that can lead to symptoms in the mouth.  As time goes by your jaws interface will change which changes the way that your dentures will fit. Your dentist may make adjustments to help them fit better. Changes in the fit of your dentures can cause irritation, sores, and even infection. Certain medications, including blood pressure medications and those for chest pain, can have side effects that can change the way your dentures fit. Odors, stains, and tartar buildup will be removed during the visit. Your dentist should also review your medical history as well as any medications.

Myth – Dentures look unnatural

In the past dentures would slip, click, and wear down, causing them to look unnatural. But modern dentistry has developed dentures that can look more natural and aesthetically pleasing. They can also help to fill in your face and support facial muscles which can minimize wrinkles and fine lines, making you look and feel younger.  There is no reason to be embarrassed by wearing dentures.

If you live in San Diego and need clarification regarding denture treatment, Call (619) 630-7174 for a free consultation with Dr. .

Invisalign by Dr. Vinograd

invisalign vs bracesWhy should you get Invisalign from Dr Daniel Vinograd?  He is truly a dentist like no other, because he focuses not just on healthy teeth and gums, but the overall health of his patients. This means he not only focuses Invisalign treatment for straight teeth, but also for the psychological / emotional impact of an improved appearance. Because of his desire to see all of his patients happy and healthy, he has created six rules for healthy dental living, which will also have a marked effect on a person’s overall well being. How many of them do you follow?

  1. Remove processed food from your diet. You should instead replace them with more basic food groups, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, and protein.
  2. Take control of your own health! Never be afraid to ask a health professional a question, whether they be a nurse, doctor, or dentist. At the end of the day, you are the one that has to live with your body.
  3. Never accept dental materials that could be harmful. This is especially important if you are getting fillings; so called ‘silver’ fillings actually still contain a high level of mercury.
  4. Drink ozone enriched water. This has been proved to maintain oral health over many years, and does not have any of the toxins and additives that bottled water often contains.
  5. Understand how your body works. There is a link between the health of your teeth and your overall body health – and there are very definite links between systemic disease and your dental health. Ignoring one symptom will just mean that it will appear somewhere else.
  6. Consider your mental health as well as your physical health. If you are too stressed, finding it difficult to manage your anger, or constantly irritable, your mental health may be suffering as well as your physical health.

None of these rules are particularly difficult to follow, and if you may them a priority in your life, you will soon notice a difference in the way that you look and feel- and if you are considering Invisalign treatment, wouldn’t you want to be treated by someone who follows those tenants?


Taking care of your dentures

woman with denturesIt may seem that getting dentures means that you can get by without brushing your teeth, but this is not true. If you have dentures you need to clean them every day to prevent bad breath, inflamed gums, sores, and infection. Keep your dentures clean to prevent buildup of plaque, food particles, tartar, and stains.

Keeping your dentures clean is simply a matter of brushing all denture surfaces thoroughly with a soft nylon toothbrush, using a toothpaste or denture cleaner that is mildly abrasive. In between brushing, to rinse your dentures under running water every time you eat. Your dentures also need to be soaked in a denture solution for at least 30 minutes every day. Soaking will help prevent the dentures from absorbing odors and bacteria that can cause bad breath as well as removing superficial stains. Always rinse your dentures with clean water before putting them back in your mouth.

Observe the following precautions in order to keep your dentures fitting well:

1. Whenever handling your dentures, do so over a towel or a sink filled with water. Dentures can break if dropped, and a towel or single water can cushion the fall.

2. When soaking dentures, keep the water lukewarm. Water that is too hot can work dentures, making them not fit well.

3. The surface of dentures is easily scratched, and scratches can give bacteria and plaque places to hide, which can cause odor and stains. To prevent this, always use soft bristle brushes and mildly abrasive cleaners.

4. If tartar accumulates on your dentures, resist any temptation to clean them with a sharp object to prevent scratching them. Take them to your dentist to have them professionally cleaned.

5. If you notice any stains on your dentures, take them to the dentist. Do not attempt to bleach them as this could whiten the paint portion.

6. If your dentures are allowed to dry out too much for too long it can change their shape causing them to no longer fit well. Keep your dentures moist when they’re not in your mouth by leaving them in a container of water or denture cleaner. If if there are any metal parts to your denture, your dentist will talk to you about the best way to care for them to prevent them from tarnishing.

7. Most dentist will recommend that you remove your dentures at night. This gives your gums a chance to rest without the rubbing from the dentures. Constant pressure can increase erosion of the bone in the jaw, and change the way your dentures fit. Pressure and friction can also cause sores which can then become infected.

Call (619) 630-7174 for a free consultation with Dr. about your denture options.

Related article: #

Uncomfortable Lower Dentures – The Problems & Solutions

The problems with lower dentures are so common that a popular dental school joke suggests you should charge $4,000 for upper dentures and do the lower one for free.  Then when the patient complains about them, you can ask what they expect when they get it for free.  The fact is, surveys show that 80% of dental patients are unhappy with lower dentures.

The opposite is true with implants, about 80% of dental patients with implants are happy with their lower prosthetic.  The question with implants is how many are required for an overdenture of the jaw?  The answer to this depends on the complaint.  There are two main reasons patients give for not liking their lower dentures, either that they don’t stay in place, or they cause pain when biting or chewing.

The most frequent complaint with lower dentures is problems with movement during speaking or chewing.  Fortunately, this is also the easier complaint to fix.  This problem is caused by an insufficient bony ridge or lack of retentive seal due to the shape of the denture.  Lower dentures are held in place by the tongue, so when the tongue moves, the denture moves with it.  In this situation, one implant in each premolar area will in most cases be sufficient to hold the denture in place.  Provided the implants are situated far enough apart and centrally placed between the anterior and posterior of the jaw, they will hold prevent the denture from tipping, which can cause the denture to lose its grip.

The second complaint, that of pain on biting or chewing, can be quite a bit more complicated.  Discomfort is most commonly felt in the area of the premolars and is cause by the mental foramen.  The mental foramen is a space in the jawbone that allows passage of the mental nerve and vessels.  This nerve carries sensations from the front part of the lower jaw.  Over time after the natural teeth are lost, the bone wears away and the nerve migrates until it sits directly under where the denture rests.  As a result, the denture places pressure directly on the nerve anytime the patient bites, causing a sensation similar to that of hitting the funny bone.

The best solution by a long stretch are Implant Supported Dentures (click to continue reading about them).

Another Great Recipe From NaturalNews

We scour the web for the best homemade toothpaste recipes, and here is our latest find on naturalnews:

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Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P13

I found the best healthcare is healthcare that we pay for. Right? It’s not what your insurance company pays. I’m sorry. It’s what you have to go out and pay for, many times, out of your own pocket. But you’re the purchaser, you’re the consumer, and you know what you’re buying, and so if you need a list of holistic doctors in the area, I’m trying to put together a comprehensive list for Michigan. I have a few. I can recommend them after the talk, but find yourself a holistic practitioner who will honor and respect your decision whether or not to vaccinate your children.

With that, thank you very much. You’ve been a great audience. I appreciate it.

Male: I’m a medical doctor. I graduated with honors from [inaudible] University in Omaha, Nebraska, home of [inaudible] town, home of father Flannigan. That was many years ago. And I’m also a graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine where I got my MD degree, and I graduated with honors from that institution as well in women’s health and in women and children’s issues as well as neurologic disorders.

Before you ever vaccinate or do anything medical, I think the most important thing to do is to know all you can about vaccines and the options other than vaccination. There are many, many options. I wish that I could have decided whether or not I wanted to go forward with it before I ever vaccinated. And I wasn’t informed, even as a doctor graduating from major medical training centers about what vaccines can do and cannot do, what bad things and good things they can do in the human body.

The goal of government agencies in the industry is to get every single person in this country vaccinated, not just once, but several times. Multiple times before they hit the age of four or even earlier than that. That is not a requirement anywhere in the United States, the exception being Mississippi, you’ve got to get a doctor’s exemption there, and you have the right for that. And all the other states and the territories, and certainly Canada, and really, pretty much by and large everywhere, you have the right to make the final decision on that, okay? Without somebody like Mary Tocco, most people really end up thinking that they don’t have a choice.

Well, the concept of vaccines and neural development disorders is very controversial, and the controversy is whether or not there’s a cause of vaccinations and the neurodevelopmental problems, particularly autism as well as many others: OCD, ADD, Asperger’s, many, many other issues and neurodevelopmental medical practice, and it’s because I believe there is a connection, and many, many people, many physicians, many scientists, many parents who have a scientific background, and just plain old parents who have seen their children get worse after vaccinations, this entire controversy tells us two things. One, that knowing what the causes for most of our kids with autism, Asperger’s, and other neurodevelopmental disorders leads us to understand how it was caused and what we can do about it. Second, it tells us a lot about the damage not just to the brain, which is the major area, but also to other body functions such as the immune system, the GI tract, general metabolism of how your body deals with the food and water that it takes in. These things get very sick from the vaccine damage that occurs, and that helps us to know what to do with treatment to try to help these kids.

I do believe my son’s been vaccine injured. I think that he was a beautiful – it’s not just I think, I do believe he’s vaccine injured, because he was a beautiful, happy, normal child. He was reading and playing and interacting and just doing all the things a child should do, and then his health got much worse in terms of his body functions, just things such as that healthy glow a child who’s growing and who’s little and who’s a toddler ought to have, and then a lack of interest in interacting with other people and family members, and then tremendous regressive loss of the language and the function and the abstracting and all of the things that kids are supposed to go forward with at the age of two and three and four. These took a tremendous, serious, and very sad reversal.

And I think also the kids now, in their own hearts and in their own minds, that they really want to break out of this. Either they have regressed from where they were, or they have a very strong sense that they want to just get beyond what’s holding them back. It’s devastating for the children. It’s devastating for the parents, the grandparents, the loved ones, all of the family and friends, and so I think you can imagine what an awful feeling that is, to see that happen to a little one who’s a beautiful, lovely, pink, sweet little toddler, you know, to be sent into this hellish world of autism. It’s really an awful thing.

What are we currently doing to help children with autism? Everything. Everything we can. It’s a very complex problem. It’s the most challenging thing I’ve ever done in the field of medicine, and I’ve had a lot of challenges, and I really do feel I’ve met them, and this is a very great challenge, and we’re meeting this one, too. Very complicated. This is a medical problem, not a mental illness. It’s not psychiatric. Our kids are sick in every way, shape, and form. They really are malnourished because it’s difficult for them to eat. Many of them can’t chew and swallow because it’s a neurologic difficulty. Many of our kids, given the right food, they swallow it down, their digestive systems will not assimilate the proper nutrition that their parents give to them and the dinners that they make and so on. The GI system is very ill, and sometimes there are tremendous episodes of pain and really horrible symptoms that just completely destroy a child day in and day out to have a healthy and happy and nutritious life.

Then within the body, the immune system is very, very sick, and many things, including terrible, continuing infections, allergies, and even autoimmunity where there’s what I call the civil war in the body with the immune system turns on your own little child, and they get sick from that, and it’s very similar to things like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and some of these other issues, and it affects the brain and the body’s metabolism, and it really, really is a serious problem with our kids. And then there’s the brain itself, which just does not have the opportunity to function properly with all those things we take for granted: thoughts and abstraction and happiness and regulating our emotions to be smoothly able to go through the day. That along with thinking and remembering and knowing how to talk to someone and the complexities of reading, and really things like putting pegs into holes when you’re playing with a toy, or even feeding yourself, that’s a very complicated thing, and picturing someone, for example, who’s had a stroke that cannot do that, we all know how devastating that is to lose that function.

Our kids have problems with those things, really from head to toe, every single day. So what do we do? We try to help all of those. We try to help the metabolism, the nourishment, the gastrointestinal digestive function, the immune system, and the very complicated things that make up brain function. Really, all of those things lead to effects on the brain and language, and we try to help those along with detoxifying, removing mercury that was from vaccine or other sources, getting other toxic metals. Aluminum from vaccination is another one. And we do that through nutrition, detoxification, including chelation and some natural detoxification systems. We also use things to help autoimmunity and inflammation. There’s a variety of things that’s almost endless, but we work very hard on those, and it’s quite a challenge, but the challenge is greatest for the parents and the children, and we all work as a team to help our kids with these issues.

And don’t forget one thing: you, the parent, have the right to make all those final decisions, and then once you know what you think is applicable to your child, then get some help implementing those things. Biomedical, you need to obviously get an eligible doctor. To get informed about consent issues and your vaccine rights, someone like Mary Tocco and other people who really can help you with that, other parents, and sometimes just on the internet with the various information about that. And then decide what it is that you want to do, and it’s going to be overwhelming, so you’ll probably decide on some therapy, some biomedical treatments, and then where you’re at with things like further vaccinations, whether or not to do those. I personally have decided never, ever to vaccinate my son, myself, or my family ever again. That’s a decision I arrived at because of the toxicity and the horrible effects and side effects from these vaccinations.

How is it that someone like me could go forward having vaccinated not only myself and my family and other individuals? And I look back, and I was so uninformed. Well, I was informed wrongly, okay? The industry and the government had information that they gave to doctors, and they also had information they didn’t give to doctors, so me and my professors and other doctors thought we had the truth, and I don’t think we did at all. Looking back, it’s very clear we didn’t have the facts. Then it became clear that some of the facts were withheld by the industry and the government, and all you have to do is look at David Kirby’s book and the [inaudible] episode and you’ll find out that that and other issues were instances where, even before that, the industry was talking about whether or not vaccines were safe in some settings, and there have been several disastrous situations that, looking back again, I think really the way to inform young doctors who are in medical school and who are in residency training and doctors who are in practice, you know, rely on this information.

I really think most doctors are very well intended about this, but they’re getting the wrong information. They’re still getting the wrong information, such as preservative-free and [inaudible] vaccines. That is not at all mercury-free. It’s just not true. This has been work on the part of the industry. Not all industry manufacturers, but several in particular have really stamped these phrases on some of their products, and it downright outright fools and miscommunicates to doctors and the public what really is in these vaccinations, okay? How can the public and how can a doctor make an informed decision about recommending something to you, the patient, if they really, truly do not know what’s in a vaccination? If there’s hard work or confusion or something in between going on on the other side that makes it difficult to impossible for a doctor to understand the vaccines that they’re supposed to give to every single person born in the United States several times in their young life, preschool, from the time the umbilical cord gets cut to the day they die?

That is something that just doesn’t happen yet in this country, and that’s what we need. We need people to get informed. It’s not that there’s not trust. It’s just difficult to rely on the system that is there for you to bring your child and hold your child in their hands, and it’s based on the proper flow of information as well as all that smart medical reasoning that doctors are supposed to be able to do, and we do do it if we get the right facts.

In this day and age, unfortunately, you have to ask and you have to be informed before you ever let anyone inject anything or apply any medical treatment to you. Otherwise, you’re just not going to know whether or not the doctor really has been given the opportunity to be informed.

Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P12

Doctor [inaudible] does a  very good thorough research into the numbers, and she finds out that if you don’t get chickenpox when you’re young, your chances of getting shingles is greatly enhanced when you’re older, so the kids who are getting the chickenpox vaccine are now causing people in their family to get shingles, and I know I’ve met people who’ve gotten shingles after their children have gotten chickenpox. Also, I did hear from a couple people whose babies are now breaking out in herpes [inaudible] after getting the chickenpox vaccine. It’s a new vaccine. The studies aren’t done, so we don’t know, but it’s not life-threatening. Most children do fine with chickenpox, so you might consider allowing your kids to be exposed.

The national vaccine compensation system is a fund in Washington that was funded by tax dollars. Every vaccine has a tax on it, and the purpose of this is to compensate families whose children are vaccine-injured or who die, and I have to tell you that I’ve been in Washington at conferences where they talk about this compensation system, and they say there are seventeen full-time attorneys working in Washington to make sure you don’t get your money. Okay?

This is a system put up to help injured families, but they had all these attorneys – see you have to be able to prove that your child is vaccine injured. It’s very difficult to do, and you have a two-year window, and this is a huge problem for these children with autism, because many parents don’t connect it. They don’t realize it for like a year or two that something’s really wrong. It’s not until the child is three or four that they get diagnosed. But anyway, I have to tell you, as of 2002, they’ve settled over eight hundred million dollars’ worth of liability suits, so there’s a lot of people who are getting some money out there. And all of this is on the NBIC website.

Now, the tetanus vaccine, it is detoxified with formaldehyde and thimerosol, and according to Robert Mendelson, who I referenced many times, he said the number of booster shots is based on guesses. It’s not scientific at all. Tetanus has been progressively weakened over the years, so it’s like giving mud water. He said that there are countless references to neurological disturbances, emotion instability, and many other problems following the tetanus vaccine.

Most of the literature is a little bit older. The journal of neurology, in 1997, they mentioned this in that journal, and then the journal of allergy and clinical immunology in 1973 discussed how the tetanus vaccine causes allergic reaction and again, back in the journal of America medical association, it is recorded there as well. And he said nobody really knows if it’s necessary, and really, the way to deal with anything to do with tetanus is wound management.

Tetanus was prevalent in the turn of the century when we were walking behind cows and oxen with improper shoes. Our feet were exposed to their feces, which the spore would grow on the ground, and if you walked into it, it could get into your blood system, and that’s when it was very prevalent. Now that we have proper wound management, that’s not an issue. We have all kinds of antiseptic, topical antiseptic, and even if you just squeeze a fresh cut, you’ll flush out any toxins that could be in there. So Dr. Mendelson said that he felt that it was pretty much a useless vaccine. Dr. [inaudible] talks about it as well in her DVD.

So I want you to know that Congress signed the adult vaccine act in 1998. Did you know that? And they’ve got a whole bunch of vaccines they’re planning for you, okay? So it’s not just about our babies anymore. It’s about adults, and maybe that’s what it’s going to take to bring about change. I figure maybe when they’re asking all of you to go in and line up and bend over, maybe that’s when parents will say, “What’s going on here?” Okay? But they’ve of course had the influenza, the [inaudible], the tetanus and diphtheria vaccine.

They want the hepatitis A, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, the chickenpox vaccine. You see, if you didn’t get chickenpox, you might need that as well, and it says here, “Vaccinations for adults. You’re never too old to get shots.” So they’ve got them all planned for you, and right now, there are hundreds of vaccines being developed. They’re even talking about putting vaccines in food products, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re already there. They’re talking about bananas and potatoes and tomatoes, so what better way to get vaccines out than to put them in your food? Makes me want to start organic gardening like right now.

So anyway, we’re winding down here. Sickness in this country is a six hundred dollar billion industry, and my concern is that we’re not getting healthier. Our children are sicker than ever; our adults are being preserved on drugs in the nursing homes. They say the average senior citizen takes about fifteen to eighteen different drugs, okay? I think it’s time that we reexamine what we’re doing, especially with our children. They’re the future of our country. We’re going to lose a whole generation of males to autism. Right now, it’s affecting boys in nine out of ten profoundly affected children with autism are boys. How is that going to affect our country in the future? How is it going to affect our school systems that are already overburdened and overtaxed with learning disabilities and all these other problems? And my prayer is that something is going to change dramatically in this country.

If your child is sick already or if you have a child who has any of the neurological problems I’ve referenced – asthma, Crohn’s, gut problems, allergies, hyperactivity – there’s certain things that we’ve found that is helping these children across the country, and I’m referencing some of the best doctors that are working in this area. There’s a group called defeat autism now, DAN, and they have simultaneously going on any time of the year conferences, autism conferences going on around the country, and if you have an autistic child, join your local autism group, because they’re going to be your greatest source of support and information. But a doctor who is a DAN qualified doctor, has been to numerous seminars where they talk about how to heal and repair the gut, what they’re finding out with these children, the minerals that they’re lacking in, and the latest technology on helping these kids, and like I said, I have met parents whose children had full-blown autism, and they’re bringing them back.

And that’s the good news, but if your child is sick, you have to do several things. You need to pull all their medical records, get the lot numbers of all the vaccines that they’ve gotten. If they’re very sick with a terminal illness or autism, please make a report to the NVIC, the national vaccine information center, and they will send it in to [inaudible]. They will help you and assist you in sending a report into Washington. You see, we want them to know how many children are suffering out here, okay?

You get a report into them, find a holistic doctor. Your medical doctor who vaccinated your children most likely is not going to know how to help them. You need to find a holistic doctor, because much of what is helping these children is that mainstream medicine. Mainstream medicines, many times, the approach is just more medication, and what we’re finding is it’s more of a holistic approach to treating the human body. So find a holistic MD, or a DO, or a [inaudible] physician who specializes or is trained in how to help these children out.

It’s very important that you get allergy testing done. They find that these children are hypersensitive to all kinds of foods that you and I can eat; they cannot eat. Anything with any deer product, anything with a [inaudible], a gluten. There’s a whole diet called the gluten [inaudible] free diet, and they find that as soon as they take these foods away from the kids, their brain starts functioning better, okay? So you must get your children tested for allergies.

I really encourage you to get a chiropractic evaluation for your children. There’s nothing better than having your nervous system hooked up right, and your nervous system controls your immune system. The two go hand in hand; you cannot separate them, so if your child is suffering from hyperactivity or asthma or headaches or gut problems, tummy aches, get them in for a chiropractic evaluation. I’ve seen wonderful things happen with chiropractic. It doesn’t cure anything; it’s not the cure-all, but it helps the body to function better, and that’s why I’m a big advocate of chiropractic care.

So you have to start detoxifying them. These kids have leaky gut syndrome, they have yeast and gut bugs. They’re mineral and vitamin deficient. I am a big advocate of liquid minerals and vitamins. These kids don’t digest properly, so you don’t want to give them pills they have to break down. If you need information about that, please contact me via my website, but there’s some awesome liquid minerals and vitamins out there that can be very beneficial for children.

As I said, they cannot tolerate deer products. They have problem with digestive enzymes. They need lots of digestive help. I also like something called [inaudible]. It’s a live cell, live blood cell test, and it’s a prick of the finger, a little prick of the blood. Your medical doctor won’t do this; you have to find somebody who specializes in this. Again, I have lots of resources, and it’ll tell you a lot about what’s going on in the organs of that child, how much toxicity is there.

You must think about doing chelation therapy as well. Chelation therapy, there’s all different forms of it, but it helps to get the metals out, okay? I’ve known parents who’ve been doing it for their kids for six years now, and they said it’s very hard to get the mercury out. Usually you get out lead, aluminum, cadmium first, and then the mercury comes out, and there’s a whole protocol, so do your research. Go on the autism research institute, and you can find out about all of these things that I’m sharing with you.

How do you know if your child had a bad reaction? Well, according to the best books that I’ve read, parents describing bad reactions, it would be uncontrollable screaming, a high pitched screaming, any kind of seizures, any kind of loss of eye contact, any severe changes in behavior or personality, changes in their sleeping pattern. If a child gets a vaccine and sleeps for ten hours, twelve hours in the middle of the day, something’s wrong. Dr. [inaudible] touches on this in her DVD. Eating habits. If they have stomach or colon upsets, okay, that’s a sign of possible injury from some of the toxins. Regression in any kind of learning. If all of a sudden that child isn’t talking like they used to or they’re not maturing like they should or they’re not reacting to other children like they should, that could be a sign that something neurological is going on, okay?

So I know that I’ve given you a ton of information today. You’re probably going, like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t handle anymore.” This is just the beginning. Okay? This is not the end. You have to go home, you have to do your research, and you have to make informed decisions, and like I said, I continue to research all the time. There’s so much information out there in the internet. Yes, some of it isn’t accurate, but a lot of it’s really good stuff, and so with that, I want you to always know what you’re consenting to when you sign those forms.

I have parents say, “Well, what if my doctor won’t take care of me?” And I remind them who pays the bill. You’re the one who hires your doctor, and if your doctor will not respect your choice – you might want to wait until the child is five to do vaccines. That’s your choice. You know, some parents think, “Well, I want to do this shot, and I want to do that shot,” and I say, “Fine. Go to your doctor, order them individual, and tell your doctor you want them done individually. Make sure your child is healthy when you go in, no fevers, no colds, no swollen glands, and go ahead if that’s what you choose to do. But you’re in charge. It is your right to make these decisions on behalf of your child, and if your doctor won’t work with you, fire him or her, okay?” And then I hear, “Oh, well, my insurance company, my insurance policy covers that particular doctor.” I’m like, “Let me tell you what. If your child ends up injured, no insurance company’s going to cover you. You’re going to be stuck for the rest of your life dealing with the consequences.” So please don’t let things like money dictate where you go for your healthcare.

Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P11

The manufacturer will make between three and five million per year, and it costs about two hundred and thirty-two per child for their four shots. The manufacturer states that this vaccine could be dangerous for babies younger than six weeks old, but recommends it for babies six weeks old and above. Well, what if your child is immune compromised? What if your child isn’t quite all that it should be on the day it goes in for the shot? What if your child is premature? You see, parents aren’t really being told this information. You’re trusting that your nurse who is going to administer this vaccine knows all the guidelines. You’re putting your faith into that person, okay, that they’ve done their due diligence and they know how to administer these vaccines. So be very careful who you put your faith and trust in.

In a report called the national center for health statistics in 1988, Dr. Jay Bart [inaudible] told the FDA that Prevnar may be seven times more toxic as the [inaudible] vaccine, possibly causing an estimated four hundred to seven hundred children to develop insulin dependent diabetes. Okay, another vaccine being implicated. And he goes on to say it make take three point five to ten years following the immunization for that pancreas to finally become injured, and since it was licensed in 2000 – this is the part that gets me – there have been over 3243 Prevnar-related averse events reported to the federal government.

And there’s a system called VAERS, vaccine adverse events reporting system. Legally, a doctor is supposed to file a report every time a child has an adverse event. Now, they admit that only ten percent at best of these events get reported, okay? But because of this, they actually had four hundred and seventy-six serious events and seventy-nine deaths from a vaccine for ear infections. So again, is the American republic really being told all that they need to know to make an informed decision about this vaccine?

And I found out that they went on and they actually put, after all of these adverse events were coming in, they actually went in and added seventeen new serious events to their list of events in the packaging. That tells you their safety studies are not good. If they’re finding out after the fact that it can cause all these adverse effects and then they put it in their manufacture insert after the fact, safety studies are not being done. So who are the guinea pigs?

Now, meningitis, there are several different vaccines designed to prevent bacterial meningitis. There’s the PNU immune 23 for senior citizens, the HIB for babies, Prevnar for babies, and the [inaudible] vaccine for college students. We’re hearing a lot about college students and bacterial meningitis. There are eighty-four different types of [inaudible] bacteria identified that cause bacterial meningitis. The vaccine cannot possibly protect you from all of them, so you know, if you have a child that’s going into college, just encourage them to be clean about their lifestyle, and all you can do is encourage them to be health-conscious, but there are no long-term safety studies done on these vaccines. None whatsoever.

I want to talk about a former FDA employee. His name is Dr. John Martin. His job was to look at vaccines for contamination, and he discovered a cell-damaging virus that he called the [inaudible] virus. Now, this was years ago. This was like ten, fifteen years ago. He documented it and he was able to prove that it came from the monkey kidneys used to produce the live polio vaccine. But it passes readily between humans and domestic pets.

He went on to say that these viruses fail to be effectively recognized by the immune system and lead to neuropsychotropic illnesses, including but not limiting autism. But what happened was he went to the FDA, and he told them, “I found something very serious. It was in the polio vaccine.” He called it the stealth virus because it has the ability to hide in the immune system, and he sent the [inaudible] reports, and they ignored them, and year after year he kept finding more and more of them, and he kept telling them about it, and finally the way that they dealt with him was they pulled his license. Okay? And he has now dedicated his life to going out there and talking to people about the stealth virus, but he also said that the FDA studied the polio vaccine and found DNA from the [inaudible] virus.

Okay, again, another monkey virus. They have proof that it was in all the vaccines, and he said it was in all the vaccines prior to 1992 and given to all Americans. This virus is not picked up by the immune system and can cause a persistent inflammation throughout the body. Now, how many of us have joint pain and discomfort and inflammation throughout our body? A lot of people suffer with these problems, so he’s saying he believes it’s the stealth and the [inaudible] virus that we got through the vaccines. He said the FDA covered up their discovery, knowing it was a great problem, and even though he opened dialogue with the CDC again, they pulled his license. He was stripped of his ability to have a laboratory.

I want to talk about vaccines and SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome. If you’ve ever met a parent who lost a baby to SIDS, it’s very sad, because they have what looks like a perfectly healthy child to goes to bed one day, napping or whatever, and dies while sleeping, and I actually had the opportunity to talk to the president of the SIDS foundation years ago in Michigan, and I asked her – she had a child who died from SIDS, and most of them, by the way, are boys, and I don’t know if you remember, but Boyd Haley was trying to figure out why most children who are autistic are boys, and he found that boys hold on to the thimerosol in the brain because of testosterone in their body and that it acts like a catalyst driving thimerosol deeper into the tissue and that he believes that’s why most children who are autistic are boys, okay?

Well, then I find out that most children who die from SIDS are also boys, but I asked this woman who’s the president of the Michigan SIDS foundation, “Have you ever looked at vaccines as being a probable cause?” And she said, “No, there’s no way.” And I said, “Go back to your –“ she has doctors who are on the board – I said, “Ask them if they’ve ever looked into the vaccines as being cause of SIDS, and she said she went back and they said, “There’s no way. There’s no way on earth.” So I began to do my research, and I would like to talk about Dr. Vera [inaudible]. She is a PhD, [inaudible] scientist, and back in 1895, she developed the first breathing monitor called the [inaudible] system, and it was for siblings whose brothers and sisters died with SIDS, and it was a very high-tech computer system where the babies had monitors monitoring their blood pressure and their respiration to try to understand why children die in their sleep, and this is her conclusion on the front of her book.

A hundred years of orthodox research shows that vaccines represented in a medical assault on the immune system. This is another great book. You can get it on, I believe, thinktwice.com. I’m hoping to offer these books on my website soon, but anyway, she says, “I found that the most prominent stressful event in babies studied was after their vaccines. This monitor recorded the breathing patterns,” and she said, “it was painfully obvious to me they were suffering from respiratory failure after getting vaccines.”

In her conclusion, she said, “Vaccines did not only prevent any infectious illnesses, they caused more suffering than any other human activity in the entire history of medical intervention.” It will be decades before mopping up after the disasters caused by vaccines. She said that all vaccines should be stopped immediately, and all families should be compensated appropriately. Well, after she came out with this, they began to ruin her. They basically took away all of her funding and she has now dedicated her life to doing what I’m doing, sharing information about the dangers of vaccines.

Let’s see, who else? They had a huge conference, a SIDS conference in 1970, and Harris [inaudible] was actually in Washington for this conference. There were ten countries there, and he said that the question was asked to this panel of experts: what is the difference between a SIDS death and a vaccine death? And no one had anything to say. They said there’s really no way we can tell the difference. But ironically, after that, Australia made vaccines non-compulsory. They told the people you don’t have to come in and get your children vaccinated until the age of two. Okay? They stopped mandating them for the age of two.

The very next year, fifty percent of the people opted out of the vaccines, and their SIDS rate dropped by fifty percent. Now, we have one of the worst SIDS rates of all industrialized, modernized countries, yet we have more doctors, more specialized neonatal care centers. We have the best equipment. We’ve got more drugs. It’s amazing that we can take a one pound baby that is born early, and we can help them to thrive, but what happens to our children? Why do we have children dying off at very high, alarming rates? In fact, somewhere I’ve got my stats in here of how many children die of SIDS every year. Okay, I don’t have it, but it’s available on my website. Anyway, so we do know that vaccines can cause sudden infant death syndrome. It’s one of those topics that needs to be further researched, and I’m hoping that as people become more aware of it, they realize that this research needs to be done.

I want to talk about hepatitis B. hepatitis B is the shot they’re giving children right at birth, and [inaudible] Fisher from the national vaccine information center said that it got licensed without adequate proof of long term safety. Studies included a few thousand children monitored for only four to five days after the vaccine to check for reaction. In 1994, the institute of medicine reported that there’s compelling scientific evidence to conclude that hepatitis B vaccine can cause shock and can end in death.

Now, hepatitis B is something that we’re screening for. Pregnant women get tons of blood taken during pregnancy. You pregnant women out there can attest, and I just actually had my first grandson, and my daughter said, “Mom, they took seven vials of blood,” and when I asked why, they’re testing for all of these diseases. So the pre-screen women to see who has hepatitis B. Why is it that they don’t pick the few who have hepatitis B or are carriers and recommend that their children get tested after birth and then give the vaccine if they choose? Being that it’s not a safe vaccine, it makes no sense to give it to every child across the board. And again, it’s just public awareness.

The chickenpox vaccine, which is the varicella [inaudible], was licensed in 1995, and it can cause chickenpox. Right here in [inaudible], Michigan, they just had a huge outbreak of chickenpox because I have nephews that go to school there, and when my brother went to school, the teachers say, “Oh, we have this huge outbreak of chickenpox, you shouldn’t come to school,” and he said, “Why?” And they said, “Well, you know, it’s contagious,” and we come to find out that the children who broke out with the chickenpox had all just recently been vaccinated. So he sent his son to school hoping to expose him so that he could get his chickenpox, okay? To strengthen his immune system, but we know that people who are getting the chickenpox vaccine are getting the chickenpox.

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Why Vaccines Are Dangerous P10

And the next chart will show you how in 1985, Corpus Christi had a huge outbreak of measles. 99 perfect were fully vaccinated. In 1986 in Wisconsin, 96 were fully vaccinated. In the United States in 1988, 69 percent of all the school age children who had measles were fully vaccinated. In 1989, again, 89 percent of all the school age children in this country were fully vaccinated, and then again in 1995. 56 percent of all children who had measles were fully vaccinated. Now, this is a live virus, so my question is who’s infecting who? We’ll never know, and when I see articles in the newspaper about outbreaks of whooping cough and measles, I always read it very carefully, because they don’t tell you if the children who had the outbreak had been vaccinated. And in one, I had actually a copy of it, there was a big pertussis whooping cough outbreak in Ohio, and you read the article, and it’s all this fear, fear, fear about whooping cough, and then they say at the very bottom, “One child was unvaccinated.” That says all the others were vaccinated, doesn’t it?

But we let fear motivate us, and they use fear all the time to get us in for vaccines. When you look at these articles, when you hear the newscasters on television, just realize that many times, the stats that they have are inconclusive. They’re incorrect, and fear is a big motivating factor. My complaint with television is that it’s all funded by pharmaceutical companies. I can’t tell you how many radio programs I’ve tried to get on. I’ll be on one time, and I’ll call them back a few months later and say, “What kind of feedback did you get?” “Well, we had a lot of doctors complain in the community, and now we’re not allowed to have you on anymore.” That’s a fact.

Right here in northern Michigan, it was like open line Friday, and I always try to get on when I can, and it was after 9/11, and everyone was talking about the terrible problem in our country with 9/11, and I got on, and I said, “You know, we have a 9/11 taking place in the blood of our children in this country every day.” And he said, “What do you mean?” I said, “You know, eight thousand children are at risk every day of mercury damage because of vaccines, mercury injury.” And he said, “What are you talking about? That can’t possibly be true.” And I said, “I can prove it.” He said, “You bring me proof, and I’ll give you airtime. This would be breaking news.” So I got all of my congressional records and all of my information and my list of what’s in vaccines, and I went down to the radio station, and I handed it to him, and I said, “Here you go.”

And I also handed him a Channel 7 investigative report video that was done in Detroit on the whole thimerosol autism vaccine issue where they proved that the drug companies were lying to the doctors about thimerosol-free vaccines. They actually proved that the doctors were being lied to by the representatives, and then the patients were being told inaccurate information, and that the vaccines were not thimerosoll0free, okay? And I took him that. He looked it over and called me back a couple days later and he said, “I’m really sorry, Mary, I can’t put you on.” I said, “Why? You told me on the air that you’d have me on to discuss this.” “Well, I talked to the other guy who had you on a couple years ago, and after you were on, we got so many complaints from the medical community that it’s not good for our ratings.” And he said, “I’m really sorry.” And I said, “So children can go on being injured, but your ratings are more important?”

You see, that’s what the problem is with the media. We can’t get any coverage on this topic, so I’m hoping that parents – you see, we are the consumers in this country. Nothing is going to change in Washington. Nothing. I really believe that. Until parents stand up and say no. When the doctors figure it out that parents are getting onto them, that they’re getting smart and making educated, informed decisions, then they’re going to have to figure out a better safe vaccine, you know? If there’s such a thing available, but until more doctors injure their own children, unfortunately that’s what’s happening.

All of the medical doctors that I’ve met who are out there helping other children now have unfortunately injured their own children or have family members who are injured. You know, the woman who formed our group, Michigan opposing mandatory vaccines, her nephew died right after getting his DPT shot. Unfortunately, more babies are going to have to be injured. More celebrities are going to have to have injured children. More people in Congress, more Senators, okay, before anything will change in Washington.

What my hope and prayer is that you will do your research and that you will reach all the people in your communities, your neighbors, your friends, the people in your churches. You see, I’m only one person, but I know for a fact if you can tell them about my DVD and you can give them information and websites that they can then make an informed decision, and if nothing more, our government will be forced to do independent research on the safety issues and will be forced to make safer vaccines for those who want to do them. Okay? That’s your job. I’ve commissioned you.

Anyway, I want to show you the next chart. This was on the rubella vaccine. Remember we get the MMR together? Well, the rubella vaccine is being given to women who are going into childbearing ages because they have no natural immunity from their rubella vaccine, so they have to get a booster shot. Well, rubella vaccine has been linked to arthritis in adult women. Fifty-five percent complain of joint pain and develop arthritis within four weeks of getting the shot. Then in two different studies from the journal of the American medical association, in 1981, they did a poll of doctors who give the rubella vaccine to pregnant women, and when they ask them if they would themselves take the shot, in one study, seventy-eight percent said that they would refuse to take it. In another study, ninety-one percent said that they would refuse to take the shot themselves. But they’ll be happy to give it to you, and that’s reported by Neal Miller.

I want to talk about Harris [inaudible]. He is an incredible man. He’s authored several books, and one of them is he co-authored it with [inaudible] Fisher, a Shot in the Dark. He’s written many, many books pertaining to vaccines, but his background is he’s got a PhD in medical history. He spoke seven fluent languages, so he was able to interpret data from other countries much better than anyone I would ever know, and he wrote a book, Vaccination, Social Violence [inaudible], the Medical Assault on the American Brain. And in this book he says, and I’m going to quote, “In 1965, four to five years after Congress passed the immunization assistant act, doctors began to encounter a whole new group of neurologically deficit four and five year olds. By 1975, within ten short years, activity limited chronic conditions was up by forty-four percent. Why weren’t we watching? Why weren’t we paying attention?

Most of these conditions are associated with post [inaudible] syndrome, which is a brain inflammation due to some sort of toxic exposure. Specifically, respiratory disease was up by forty-seven percent. Asthma, sixty-five percent, and death from asthma increased as well. Mental and nervous system problems eighty percent. How many children do we know have mental problems now, have learning problems, who are hyperactive and are on all kinds of drugs to keep them stable? Don’t we all know children who are suffering with these problems? Hyperactivity, behavior disorders, drug abuse? Three hundred percent increase ten years after we started doing vaccines. Diseases of the eyes and the ears, a hundred and twenty percent increase. Loss of hearing, a hundred and twenty-nine percent. And the number of disabled children went from one million to over two million by 1960. Why weren’t we paying attention?

What I think is the pharmaceutical industry, the institute of medicine found a vehicle, and they’re on that vehicle, and they’re driving it as fast as they can, and they’re not stopping to look and see the consequences, and until something changes, this vehicle is going to just keep on going. Harris [inaudible] also has testified before Congress about the effects of vaccines on the [inaudible] of the pancreas causing type one diabetes. Again, another problem children never used to have, and now we have huge incidences of juvenile type one diabetes. He said the MMR vaccine, the rubella component of the vaccine has been implicated in causing juvenile onset type one diabetes.

The pertussis vaccine, the old pertussis toxins secreted by the micro [inaudible] pertussis causes whooping cough. It is also called the eyelet activating protein because it affects the pancreas, so if a child gets whooping cough, they can have problems with their pancreas after. But he went on to say that the live virus vaccine was causing all kinds of problems with the pancreas, which ends up causing hypoglycemia or diabetes, and it can take up to five years for diabetes to appear after the vaccine.

You can’t get into the service if you have diabetes, right? You go through a vigorous physical exam. He did a study on how many people came out of the service because of diabetes, and it’s incredible, and I don’t have it, but I have it all in my records at home, so if you’re interested in that, let me know, but he showed how many of our servicemen and servicewomen were let out of the army and armed forces because of diabetes after getting all of their vaccines, so there’s lots of proof. Prevnar vaccine. Prevnar is just recently approved by the FDA in 2000, and it’s used to prevent earaches and pneumonia as well as bacterial meningitis. It’s produced by [inaudible], and they’re the same ones who produced that wonderful Rota shield vaccine that was on the market for six months and got pulled because of injury.

They paid, by the way, Dr. Catherine Edwards two hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars to study the vaccine for safety and efficacy. Well, guess what? She’s also a member of the vaccine advisory committee. Now, if someone was paying you over two hundred thousand dollars to study a vaccine for safety, don’t you think you might be kind of inclined to let that vaccine get through? You see, I believe that people who are getting money are not able to do a good job. They’re going to automatically have a biased opinion, and you know, again, Prevnar is one of those things, children don’t die of earaches. Come on, now.

And its efficacy – this is amazing – there are no long term studies on the vaccine. It’s a bioengineered vaccine combining seven strains of bacteria, and then it’s combined with the diphtheria toxin. Sounds yummy. It is grown in [inaudible] amino acids and is yeast extract purified with aluminum sulfate. Again, neurotoxins, and according to Michael [inaudible], he says this, “Such a creation has never before existed on the earth, and the human race has never before in its entire history been exposed to such a product.” We’re being told it’s a great vaccine.

Very quickly, I want to talk about it. In the manufactured studies, the results were only seven percent fewer earaches and less than 0.1 percent fewer pneumonias, and yet they’re mandating it for all children. The package [inaudible] says, “Precaution. Should under no circumstances be administered intravenously,” which means near blood vessel or a nerve. Now, when you take a baby in for their vaccines, how do you know that that nurse is not going to touch a blood vessel with that shot? They’re so tiny. There’s no way of knowing, but that’s in the manufacturer’s insert because if it gets into the blood system, it can cause major organ damage, okay?

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